So, quick question to anyone with expertise. Lately when I've smoked weed...

So, quick question to anyone with expertise. Lately when I've smoked weed, I almost always started tripping in a particular way. My vision seems to spiral, everything starts to blend together and spin in a fashion where it looks like I'm falling forward into this spiral made of everything I see in front of me.

Attached: b9047b017e8a3e933efa4fe786e68373.jpg (1500x2000, 648K)

I don't smoke very often, only about once a month when hanging out with my siblings at their place, so I don't have a good estimation of how many times I've been high and tripped out or been high and not tripped out.
The strangest part is I think this is sort of a PTSD thing? About 4 years old, I tried Acid and had an awesome time. Saw rainbows and shit, the classic trip but was in control and maintained composure throughout the night. So, I about 2 weeks later, my brother got me tickets with him to a rock concert and offered some tabs for us to take. I say yes and proceed to have a awesome night, for about 2 hours.

After the 2nd hour, feeling awesome and hallucinating slightly, it suddenly hits us like a freight train and we started Tripping Fucking Balls. We only get 30 min of slightly consciousness thought as we call up the dealer who gave us the shit and ask what the fuck he gave us. He tells us he hooked us up with quadruple Dipped sheets and must have forgotten to tell us. So we're out in the middle of a open air rock concert, tripping 4x harder than either of us had before, and now a thunderstorm blows over us.

>so just now realizing my 'quick question' is turned into a long winded confession of sorts.

So, we are now get poured on by torrential rain, and we decided to leave while we can still tell where we are. About half way to the car, I lose what little sanity I had left and fall completely into the hallucinations and proceed to have this crazy trip where I felt like a spent an interity climbing this ever-folding-in-on-itself, fractal spiraling mountain. I experience intense pain, panic, and confusion for about 5 more hours before regaining conscious thoughts, and discover I'm strapped down on a hospital bed. In my trip out, my brother maintained composure and nearly got us out before a concert cop pulled us over, noticed my spasming in the back seat and call the ambulance.
>TL; DR. Tripped out on 4x the acid I was expecting and had the worth fucking nightmare of climbing an infinite spiral mountain.

So now, it seems I'm having PTSD of this insane Acid trip from 4 years ago nearly every time I smoke just a little weed now, and no one seems to know why? So, has anyone had a similar experience or problems tripping out on weed?

yes everytime, i take dabs or smoke strong weed, i relive my acid trips, like hitting an unpause button

how old are you? and did you have any more drug experiences except the two acid trips you mentioned above and the weed you smoke? any prescriptions?

Okay, cool, so I'm not the only one.
How do you deal with it? Has I stopped ya from smoking or hitting? Or have you any tips on how best to cope with the trip?
I enjoy my time with my siblings, getting high and connecting on that level, but these flashback trip are making harder for me to enjoy my time.

i get pretty schizotypal as shit on weed but i do it anyway to help anxiety

I'm currently 25. I was about 20-21 when I did those acid trips.
Haven't done acid since.
I have tried mushrooms about 3 times and molly twice, all of which were great and didn't have any trouble with them at all.
Been smoking weed off and on again since, and I guess maybe 40% of the time I smoke, I trip out again and it always has this spiral motif. Sometimes I can push through the spiral and relax, but more often than not it's just as bad as the acid trip.

Also, no prescriptions. Suffer from depression, but have delt with it w/out meds or therapy just fine.

Lucky you.

maybe something with less THC would be better for you. like some CBD oil or something. There are cannabis extracts, that really help with the anxiety without triggering the psychoactive properties of cannabis.

To me, this whole situation sounds unhealthy. It's very rewarding and enjoyable to connect to one's siblings, but if this is linked to the consumption of weed, which 1) you don't seem to need in your life, except to connect with them and 2) makes at least 30%-40% or the trips a bad experience for you, I don't think you should just endure it, to get the good time with your siblings.

About my background: I am a psychologist and take drugs. Just so you know, that I have experience but am also biased by my professional background. And of course by the things, I could witness my friends struggle with.

I would really suggest that you give therapy a chance, if it works with your medical insurance situation. If you have some experience with therapy and hated it, maybe something like psychoanalysis, because sometimes these therapists are less judgemental and have less of a patronizing, teacher-air about them. And if you don't like the therapist, try another one, but don't let some stupid asshole keep you away from therapy that could be beneficial for you.

Depression is serious shit, but it can get better and I honestly wish every person with depression that they have this positive experience at some point in their life.

Taking especially acid can, like, rip open the gate that has sealed your emotions away. And that's how your story sounds to me. Like something broke free and it's not floating completly out here, but with some weed you push further in the wound. Dude, especially if you notice that it gets worse from trip to trip, I honestly think you should take a break from weed.

Sorry, if it's too much information or something that you did not want to hear. Then just ignore me. But I think the safe space that Sup Forums means to some of us, is a good opportunity to hear things and to open up about things one would not open up about in the real world.

I am gone now and will be back in several hours, I'll check then if this thread is still alive.

I only sought out treatment once, had a therapist and took meds, which last only 6 months.
Meds seemed to have a completely numbing effect to my personality which I didn't like at all. Sure I wasn't very sad for a while, but neither was I happy, mad, or really anything else. I decided since then to try and cope with the depression myself, and I've done fine. There's pretty rough weeks or months, but I've gotten through them alright.
The therapist wasn't great. She wasn't bad either, but after while just didn't seem to be worth the time, I guess. Between meds or therapy, I would say I'd be open to therapy again, more so than meds.

Also, it's very interesting that you mentioned these trips are, in some way, an emotional wound of sort. I won't go in all the details, but I have had a trouble upbringing. Not nearly as bad as most, but with some significant existential crises at a young age (once at 13, and several during 16-20 years). But, I don't know what that 'wound' would be, or how it's connected to this spiral motif?

I think i have something like this, I have a ton of strange visual phenomenon. My visual is completely fucked from hallucinogens, it all started with benadryl too. I doubt this has anything to do with ptsd, probably just the result of whatever changes hallucinogens create in our brains. I wouldnt worry though

Maybe there's something to that idea though? Some of my major existential crises had to do with religion questioning (is there life beyond the mortal one) but there were also major shifts family dynamics (family members became someone different almost out of no where) and other shit with finding purpose or meaning?
But again, these trips must be hella surreal metaphor because I don't see why this damn spiral is a constant theme?

I’ve done my fair share of psychs and have been smoking weed well before started when I was 16... but your like me in that you can’t smoke anymore. Weed will make you retrip after you’ve done enough psychs and it’s usually the paranoia you feel the most. You can do spliffs/tobacco blends which minimizes it for me, but it will never be that amazing weed high from before. Sorry man cause if you love weed as much as I did you’ll never be able to smoke again without retripping

Damn, I was hoping that wasn't the case, but I did kind of think that where it was heading.

Nah man this nigga high as fuck.

Smoke 1:1 CBD:THC weed, I was going through this exact process but I just realized it was the weed that had changed from the stuff I used to smoke.