prove you're an oldfag
Prove you're an oldfag
last night I silently pounded your sister
Nigger wordfilters to peanut butter. Frosted butts. Hole man.
Pierced the steaming clam of your sister.
kill yourself
Last night I phoned your sister and we had a nice dialogue
That's an aged beef patty. Bondaged.
roody-poo candy ass
6th bond 9th number on the menu
Get fucked newfag noone uses that anymore.
Good vibes wordfilters to Slayer.
you shot my sister and turned her into hamburger meat?
is it still cannibalism if she's vegan?
That wasn’t even that old
Daniel Craig is the 6th bond
Last night I suppressed the American freedom of your sister
You Brosnan-burgered my sister?!?
Goddamn your eyes, OP.
Last night I bonded with beef-Patty, your sister.
The earliest i can remember of my /b time was this and the trap roulettes
It didnt upload the image
Not necessarily old but does anyone remember those Times Square postcard stand threads. I was in one where a madman actually did it and knocked it over. Those were good times.
>James bond burger