ITT: post niggers

ITT: post niggers

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Dude had a hot shell go down his jacket, and instead of flipping out he tried to get it out while keeping his loaded gun pointed in the right way

Dude is an idiot. We've all had this happen a thousand times. You deal with it and remain calm.

His problem is he was too stupid to realize what had happened.

Total idiot. Probably the cook's helper.

btw, it was a casing, not a shell... but u don't know the difference...

lmao, you never had this happen to you ever in your life. Shut the fuck up house cat.

why are niggers so damn hateful?

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Totally, a shell comes from that clip he has in the gun there, clearly you're a wannabe white/k/night

uv obv never served. it is a shell CASING u dumb fuck. And it is not a fucking clip. It is a fucking mag. I can't believe I risk my life to keep u fucktards safe. it's a waste of my time and energy. just like posting here.

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I'm from /k/ and I didn't bother to correct aslong I get what they're saying
I really hate fucking fake gun nut wanna be who always insist on correcting simple errors.
"hurr mag isn't a clip" Well this isn't the gun store, this is Sup Forums.

its not a matter of simple errors. it's like calling an airplane a kite. if u have ANY experience, you understand the difference. It's pretenders like you who don't have a clue but post on here acting like they do. if u don't know what ur talking about, then don't talk.
the faggot who got the hot casing down the back of his shirt is like u. A know nothing fuck.
What makes him better than u is that now he's been out of his mother's basement, has had some hot casings go down his shirt, and understands what that feels like.
you don't. and u never will.
but u'll get on here whining about freedom and the right to be a cunt any time you want.
go earn the right, fucktard.
sign up. then talk again in 20 years.

first of all, im not the ignoramus who called the chasing a "shell".
Second. I know my guns, I am aware when someone makes a mistake but I don't go ape shit over it.
You don't know me or my hobby.

lol what

sorry, I called a casing a "chasing" wanna correct my typo too?

NIGGERS,,,,,,,,,, only brave when there is more than one of them and they only go after a lone person...

COPE libtard

I'm liberal??? you're gonna bring politics? boy you goofy as fuck bro.

The police should kill as many as they need to, to get the message across.

I guess us "niggers" are smarter than you whiteys when it comes to guns. stay mad whitey



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Cool dance.

That's not a gun

donkey-dick sucking queer


dubs, shut the fuck up hoe

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Sup Forumsro dont feed the trolls no matter how stupid they are

i like my nigger to fly

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role reversal

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listen. i'm not against u specifically.
i'm the one who said we've all had casings go down our shirts and we know how to deal with it.
when i say we, i don't mean u.
fyi. i'm bald and i have a beard.
at this very moment i have three cuts on my head and two on my face from hot casings that hit me two days ago from the pro who was in the field operating right beside me. my beard saved me from several more.
i should have been wearing protective kit, but the threat was immediate and unexpected. we quick reacted.
i didn't lose my composure. i kept shooting.
on target.
we prevailed.
that's something that makes us better than the enemy.
composure under fire.
that comes from training.
spent casings should be the least of our worries.

fyi, i appreciate ur firearms hobby.
fyi, guns are very large. but i'm not here to correct anyone's language... just can't sleep.

You know if it wasnt for slavery you'd be starving in a village in africa.

Lmao they can't even invent the wheel on their own

then you know that many ppl are ignorant and wouldn't know about guns as much as us. Im sure there's a field we both will sound ignorant in and wouldn't appreciate being reprimanded for making the same mistake.

You noticed how they hesitated attacking him because he was jewish. If he was white, they would beat him to the ground.

What the fuck did Scatman John ever do to those guys?

Good Job!

spaz lol

Dumbest shit i ever heard. Americans/Europeans Owned countries in Africa for centuries even till this day. Owning every resources like Gold and Cacao and you name it. Making sure black stay illiterate for Hundreds of years. If slavery never happend Africa would for sure be in a better state. Look at Iran! Did you know you fucktards own 51% of the oil? Did you know that the CIA created a Coupe to kill the Iranian Leader because Iran was becoming a powerful nation in 1953? Did you know America is stolen land? All you guys do for hundreds of years is steal and have the audacity to speak that way lol. Whites are the Biggest criminals in mankind history and yet look down at other races. SMH.

is he jewish?

>I served my country, but out need to survey too or you can't have the freedoms I fought for you to have

What the fuck is up with that mentality?


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They will blame it on a white guy

Different user here. But as an American this does happen from time to time


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summer came early this year

Then why is china becoming a superpower and niggers stay in mudhuts?
They've been fucked by Mongolians and the Japs but they still developed their own country