Bro, pass me the inhaler

Bro, pass me the inhaler

high-performance sport day in, day out in subzero-centigrade-climate is the best for asthmatics.

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hang on, that doesn't sound right!

*wins the olympics*


>It wasnt a meme

Holy shit

*inhales* mmmm thats the good stuff

Nah, it's true. Cat's out of the bag. Some people have asthma in Norway

russia and norway should be banned for life in the olympics tbhfams

not hard doping anyway. we live in a cold country and spend way too much time indoors

superior genetic stock is all there is to it tbqhwy

How fast do you ski bro?

>needs steroids to breathe
>superior genetic stock

Why? Poor genetic?

>have asthma
>win gold
>don't have asthma
>don't win gold
flawless logic, m8

there's not going to be many athletes left if start baning people for using medicines not on the doping list

honestly I only felt the need to chime in because I have mild asthma myself. I feel like it really is a thing here
same with skin cancer. I think we're the highest on the world chart on that too

>don't train hard enough
>blame asthma medicine when they don't win

Every single time.

Reminder that asthmatics should be sent to the paralympics.

* special olympics

Isn't the Paralympics easy as fuck to get into as it is anyway?

I don't get this. I'm 34, and can't even remember any of my friends throughout school or in adult life being asthmatic. I might have seen somebody use an inhaler less than ten times in my life.

If you consider being a cripple easy

same here. we had maybe one kid in school with asthma serious enough to bring an inhaler to school, and he was "the asthma kid".

but these athletes don't need asthma medication in the same way he needed it, he could have died. they need it to perform. also i think they have a different form of asthma, without asthma attacks.

Spanish basketball team literally feigned retardation to get in. It worked.

is having asthma a sport?

I live in a colder climate than Oslo and no one I know is asthmatic

It's an abstract kind of asthma

Wow, reading this now. That's horrible. Spaniards have no shame.

Don't Australians have you beat in skin cancer?

Do you have fungus in your mouth?

>they didnt bring their steroid inhalators

whats the point of flying all the way to korea if you aint even gonna try to win?

t. mad that we gonna pass you in total gold medal records

Yes, yes just inhalers. Nothing else to see here

>they need it to perform
No shit, I wish our skiiers would take something so that they might perform.

well, she works out for ~1000 hours pr year, so it's not weird she's fit

Don't forget to send the money to the judges bro


As long as you norges are here, I have a question. I skate ski recreationally and don't understand why people spend hundreds of dollars on poles. I just use cheap ones because I only really use them going up hills. Do poles matter for anyone other than tryhards and olympians?

is france our new best ally? my respect for fourcade has also been increasing recently. wish you the best of luck in the relay although it will be a tough competition

depends how much you ski. if you ski as much as several times a week i'd say its worth to invest in a nicer pair of poles. but you don't have to spend hundreds. you should be able to get several season old edition top or next top of the line pole for just around a hundred if you look around


they don't matter as much as your skis do but if you ski a lot then light poles do make it a whole lot more enjoyable

ur mum prefers my pole if you catch my meaning

So long as theyre the right length it doesnt matter. The more expensive ones tend to be easier to break too, so cheaper is better for amateurs.

Asthma is a psychosomatic disease. What you need is a shrink.

Is there a good balance between light weight and durability? Maybe Fischer RC3? I ski about once a week for 2-3 months, usually only for 6 miles (9km?) or so.

Says the country who's judge was litterally paid off by the russians to increase their notes back in salt lake city.

You have no shame.

>Says the country who's judge was litterally paid off by the russians to increase their notes back in salt lake city.
A bribe taking frenchman? Now I've heard everything.

>ur mum prefers my pole if you catch my meaning
You work in a dowelling factory?

>usually only for 6 miles (9km?) or so.
So twenty minutes or so? Dude why do you even bother skiing?

>9km in twenty minutes
nigga u fast

More like 30 minutes. There's only one place near me with clean snow that is dedicated to cross country skiing, and after going around the loop twice I don't usually feel like doing it again.

Where's the Atrovent?


>Predisolon 20

Based KOLS pasient

Chris Froome kept winning in cycling despite being an asthmatic. Training in harsh condition has hindered his lung capacity, which is why he had to keep taking asthma medication.
In Tour de Spain he was in such a poor condition that he had to take a double dose, which allowed him to win by a large margin. And here we come across a paradox where healthy competitors are unable to keep up with a sick man who himself said was in extremely poor condition before the race in Spain.

If training in harsh conditions causes your lungs to stop functioning at a desired level, then you are not fit for that sport and should either find a different discipline, go study or start working. When sick people dominate the sport, you should realise that something is definitely not right.

Asthma inhalers don't do shit if you don't have asthma, it's like taking antibiotics when you don't have a bacterial infection

do you think the ioc is going to check the entire collection of 6000 doses of asthma medication

Thank you for this insight, Doc.

at least when we dope, it's to become champions in sports people give a shit about

>Being angry at Aryan people winning at sports