What should I do with $20,000

What should I do with $20,000
Sup Forums? I’m 22 and it is my life savings.

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Something productive on the long run, or you could waste it all on dumb nigger shit

give me 1K so I can pay the bills

$15,000 Roth IRA
$3000 CD
$2000 Savings
$1000 to me for financial services

Buy nigger skin cream. Become ultra race.

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give me $10 so I can buy food cuz I live in a shithole and earn that much in a day

Hookers and blow, my friend. Hookers and blow...

travel very cheaply for a very long time

Stocks and more stocks

Go out, buy a dirt bike. And go for a rip!

what is roth ira mate?stocks?

I'm 21 and i have around 100 000 $ i inherited, what do ?

House down payment if you don't own a home. Otherwise retirement money, stocks CDs, 401k etc

Read Intelligent Investor. Then invest most of it in VTI.

what if u woke up....and niggas was horses?

tax sheltered investment account in usa

It's basically a savings account for retirement, but it grows at a better rate. You won't pay taxes when you withdraw, unlike other retirement plans. Def stash some money in roth ira

invest and save most of it. buy an OK car. nothing insane. I'm talkin spend 3500 on one. rent out a cheap apartment and keep working and putting more money in savings. Use the money for emergencies only. and maybe if you want to, take a trip that costs like 3,000 for a celebration, but not more than that. 100k goes quick kid. Don't blow it all. You'll need that money for emergencies down the line and you'll fully regret it if you spend it right away.

Yeah but hes 22.. prolly no house.. if u put in ira cant take out for house

Give all of it to a woman. Doesn't matter which one.

>100 000 $ i inherited, what do ?
invest it safely into index funds or other low-risk investments. don't spend anything on bullshit, no fancy cars or shit like that
100k at 21 is a huge head start in life. Use it wisely

This is fucking dumb advice. Op what u do with money depends on ur current financial situation. Do u have consistent stream of income? Do u have house? All that kinda shit matters... CDs and savings accounts are the dumbest fuxking investments.. if u think youll need the money in less than 4 yrs, then CD is okay idea... otherwise just buy VTI

Buy a premium .com domain and start a business

If the business fails you still have an asset in the domain and if it doesn't you might just get fucking rich

take risks while you're young, putting that 20k in an index fund will give you like 80-100k when you're 65 years old but whats the fucking point when you're that age,

Peyote and amateurs.

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