No Black Woman thread? Y'all are really gonna let these trannies have the whole damn catalogue huh?

No Black Woman thread? Y'all are really gonna let these trannies have the whole damn catalogue huh?

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Other urls found in this thread:


If I had a black gf, I would have been showing her off here... one day.

Absolute king decision m8

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they're all so fucking beautiful ;_;
keep posting pls. gonna build me a blackqt folder

Tbh vegan black women tend to be really hot, I dont think blacks are made to eat meat.

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Light skinned or dark?

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i prefer light skinned/tattoos, but any is fine. thanks btw

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im still lurking user, where are you. we need a link or something to a zip or something full of black queens

Attached: j5UU7Oc.jpg (1536x2304, 751K)

my god im IN LOVE

Yeah my internet just got throttled for some reason, maybe a cloud passed over or something.

Attached: 43tzzkh.jpg (750x929, 468K)

I should honestly make a zip or something but that's not really in the cards s I'm nice I have no wifi at the moment and I'm forced I to phoneposting.

I have like 3 GB of webms of black women riding white dick too but none of them would fit on Sup Forums

Attached: f9nz2LQ.jpg (466x809, 32K)

my nigga
just do me a favor and upload your folder somewhere to make this quicker if you dont mind lol

keep posting please i need more but im very picky when it comes to nigger chicks

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Part of me wants to breed a black bitch. Part of me wants to stay away because they’re ratchet.

can confirm, half black vegan gf tastes like idyllic elysium waterfalls when i'm eating her pussy. like fucking heaven. also her booty is unreal

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I want to tribute her! Post that in the tribute thread, and ask for Whitezilla

Attached: 259007_12big.jpg (950x629, 379K)

bro you gotta share them queens ;_;


In theory you could just convert them to smaller gifs even from a phone but that takes forever

Attached: UgDGJaP.gif (400x227, 621K)

More ass and asshole pics of her please
GF or wife ?

that's not her lol, not sharing her sorry breh, happy to post more ebony qveens. soon to be wifey tho

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I dont really understand the point of tribs fam but you can do whatever you want this is an anonymous website bro, I'm just not into seeing dick bro, thanks bro.

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They're a mixed bag like any other group.

In the south mixed offspring deny you exist and instead of saying my grand dad was white you'll usually hear my dad was mixed instead.

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They'll probably live longer too, since soul food kills more black people than black people.

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Same girl again

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It's very good to cum inside a black pussy.

keep posting, i got a fucking python download script downloading all these beauties. thanks guys

I think it's safe to assume whenever you visit a black woman house, her ass has been placed on the bathroom counter at least once like this.

Attached: 0BLWGpD.jpg (999x1241, 437K)

healthy hair, body, skin, smell, everything smells so perfect and is amazing to the touch. i'm not 100% vegan but damn does she make some amazing meals too, all vegan.

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Last one of this thot I think.

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See she probably just got her ass off the counter right there.

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gosh braids are so fucking sexy. my gf goes natural 100% of the time, but i'd love for her to braid her hair just once or twice a year

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I want to miniaturize myself and live inside the panties of a thicc negress. I hope she farts too

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Braids are even hot on white girls so long as they dont tie them down to the scalp but that's even unattractive on black women.

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Wtf...? What a pitiful man you are

I dont think shrinking anything would get you very far with negresses.

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You’re the one lashing out, kiddo

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I fucking love Stormi Maya.

if there's too much extension i don't like it, but i always have a difficult choice between braids and poofy curly hair. what a beautiful problem

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Lulu Simpson

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If I fart for you will it make it better? Lmfao what a disgusting faggot.

Tight curls are probably better than the Cecilia Leone look or whatever her name is.

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This chick I cant think of her name.

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Those feet...Hmmm...To sniff in between the toes...

>Cecilia Leone
i htink it's lion, who knows. but agreed, helathier for sure, but the bigger the hair the more i love it. but at the same time, the bouncier the curls on the tighter curl is so cute

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Stop arguing with the fart faggot jesus were on Sup Forums - Random.

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Now that I've posted that theres something unsettling ab her face.

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Oh well I'll get over it.

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Insulting people like this on the internet only shows people how insecure you are yourself lol. You actually expect to bother me, don’t you? You actually expect me to be insecure about a silly joke I made? That’s adorable, user

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Yeah I dont know why you two are being so serious ab this with all the fucking pussy in the thread, goddamn kings.

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What makes you so sure everyone here is white that would benefit you by switching to white women?

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When your body is a chair for your torso

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I’ll stop feeding the trolls when I run out of extra fat asses, thank you very much. My jungle fever is an aggressive strain

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why do black people have to mention hierarchical titles constantly?

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not strictly black people, but it's what happens when your culture is taken from you and you're left with american ""culture"""

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Fuck black people

I would narrow it down to only the women, but hell yes Sup Forumsrother I don’t judge

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Blacks are big gay

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I'm the guy who keeps saying king and I only do it in reference to Doge memes.

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Fun and friendly discord server! Join now to have some late night fun and comfy vibes!



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black people have no culture they destroy everything

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I was waiting for you guys to show up.

This isnt even an WMBW thread, dont you have a life?

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you're asking if poltards have a life? cmon, don't be that silly

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Curves that smooth make me act fucking strange

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Eh still any post with any photo of a white male fucking anything other than a white female automatically gets blown up by these virgins.

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What an interesting observation.
You gonna start quoting crime statistics now?

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Who is that? She's gorgeous.

Dont forget the aids

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being shutins with no real grasp on life does that to your brain. always a reminder to go out and talk to people

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Let's have some more Stormi

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I have no idea, I think it came from some Mega folder.

The only "attractive" negros are those with Caucasian features.....

This is very easy to disprove, but you are just gonna keep drawing lines around who actually counts as black.
Just cause you don't know anything of african culture doesn't mean they dont have one.

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Me too. It’s not our fault

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That's too bad, thanks anyway!

Attached: Screenshot_20191214-220208.png (1011x1477, 1.52M)

More Stormi? Sure.

Attached: Stormi-Maya__thefappening2015_com-13.jpg (640x547, 65K)

Mmmm...negress on right

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I want to fuck a black bitch bad but would never date one

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