What can Democrats do to win over rural voters?

What can Democrats do to win over rural voters?

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>What can Democrats do to win over rural voters?
they can stop campaigning for the literal death of rural people?


quit fucking with gun rights too. show some real tolerance of other peoples beliefs and ways of life.

they don't pay enough attention to really understand how bad the democratic party is as far as corruption, but they do understand that the democratic party has no respect for the average person, and their wishes

Have you ever liked a democratic candidate?

Andrew Yang

i think Bernie made a hell of a lot of good points in 2016.
i think he brought hundreds of thousands of people into the Dem party, who all stood up loudly and stated what they wanted.

the democrats 100% rigged the primaries, and the vote at the convention to give the nomination to Hillary, despite everyone and their dog knowing there wasn't a chance that the bulldog that is trump wouldn't decimate her in debates and ultimately the polls.

they need to legalize meth, incest and bestiality

They have to stop being fags

Stop being the party of elitist. If you're getting endorsements from celebrities, you're doing something wrong.

Be an actual workers party.

Stop apologizing for socialist policies, own up to it.

Stop making social issues a central part of your campaign. Thry are wildly polarizing.

Stop being involved on foreign affairs, and no more wars. Focus on American interest unapologetically, from a non interventionist pov.

>legalize meth, incest and bestiality
Didn't Canada already do the last one?

Throw a tent over the Red States, and gas them like termites.

Lower taxes, lower spending, less regulation. Be Republican

You mean literally? They literally want to kill them? Literally?

Identify actual issues those people have and appeal to those issues.

See post two above "throw a tent over red states and gas them"

What an idiot

Yeh! If Cleatus wants to fuck his sister and teach creationism in college, y'all need to respect that!

LOL, Amerifats. The end of empire is right around the corner. :D

8 out of the top 10 states for meth states are Democrat controlled states.

The only 3 states in the U.S. where incest is legal between family members over the age of 18 - are Democrat controlled states

States where beastiality was still legal till very recently, or still permit it to this day - are ONLY Democrat-controlled states

Damn, user - why do Democrats blame Republicans for the left's love of meth, incest & fucking animals?

So kill the gays, deport the Mexicans, and take welfare away from niggers?

I wonder why dems have such a bad record with the south.

Fucking gross! I'm not surprised deranged, mentally unstable left wingers smoke meth while fucking farm animals and their own sisters - but they made it legal?! Holy fuck!!!!

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Literally? You mean they want to construct a literal tent, several thousand miles long, and literally cover multiple states? Literally? Because, literally, that would be literally bad.

Yeah, this is a petty well known trend. The left are into incest and fucking their pets, but project their degenerate fetishes onto everyone else.

LOL, quit samefagging, samefag. There's plenty of hillbillies on Sup Forums to agree with you without you samefagging it up.

Yang gang baby

yes, literally, they would do this if they could

>Being this asshurt
Stop fucking your pets and siblings while doing meth, user.

>What can Democrats do to win over rural voters?
get stupid

Samefag says what?

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start fucking them over like the republicans do

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Oh that's, literally, awful. Literally, I wish that there was some literal way I could help.


S why exactly do you American leftists insist on having sex with your family pet & family members? You're aware heavy meth use probably explains the high rate of mental illness issues among predominately left wing individuals?

You seem awful bitter, user. Did authorities confiscate your puppy? Ya know you shouldn't be fucking your pets.

Get rid of that retarded electoral college bullshit which give an uneven weight to the voters from rural states.

Return to being the party for the working class and stop supporting policies that actively hurt the working class.
Unrestricted immigration
High taxation and regulations for businesses that disproportionately hurt small business or self employed individuals such as nearly doubling the minimum wage
Attacks on their way of life specificly in regards to firearms ownership
These things need to be course corrected if they ever want to regain the that base.

I'm a Brit. Don't know jack about this. How are the Dems campaigning for the literal death of rural people?

Kek. This. Chick I knew in high school is making $10 an hour and is as MAGA as they come. They just boosted minimum to $15 an hour in her state and she's raging against it because reasons. What a fucking idiot.

Free college

Basically do the opposite of everything they stand for

Dont pay the hillbilly and mind. He must also think obama is reptilian.

Take a beat before you do another post agreeing with yourself. That way, no one will ever know you're a samefag! :D

Nothing. The rural peoples are trapped in a death spiral. Good riddance.

Then we just end up with urban centers making every decision for people who live in radically different economic conditions. As it stands with the EC things run back and forth about 50/50 between rural and urban interests which is ideal.

some rural voters are intelligent, hard-working, worthwhile
some are god damn retards.

you want to win over the worthwhile ones. you don't want to go full retard and compromise your message at the expense of your worthwhile voters. you'll never be all-inclusive.

My advice? Stay moderate.

>Well if you don’t want a liberal dictating how you live your life, you must fuck your sister, cletus...

Probably because most areas that have seen minimum wage hikes in recent years have seen a corresponding cut in work hours, layoffs and business closures. I mean, I realize left wingers aren't particularly bright and struggle with even basic applied mathematics - but even a mentally deficient knuckle dragger like you should be able to grasp the middle school-level multiplication required to figure this out.

Well, being a foreigner, you, literally, don't know what Americans mean when they say "literally". Literally, when you use "literally", it's the highest form of dicourse available in America.


the problem is America would literally be a better place if half of those rural fuckers would die. But sure, promising better infrastructure, modern jobs, and better healthcare is wanting to kill rural people. Give me a break. That party won't do anything to actually kill all of the rural leeches who've been holding our country and her economy back for over a hundred years. In reality, I wish the south would just split away so you sorry stupid hillbilly fucks would just live in a third world country

signed, a rural american who actually has an education and avoids other rural people

Did you actually ask why?
Did they cut her hours down to where she is no longer full time due to now having a 50% increase in costs regarding pay?
There are a lot of reasons people oppose it.

Tell them that as the party of Mooslims, you understand the needs of a constituency that fucks barnyard animals.

Oh, yeh, Vox is the gold standard when it comes to reporting.

Also, ad hominem, so your argument is invalid and I win! :D

because democrats believe in freedom

but republicans wanna suck jesus cock so bad they don't want us to be free

fuck jesus he was a dumb jew

LOL, yeh, really should have just let them secede. They would be the biggest, most retarded province of Mexico by now.

they already have literal third world country roads and internet connections, some places don't have running water or electricity, and there are even slab cities in the woods in some areas, shanty towns where old rednecks live. There are some places in the south where there is literally no internet available. Then we gave these morons cell phones to invade our Sup Forums reeeee

She wasn't full time to begin with. The only reason you would vote against your own self-interest is if you're retarded enough to let plutocrats brainwash you. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. :D

I'm in rural Missouri. When the NRA called and said their recommendation went to Jason Kander (D) and not Eric Greitens (R) that seriously mattered to me.

Missouri was a swing state for decades. It's leaning hard red now. But most of my friends would absolutely vote for Bernie. We don't agree with everything he says, but he came off as a sincerely honest politician. Which is more than the R's that represent us now.

Rural poverty actually has a shit ton in common with urban poverty. We basically have no police. The police we do have explicitly tell us to get guns and defend ourselves. That's when they're not on Cartel payrolls directly and the Attorney General (the crook who took over after Greitens got tossed) does nothing because we basically have no profitable tax revenue. We have the highest meth rate in the country, and the opiod epidemic is killing us in droves. But you clearly haven't seen the things tweakers do. Defending ourselves is the only option.

Bernie was ok with guns. That's a necessary but not sufficient requirement to get my vote. Because if you're against gun rights, you're just completely delusional about the reality we live in here in the trailer park, and I don't trust anything else you say. I'm friends with the cops here. Our response time for out-of-""city"" limits county is 1.5 hours. Because that's just how rural backroads work.

Healthcare would kick ass. But the reality is that it's way more efficient to spend giveaways on urban areas. Which means rural poverty almost never gets the benefits of ambitious federal programs. We do however get our businesses shut down because we can't afford regulatory compliance.

What actually needs to happen is recognizing different communities need different programs and laws. And pass sensible reglation accordingly.

How exactly is ever expanding government, government programs and the taxation to pay for that supporting freedom exactly? The government now is the largest the world has ever seen and has the most overwhelming surveillance state ever created, Stalin or Hitler would be in awe of the leviathan the USA government has become. Last I checked the Democrats are all about big government

user, his source directly cites Washington State Bureau of Labor statistics data, US Labor Dept. data, New York Sate labor data. And you're seriously sniveling about ad hominem when your post he addressed was basically ad hoc pre ad hominem with a slice of cognitive dissonance? You really aren't particularly bright.

I'm starting to see why most you 'Muricans see U.S. left wingers as being especially dim.

This. If the dems would just mellow out on guns, I'm sure they could flip a lot of swing states.

Uhhh, you're using quite a few multi-syllable terms, bruh. Might want to dumb it down so the Democrats in the thread can understand. Maybe stick to monosyllable words for the Bernie bros.

$15 an hour is only in my self interest if I stay on the payroll. The business I work at has 8 employees and we make roughly $10 an hour. Personnel is 44% of the expenses. Now how does this business pay for a 50% increase?
I'll give you a hint: have fewer now-expensive employees.

I thought I told you to stop samefagging it up? Plus, more ad hominem so I win again. :D:D:D

Not hard, just stop calling them deplorables, treating them like shit, and promoting everything they despise.

Seeing that was my first post in this particular thread, you're further illustrating what other anons have stated about your stunted mental faculties, mate.

And how do you live on $10 an hour? You don't. The smart money would be to invite your current boss to jam his shitty jobs uo his ass and beat it. That would create a vaccum that a decent employer could fill. Learn some economics, Cleatus.

None of those are Republican policies.

Lol, I can’t understand how anyone falls for the outdated economic communism lite Bernie is spinning to people. You would think after the last 100 years of history to look back on they would maybe be a little reserved on such things. All of doesn’t really matter as he bent the knee and kissed the ass of the mainstream party.

Dude, I was the Sup Forumstard you were accusing of samefagging with. Holy fuck, you're stupid.

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Jesus certainly wasn't a Jew the second time around though

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LOL, now your just lying, samefag. You're a samefagging samefaggot. I know it, you know it, and the American people know it! :D

Well, he's a leftist. So...

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The irony is that Vox is biased in favor of the left.

Oh, and there was a major scandal by the way in Seattle as from day 1 when they passed the law they had a research University measuring everything to see how things changed. It's called a pre-registered study, and it keeps you from only publishing studies that get the result you want. Well, it didn't get the result Seattle mayor wanted. It said exactly what anons were complaining about- shorter work hours. 24 hours fast food joints just stopped being 24 hours and cut a shift out entirely. I believe similar problems in package stuffing warehouses as well.

So the mayor of Seattle hired Berkeley to quickly write a study to say it worked, even though they had a tenth the data, completed it in less than a month- published 2 days before the per-registered study completed. That way the news only saw the good study and the other was quietly ignored.

Don't get me wrong. The republicans do this shit all the time. But when you're not taking the science seriously or honestly, then the thing you could actually offer to the rural poor is off the table. Because its no longer about actually helping the poor (which republicans don't even pretend to do), it's just about not admitting you were wrong when you tried something in earnest.

Your samefagging has reached meta levels! Congratulations, samefaggot!

lulz, fair point.

Hitler was a Jew and Rothschild

Serious question - are most 'Murican leftists as slow witted and dim as the ones we see regularly on Sup Forums?

Stop going after guns, stop acting like cities are the only thing that matters, focus less on identity politics and stop trying to raise the taxes for social programs without fixing them.

YES. I hope that was a rhetorical question.

Easy chucking those red pills, user kek

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Does a bear shit in the woods?

Not gonna lie - they're worse than the Labour bellend's here in UK. At least our native leftists are able to adapt - be it slowly - to the pro-Brexit desires of the working class. Yank leftists are an especially dull breed.

>What can Democrats do to win over rural voters?

cut government in half, stop taxing the living shit out of us. end government waste and useless social programs. bout sums it up

If you can't get more than $10 an hour in pay, that means you work is not worth more than $10 an hour. If the minimum wage is $15, that means you're out of a job because it will never make economic sense to hire someone at $15 who only produces $10 worth of work. This is completely uncontroversial Economics 101.

The people who support minimum wage laws aren't the people who are going to lose their jobs, it's economic illiterates and people already working at better wages who gain a comparative advantage because it restricts competition from lower priced workers.

Let's be honest, it really isn't about the left. Tons of rural anons in here like all sorts of policies that would be considered left. It's just that Dems today aren't brave enough to stop pandering to their rabid degenerate fanbase to try and reach for the more centrist crowd, and rarely do they build the credibility to attempt it.

Just like Republicans should probably try and swing the black vote because it's becoming increasingly clear to blacks that the only thing dems have to offer is "lol, are you actually gonna vote the same way as rednecks?" But most black activists (Cornell West, Eddie Glauson, etc) have disavowed the dems for empty token gestures that do nothing to address the core problems they have. Blacks already know nobody gives a fuck about them just like trailer whites know nobody gives a fuck about them. It wouldn't be a hard sell but GOP isn't actually brave enough to do it.

By not living in a city dipshit. My rent is $350 a month and I cook all of my own food. I also drive an old beater that I learned to fix up myself.
If my boss left that business just closes and no one is coming in to open shop next week. Or next month. Or next year because it's a fucking 45 minute drive to a town with a Walmart. If the locals aren't opening a business no big national chains is going to swoop in and set up shop for all of 24 customers a day.
If you had the slightest idea of rural communities and the economic environment there you wouldn't have such an ignorant opinion on shit.

>trying to raise the taxes for social programs without fixing them.

Like, also the entire post is correct. But that bit added something in particular to pay attention to.

>Implying electroshock therapy is any worse than castrating your young boy because he once played with makeup

Yes...yes they are.

Same situation with Trudy and the Canadian Liberals here in Canukistan. Although I'd wager a fair bit our leftists are more dense and dim than the Burgers down south of the border.

I don't actually hate gay people, there's just a thing that says I do
and it's probably really funny

Where the party is now I'd say probably nothing. Every conservative president you have attacked as stupid and evil. You have an elitist attitude and you trivialize the issues rural Americans face. Your pandering to identity politics has nearly ripped our communities apart and its pretty hard for me to not judge the things your politicians say and do to get votes. War is a horrible thing but in my mind going to war and then leaving without accomplishing our objectives or protecting our allies in the area is much more horrible.
In summary the basic things would be not going after guns, calming down with racial and homosexual rhetoric and having a backbone with foriegn policy.

>calming down with racial and homosexual rhetoric
Yeah, I think a more specific way to phrase this would be to put a hard fucking stop to "cancel" culture.

Visit them and promise to undo what previous democrats have done.

Flood the countryside with low pay mexican farmer workers who breed at a rate higher than the natives. That's how the countryside goes.

If democrats start killing each other I think a lot more rural folk would support them.

The biggest difference between the left and right I see is their perception of the others. The left has completely dehumanized the right and sees them as actually being evil. The right is sick of their shit but at the same time still sees them as misguided and uninformed and potentially able to be debated to their side. You can’t reason with people who see you as pure evil lead by Hitler 2.0 as a right winger and as a lefty your opponents are actual fascists running concentration camps on the border just itching to start gassing and shooting anyone at the drop of a hat. I guess if it comes down to it people will discover true authority comes out the end of a gun

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start quoting kingdom hearts again

act stupid.


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