Need advice on easy, painless ways to end it all...

Need advice on easy, painless ways to end it all. I don't have access to a gun or pills so thinking along the lines of suffocation? Could down a couple of bottles of vodka/gin/whatever but I'm not sure on how best to cut off the oxygen supply to ensure I don't wake up.

Also, any suggestions for crazy, no consequence things to do before are welcome. TIA

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do the ol' "breathing helium"-thing and you'll be good

Just throw yerself off a rooftop head-first.

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What a stupid selfish thing to do. If you want to forfeit your life at least enroll in the military or go out in a blaze of glory. Sniveling alone like a chump is no way to see yourself off.

can you get a hold of some sleeping pills, some large trash bags and tape?

take a shitload of those pills to make sure you'll pass out quickly. Put that large plastic bag over your head, with plenty of air for you to breathe for a good while, then tape it sealed shut around your neck, effectively trapping your head inside this large plastic bag.

Go take a nap and you're done. You'll either die from the meds or from lack of O2 with your head inside the sealed bag, no panic, no pain.

Pour whole bottle of spirit to you asshole

One's life is for one to decide what to do with.

A life is only as valuable as its owner deems it. To do nothing but exist and then die is pathetic. You want to die, fine. But the least you can do is die with a purpose.

Carbon Monoxide from indoor charcoal barbecue, windows shut, doors sealed with duct tape

nobody cares about your shit go away

There is no such thing as painless death fucking retarded subhuman.

>A life is only as valuable as its owner deems it
>To do nothing but exist and then die is pathetic
>But the least you can do is die with a purpose
What a fucking contradictory retard.

I feel no obligation to anyone or anything so save your time with the moralfag shit. The bag on head idea sounds like a plan though I don't fully trust myself not to rip it off after drinking a load of spirits?

Killing yourself will achieve nothing and probably torment the people who care about you - there's probably someone you don't want to hurt, so wait until they're gone before you think about suicide.

That said, you don't seem to have done much research. Relying on an OD on pills/booze is a poor way to go about it. If you misjudge the amount, or throw it up, you could end up surviving miserably with some kind of brain/liver/kidney damage for the rest of your life.

If I were going to kill myself, I'd order a suicide kit off the internet and breath helium until I died. It's definitely the best way. I'd never do it though because I'd traumatise a bunch of people I care about. Plus there are billions of tossers on the planet and removing myself from the mix will only make that worse.

Gun is also a poor choice. Lots of people end up blowing off the wrong part of the back of their head/neck and surviving miserably.

I will throat fuck you to death for free.

Sleep it off.

no clue, but some wealthy motherfucker who was born into 5 generations of infinite-cash has been investing in creating a world so miserable that you'd rationalize suicide. If I were you, I'd do everything I could to keep stringing those motherfuckers along. Hell, I'd start learning how to do stuff that might tumble their dynasties.

sign me up

See a shrink man. However if you truly can't get better for whatever reason, I'd jump from a very high height and land on my head.

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This is quite scary. We have a fireplace that was leaking large amounts of carbon monoxide. We used to go in that room shut all the doors and close heavy curtains to 'chill out' we would all laugh at how relaxing it was snd how we all used to fall asleep in there after a while.

Wtf is wrong with you

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

ok but dont die until youve done cocaine and banged an escort
maybe ull wanna stick around after living alittle 2
wouldnt be a bad way to die tho too hmm

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What in the actual name of fuck is wrong with you?

easiest way is fapping to lolis until you die of exhaustion

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Ok carbon monoxide is probably not gonna work (detectors all over the place and no car), any thoughts on how to make helium work? Should be easy enough to acquire

Currently working on that, I'm the reason there's so many Loli threads in the catalog right now

Getting pills is so fucking easy even a child can do it. Also the best way. No way you survive 200ug fentanyl with zero tolerance.


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steal a gun from someone than shoot yourself in the eye, if you dont already owe one. if youre living in the us youll have no trouble finding a gun in lets say neighbours bedroom or display case

yes if you want to kill yourself the least you can do is fight in some israeli wars first, you selfish faggot

Speaking from experience. Attempting isn't worth it. It seriously gets better. Give it time, you'll find your groove

i want to believe in this sooo hard, but from what my experience is telling me it will never happen, atleast not for me

I'm done. I'm sure you feel obliged to change my mind but this isn't what I'm looking for. Practical advice on painless, easy suicide is.

Nitrogen poisoning. Tasteless, painless. (ifaik)

whats your story

Taping a bag to your head sounds terrible

Yea OP best way is helium trick. Also if you wanna cashapp me your money before you go $mcpants69

Your a real hero a-user ;(

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What in the complete actual fuck is wrong with you?

Tf is wrong w you

If you're going to really do it then stop being a bitch. Painless, fuck you. Earn your death. It's the least you can do for going out like a pussy.

29 yo,my whole life ive had anxiety, depression and depersonalisation,social awkwardness, had no father, extremely poor, my gf of 6 years left me said she dont love me no more. i feel like im torn in pieces trying to gather all the things that used to make me. im just an alien to others and myself

All these faggots giving advice. If you're so good, then do it you pussies

you're sad because of a breakup stop being a fag go and get another gf