Anyone else here a member of the zipper club? pic is not me...

Anyone else here a member of the zipper club? pic is not me. im 22 and had open heart surgery at 6 months old and again at 19 years old.

Attached: scarchest.jpg (720x960, 83K)

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Lmao imagine being a cripple

cripples dont work construction

Do you still have same heart or did you get a transplant?

Why dont they must turn that shit off next time they open you up? You look like a huge faggot

sorry that you are going through that user

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i had a patch put in and my pulmonic valve replaced twice

>pic is not me
They should have aborted you, retard. READ NEXT TIME.

it is ok it's been a few years but I definitely notice my stamina has dropped and I have palpitations all the time now. I lost my confidence but it's slowly cominh back. thanks user

Hope your health holds up going forward man

thanks, I think I should be in the clear now. much appreciation

Good luck user

>they should have aborted you ...

From the person that looks like some abortion reject walking around with a 12 inch scar ...

Seriously, next time just tell them , "nah, I'm good"

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Surprisingly joined the club 9 months ago. Healing is fine I guess, scar is barely visible and I retook work, sports and everything else, but surgery left me anxious as fuck as to my future.

>but surgery left me anxious as fuck as to my future.
as in one day you gonna die?

do all retards have this need to belong into a group that has the same shit happening? club this club that, how insecure needy you have to be

As in how many more surgeries there will be. We all die. But I always anticipated seeing at least couples of years of retirement before I hit the bucket. Also I dont want to leave my family behind.

>anticipated seeing at least couples of years of retirement before I hit the bucket.
so retire you retard.... i'm 32 and im retired

You jelly kek

yeah i'm def jelly of having a pussy on my chest

Humans are social creatures with a need to belong. Maybe if you weren't such a vicious cunt you'd have a place in society and wouldn't need to belittle others on Sup Forums.

>have a place in society
>on Sup Forums.
denial is a powerful thing user

That is not working in my country. I'm 35 and I'd have to live in poverty. I would need to be declared at least 80% disabled to get a small pension. Yet with my surgery, I count as 0% disabled, as in completely healed.

You'd at least have pussy than.

beside, what is so great about belonging to this collection of immoral idiots? place in society, functional member of the society, what if you find it hard to agree with anything that the said society does...

Zipper on back.
Asshole doctor left the zipper inside.
Pick related
>not me either, but same procedure.

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pussy in cancer, mark my words... it will eat you alive

i live below poverty line, but these days poverty line provides all kinds of luxuries if you are smart with your money

Wow that is fucking nuts. Congrats for surviving that shit.

When I was 25 I was ejected from a rolling vehicle at around 80 mph. My belly was opened up from sternum to pubic bone (a couple times actually.) My kneesm my anklem both arms, one from wrist to above elbo. My skull from behind left ear to over the right side of crown and a left thoracic surgical scar for heart/aorta (from left nipple, horizontal to the back, near spine.) That was about 36 staples. The abdominal I recall was 72 staples at one point but like I side, I was opened up a three times. But I have some interetsing ones, micrositching?(plastic surgeon) did some on my face and eyelinds where are very good and hard to see unless you get close. I have one stitch on my eyeball(muscle.) When it comes to stitches/staples, you kind of have to stop counting after the first thousand. But the most recent was 7 subcutaneous stitches on my right elbow 6 weeks ago for tendon release surgery.

scoliosis? we give out medals for practically esthetic surgeries now? what a/n hero

Cancer is cancer.

Pussy is pussy.

Mark my words.

lmao, well then you leave dumbfuck. What other conclusion could you come to?

now thats a man i will have a beer with.. we need a picture Frankenstein fren

I see we have a doctor in our round. Please tell us more.

>chest pussy

Get on my level, faggot

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i'm content with not belonging, hence my initial comment... you dumbfuck

Thanks for telling us. Now if you don't have anything else to say then gtfo.

Degenerative kyphosis.

Left untreated it progressively turns into
>pick related
meantime, lung capacity shrinks while stress on the cardiac region increases and you die by age 50 or 60 in considerable pain and completely crippled.

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Morality is relative.

What you find moral may not be the same as someone else.

Perhaps you should stop being so closed minded and consider that your view points are not absolute.

Also, forgot to mention I lost my belly button. During one of the laparotomy surgeries (that's the big belly cut they usually do for exploratory surgery after like trauma) the inicsional area get infected and became necrotic, the skin was dying, so they had to cut that dead tissue off. This part included the belly button section. So the docs had to find more skin to pull and close my belly, and so, along the sides of the lap scar, are a couple slits about 6 inches that have widened to give slack to stretch and connect to sew up. I have a couple layers of polypropylene mesh in belly to help protect against incisional hernia(it failed to do the job once and had to get cut open again to repair)

A bit less radical than that. I only had 8 vertebrae fused, and all from thoracic spine. But it still needed anterior release. Which is amazingly fucked up.

>1st cut open my chest, dug down to the spine
>2nd cut open my spine from the back

Is not something any sane person would ever want to inflict on themself. Still, beats heart surgery I guess.

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i can add you're pathetic for craving to belong just to belong and not consciously evaluating the situation

How is prognosis? Heart surgery sucks, but you're home a week later, walking on your own two feet, and mechanically speaking the process is "easy", so I would say a lot of things beat heart surgery. It is just the fact of the importance of the heart to life that makes it so impressive to people.

of course they are not, and i'm aware morality is relative but none the less the ethics are lacking all across the board here, so why would i humor the masses?

Sure as hell never craved to belong, but unfortunately I do. It was no choice of mine. The one craving here for whatever is obviously you. Your pathetic little life does not seem to satisfy you enough to just walk past this kind of threads. I'd prefer heart surgery to whatever you must be going through. Get better.

>not me
THIS, is impressive. It's called a "clamshell thoracotomy with damage-control laparotomy"
Guy was a multiple stabwound victim. He survived.

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"prognosis" is excellent. They corrected most of my kyphosis and arrested it. No further degeneration or degradation expected. However they tore the shit out of my skin and a lot of the sensation is gone for good. I can't feel "light touch" or "cold" in my back anymore. "Deep touch", "heat" and "pain" are still good.

Most annoying is I randomly get chest pains centered on my incision site. I have to tell myself >no, user, that's not angina.
>Your not having a heart attack.
>Ignore it

One of these days I'm going to have actual cardiovascular related chest pains and I'm going to ignore them because they happen to be at the site of my old surgery scars, and its going to kill me.


>tfw no feels
>15yrs on

Cool tattoo

Looks like he had a tracheotomy too(breathing tube in base of the throat). I had one as well.
>they don't(usually) stitch it after they pull the tube out
>when possible, docs like to let holes close on their own
>so for a little while this fucking air hole in your throat makes breathing, speaking, drinking, eating so much fun.

if i craved i would do things to belong not sit on Sup Forums pissing ppl off with my unpopular opinions... and i'm very satisfied with my pathetic little life, you seem to be delusional that you have anything better going on for yourself

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What does these surgeries feel like during and after?

I have a zipper on my forehead if that counts

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Not OP.

During the surgery you dont feel shit. It is like blinking. You close your eyes and when you reopen them, surgery is open.

After you dont have pain at any moment. At least I didnt. Except when you caugh or bump into stuff. After 2 months sternum is stable, you are good as old. The key point of that operation is the sternum. Wasn't it there it'd be easy as cake.

Had a stroke at 21
They found out I had a heart anomaly so that my blood sometimes pumps irregularly or some stuff . They said I should do open heart surgery while Im young but got another opinion from a specialist he said it's okay but I might need to do that in the future .

What anomaly?

Cute kiddo. You really like that word. Delusional. Kek

Other than that 67 stiches on my leg from my right foot up to my knee .
On my forehead 2 zips one 15 other 21 ,eyebrow 5 .
Under my left eye 8
Had some pretty rough times in my early teens lots of drugs,violence and shit . I have a few more all over stiches,and zips but the open heart surgery scares me a lot

I can't recall the medical term it was something that you where born with and Igot it from my dad he had 5 strokes and 3 heartattacks before is 60s birthday so yeah Im fucked .
All I remember is that the blood flows normally from one site to the other side of the heart but sometimes it pumps the blood back in the other direction for just 1 or 2 heartbeats . I get a lot of chestpain from that most of the time when that happens I just lay on the floor wherever and wait until it normalizes but Im not a Doctor I would need to check my papers to find out more .

Was the surgery necessary due to unhealthy lifestyle or a congenital defect?

What did the dog do to deserve this?

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Why not do intradermal sutures? Dude I would've put your forehead back so pretty... What happened?

Soubds horrible tbh. I'd go with the surgery rather than risking other strokes or heartattacks. The surgery is a controlled procedure, a stroke can come anytime and fuck you up for life.

Car accident. I have more pictures of it but some are too big of a file. I posted a vid on bestgore if you wanna see.

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I’m a curious. Could you post the link?

Who took the picture?

> I was already looking it up figured you'd want it

Member here. Feeling your pain, hope everything goes well OP

Fucking brutal. Appreciate you documenting that, despite the diffult circumstances, so the rest of us can see it—you’re a real trooper.