It’s in your hand. Let’s rate um!

It’s in your hand. Let’s rate um!

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ok OwO its in my hand now what

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Damn. Your cocks way too big for you to be a sissy lol huge 9/10 jealous


Wasted cock but nice nonetheless, Im betting you can be the new handbreeder?

7.5 inches

Can i be a mouthbreeder too? ^_^

You sound like a wizard, how old r u


Nice I wish lol 7/10

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snap jakejake968 if u wanna play

looks like darth vader helmet lmao
wow my boipucci wet id suck the nut outta you
hot cock would sit on that
looks longer than mine but thinner
would ride to oblivion
hot cawk

You didn't even give us 1-10!s!

Small 5/10

Clean 7/10

Big 8/10

Meh 4/10

Love the veins 8/10

Big and interesting head 8/10

Hot, im curious about ur balls 8/10

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So the small ones get low ratings

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6/10 would suck ;)

Rate all of them

0/10 ugly as fuck

Rude. Rate the rest of them

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best in thread

The very best?

Needs lotion
Looks great
Good socks, Great vein
also needs lotion
Very nice
morbidly curious what it would feel like in my mouth
Either an amazing shape or good framing
This man moisturizes
Use my uvula like a punching bag
another good shape
Love the color

Rate me pls

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>Use my uvula like a punching bag
I'd gladly do ;)

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Meaty and tastey 8/10
I would enjoy jerking you off slowly

Good cock, Good hair, ABS.
That's cheating, And your cock's blurry.
Your pubes look weirdly inviting.
Good framing, Moist, Veiny.
Also Blurry. What is this, Japan?

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Lol this guy AGAIN

2/10 for you

Ugly crap/10

Literally all samefag. Straight up, like wow lol

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Na m8 get rekt

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believe it or not theres more than 1 person who thinks your cock is lame and nothing special.... so take the hint and quit spamming it in every thread u horse fucker.

This cuck again go find something else to do

I'm happy

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Sure whatever samefag queerbucket

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Any pics with the head covered?

Veiny cocks are so fucking hot

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