is the world really going to war /b?
Is the world really going to war /b?
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yep... the iranians are super pissed and china and russia are on the iranians side.... ww3 is imminent.
Show boobs
Well, you've got the US and Iran going at each other.
In the last 24 hours Indonesia and China are making some pretty serious postures. China decided to try and push the boundaries the way they've been doing it to the Phillipines and the Indonesians are absolutely *not* having a bar of it. Indonesia is nuts enough to actually make a strike if China does it again and that will push the Phillipines, Taiwan and Indonesia into a conflict with China.
All we need is for Russia to see an opportunity and start pushing the Baltic...
I want to see them fat titties
>In a press conference today, Trump told China Tits or GTFO
>thinking just because the US and Iran will go to war that it'll be a Worldwide one
Get rekd Noobs
Maybe maybe not at least this time the place of war is not my country. And since I've never had to do my "Wehrdienst" I'll not be part of this war ¯\_(^_^)_/¯
Liar, China is absolutely NOT on Iran's side. In fact China currently has 1 million Muslims in concentration /re-education camps.
I hope so, sure would break this monotonous life of mine
We could call it World War III Electric Boogaloo
No only a war between the US and Iran, cause nobody else will want to help the US.
Plus if it happens that the US took down that passenger jet, that would be the 2nd Jet over Iranian soil they have shot down, but yeah if it was them, prepare your ass.
Guaranteed draft will open up again in the US, and everyone 18-30 will be dragged into a conflict because Trump is an idiot, as is his military bench who allowed the initial strike on the Iranian General in the first place.
Watch Trump and the US spin that Iran shot it down, guaranteed, but nobody will actually believe that shit.
The world has been at war for years. That said, Trump is a little bitch and despite all his bluster he will pussy out. It’s one thing to kill a terrorist with a drone. It’s another to attack a country.
I do not believe for a second that the US shot down a civilian aircraft over foreign soil. Sorry. No.
Really they have already done it in the late 80s over Iranian soil, it's what set Al'Qaeda to form and attack the US.
we all know you're the one making it
To eliminate fat fuck pigs like that one, I sincerely hope so.
Not true
Not that guy but you never know. America has done some shady ass things like teaching cartels how to kill on us military bases with the help of mossad, supplying said cartels with rifles that were being tracked to see where they go and in hopes of catching a drug lord lol.
USA/Israel vs. Iran isn't "the world". But it won't happen anyway. Some dick measuring and then some new celeb leaks will grab our attention instead.
I suggest reading up on your country's history instead of nonchalantly not believing things you don't think happened.
Have a good read, and it is something the US has never denied and agreed they were at fault for.
Complete bullshit. Found the dirty Jewish shill.
Wrong, it was shot down over the gulf. Learn to read, Iranian territorial waters, it not "Iranian soil".
Fucking moron.
Nope white caucasian male, with a stable job and a not so stable wife, turning 30 this year I was really lucky that I didn't have to do any military service. Because they removed the obligation for that in the year I ran out of excuses why I won't have to go there.
Top-fucking-kek. You're honestly arguing just for the sake of arguing at this point.
>b.. b.. but it's water not soil!
As if it matters.
What country, since you aren't an American then.
White, Scottish, Atheist, not Liberal either.
You can hide behind your desperate wall of "Not true" and "Complete Bullshit" all you want, and screech that everyone is a Jew, but history is history, your country shot down a passenger jet before and kill kids in the process.
It's what finally got Bin Laden to form Al'Qaeda with American trained Mujahideen as his force, and the rest is history.
You should look up what the US did when Russia invaded Afghanistan up to the shooting down of the passenger flight, to show why Al'Qaeda existed and why ISIS exists today.
But no doubt you will curl up into a ball again and suck on your thumb and claim everyone is liars.
A nice PDF from Yale about it all.
Keep denying soy boi
The missile was launched while it was over soil, it hit over the gulf. Missiles don't hit instantly like lasers you know. As soon as that missile was launched it was an attack over Iranian Soil.
No. Trump will destroy Iran before a war starts.
Nope she has the palest skin I ever encountered, feckels and naturally red hair.
Germany, thats why I stated that this time the war won't be on our soil.
The strait of Hormuz actually.
Lesson to Iran, don't have your countries small boats attack the U.S. Navy in international waters, flee into Oman waters, be chased out of Oman's territorial waters, then flee into your, while at the same time flying an airliner towards said US navy ship, that ignores all attempts to contact it, in the frequency that all commercial aircraft were long instructed to monitor.
See same Wikipedia article.
post wife
Still lying. Bin Laden formed al Qaeda and did the 9/11 attacks, due to the United States keeping troops stationed in middle east, etc.
> To effectuate his beliefs, Osama bin Laden founded al-Qaeda, a Sunni Islamist militant organization.[4] In conjunction with several other Islamic leaders, he issued two fatwas—in 1996 and then again in 1998—that Muslims should fight those that either support Israel or support Western military forces in Islamic countries, stating that those in that mindset are the enemy, including citizens from the United States and allied countries. His goal was for Western military forces to withdraw from the Middle East and for foreign aid to Israel to cease as it reflected negatively on Palestinians.[5][6]
So again, stop lying.
Fatwa is an order, not an organization.
Following the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan in February 1989, bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 had put the Kingdom and its ruling House of Saud at risk. The world's most valuable oil fields were within striking distance of Iraqi forces in Kuwait, and Saddam's call to pan-Arab/Islamism could potentially rally internal dissent.
In the face of a seemingly massive Iraqi military presence, Saudi Arabia's own forces were outnumbered. Bin Laden offered the services of his mujahideen to King Fahd to protect Saudi Arabia from the Iraqi army. The Saudi monarch refused bin Laden's offer, opting instead to allow US and allied forces to deploy troops into Saudi territory.[150]
The deployment angered bin Laden, as he believed the presence of foreign troops in the "land of the two mosques" (Mecca and Medina) profaned sacred soil. After speaking publicly against the Saudi government for harboring American troops, he was banished and forced to live in exile in Sudan.
> It's what finally got Bin Laden to form Al'Qaeda with American trained Mujahideen as his force, and the rest is history.
Provide source for your claim that the shooting down of an Iranian airliner had anything to do with Bin Laden's founding of al qaeda.
You are wrong, again. You need to stop reading Breitbart etc.
US helped Afghanistan during Russian invasion, training troops, Iranian Shah gave the US benefits including cheap oil.
Shah was ousted by new Caliphate and Ayatollah Khomenei took control of Iran, cutting off cheap oil to the US, they offered reasonable prices as they were happy with the US at this point helping Afghanistan, but Reagan's greedy corporate cabinet refused.
Instead they helped Saddam Hussein gain control of Iraq, And gave him $1 trn (80s rate) of goods, arms and mechanised units, and biological weapons (all shown in de-classified FBI and CIA documents released in 2003-2004).
They encouraged Saddam to hit Iran, and a long war started, no ground was made and the US' attempt to have Saddam force out the new Caliphate in Iran failed.
During this war, the Bush family who are members of a large trade group, were trading with many figures in Saudia Arabia including the Bin Laden family, Osama warned his family they shouldn't help because of the US' involvement with Iraq and the war that resulted. His family exiled him, and he went to Afghanistan to meet up with American trained Mujaheddin to fight what remained of the Russians.
And then Flight 655 happened, Russians were almost out of Afghanistan, and then Bin Laden took the troops he had and formed Al'Qaeda. If you think it was much later you are very mistaken, it was after the passenger jet was shot down.
And the rest is history.
You need to learn your history as I said.
i hope so. im a contractor working overseas. contracr states that if in times of war tge company will fly me to the nearest safest zone (germany) and ill be paid like half my pay but all housing and transportation will be taken care of or ill be reimbursed. war is good
"Al-Qaeda is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988 by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other Arab volunteers during the Soviet–Afghan War. Al-Qaeda operates as a network of Islamic extremists and Salafist jihadists."
You can find plenty of sources for that, it happened late 1988 nobody knows the exact date, but it was after the Passenger Flight.
Bin Laden believed that the Americans were in cahoots with Israel in destroying Islam, i.e. christianity and judaism coming together to do so.
Passenger flight 655 being shot down was in his eyes the final nail in the coffin, it wasn't soldiers dying to the US interference but now people and children.
Thats what made him strike at the US hard, especially any Political and Economical targets, because of the US's greed with Iranian Oil.
And essentially that is where it all stems from, losing that supply of cheap oil from Iran by the Shah.
Again, provide the source for your claim that shooting down the airliner had anything to do with him founding it.
I already linked to the Wikipedia article that gives the actual reasons as to how and why al Qaeda was formed.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
CIA is posting again, stop starting wars over oil.
There was several Al-Jazheera news videos from videos collected from the newly formed group, denouncing the US shooting down the passenger jet, that Christianity and Judaism formed to try and wipe out Islam.
The group was semi-secret at this point, it wasnt until as you said about his trip back to Saudi Arabia that he became more public about the groups name, etc. When he asked for warriors from once Russian controlled lands to join their cause.
You will need to do some funky youtube or google searching for those old recordings if they still exist of course, but it was all over the news back then, in the UK that is.
Because we were a part of the bullshit also with the US, as was France.
So it was Easy and fault ehh?
> One of the most dramatic changes in government in Iran's history was seen with the 1979 Iranian Revolution where Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown and replaced by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The patriotic monarchy was replaced by an Islamic Republic based on the principle of rule by Islamic jurists, (or "Velayat-e faqih"), where clerics serve as head of state and in many powerful governmental roles. A pro-Western, pro-American foreign policy was exchanged for one of "neither east nor west", said to rest on the three "pillars" of mandatory veil (hijab) for women, and opposition to the United States and Israel.[1] A rapidly modernizing capitalist economy[2][3] was replaced by a populist and Islamic economy and culture.
And here I thought that Reagan didn't take office until 1981.............
Fucking autocorrect
Make that So it was Reagan's fault ehh?
> You will need to do some funky youtube or google searching
So made up conspiracy theories well after the fact.
Making what?
You'll change your mind later today.
>being so simpleminded and shortsighted
>being so unaware that allies ALWAYS get involved in wars
I never mentioned Reagan at the start, you are assuming that because Americans have a penchant for assuming things outside of what is written.
Which is why they get into so much trouble.
Reagan was involved later on of course, but initially no.
However I did say Reagan's greedy corporate Cabinet said no, they existed before Reagan was POTUS, that was misleading on my part, it is widely known they were considered his greedy cabinet.
But as said, I didn't really say Reagan was involved at the start at all.
Find me a Al Jazeera news video from 1988. You will find it extremely difficult.
So claiming that proxy forces did it is a different story entirely. Yes, the US has done shady shit. Osama Bin Laden was on Ronald Reagan’s payroll once upon a time. That said, I still doubt that the plane was a direct action by the US. I could see Israel or even Iran doing that just to push the conflict past the brink of war but otherwise I don’t think we have enough allies on the ground to have done that by proxy.
Reagan had a greedy cabinet that could refuse oil deals before becoming President, that's a new one. So you are blaming this on while he was governor of California then?
Nope, at the very least a very large war will be contained in the middle east, and well, since when has that mattered?
We have already been at war, incase you haven't heard of Iraq, or Afghanistan. We will add Iran now. The middle east is worthless, all of it. Been to Iraq twice and it's worthless shit hole. Been on the border between Iraq and Iran. Looks just as shitty. Human nature is to fight wars, if we have to fight then the middle east is the best region to wipe out there and the US southern states. True story.
Trump alienated all of our allies, we have none left. Jokes on you faggot HAHHAHA!
nope, WW3 will start in 2025.
Trust me i know things.
I will put it into better words so you can understand.
Reagans future cabinet members, were members of the Senate who voted no along with Carters own democrat Senate members on the oil situation from Iran, they viewed their very generous deal with the Shah was binding no matter what.
Later those members became his close cabinet members when Reagan became POTUS.
Carter was just as bad, he even visited Iran during all this to help push for Pro-American trade agreements with the new Caliphate, they weren't having any of it of course.
But even Carter knew that if you are friendly with Iran, the rest of the Middle East would be happy.
But Reagan fucked that all up.
>Carter was just as bad, he even visited Iran during all this to help push for Pro-American trade agreements with the new Caliphate, they weren't having any of it of course.
>But even Carter knew that if you are friendly with Iran, the rest of the Middle East would be happy.
Iran was completely in the first half of Carter's epresidency, prior to 1979, it was very westernized.
pic related, it's some Iran women in 1978. No burkas, education, Fuck they eve drove around Ford's. Some towns looked nearly American/European
ah a fellow traveler
where did you park your machine user?
mine got jacked
can i hitch a ride?
Maybe. Why did Trump lie about there being no casualties in the retaliation?
Who would ever characterize this as "red head"?
To this day, there isn't a lot of women in Burka's in Iran. And they have education for women also. No idea why you think otherwise?
Are you just mirroring what those shit sites tell you?
C'mon Iran right now is the hub for biological breakthroughs for disease control and medication, they aren't a dumb nation as you think they are.
Recent example is of course when Women was allowed into football games, most men in Iran was for it, it was an old antiquated rule from before the 70s.
But in this pic, related, shows a wife with no burka and an expensive watch, not with her husband etc.
He doesn't want to feel pressure to retaliate. It's a lot easier to say "As far as we know, no Americans were killed. Iran got off lucky this time. If Americans were killed then hulk smash!" and he'd be forced into war by his huge ego, and fuck his chances of ever being reelected by starting a war less than one year from election day.
Finally reCaptcha locked me out for an hour or so again.
Here's a picture of her just hanging around and chillin. No face nor exif data, for privacy reasons.
We don't use machines anymore
Those old machines are worth a fortune now
Probably a time thief
Sure you can hitch a ride user
Just because a war starts dosen't mean it will be a world war faggot
>No idea why you think otherwise?
>they aren't a dumb nation as you think they are
A good friend and neighbor of mine (white guy, American, german heritage) grew up in Iran in the late 60's/70's and he and his family had to gtfo quickly in 1979. He's been back there dozens of times but less and less over the years. He's pretty clear that it was not the same at all and got gradually worse. I know it's anecdotal evidence for you but for me it's first hand and I believe it to be true. On a side note, it is interesting for me to be aware of the factors that influence my world view and impressions of other nations. Thanks for that actually user.
Yeah I knew that about Osama, I also share the same birthday as him lol. Everything happens for a reason man, I normally avoid these types of threads because I'm not into politics or what's happening in the world for that matter but yeah, jews. That's all I gotta say
thanks user
I gotta few things to bring in the "future"
Wanna get out of this year before these monkeys nuke each other again
We won't bring back the draft. We still overloaded with call of duty assholes and rednecks willing to make their bones
That's true but when America gets involved everyone gets involved: nato, un, allies, humanitarian organizations and more. Also, destabilization of the Middle East serves no nation's security. Also, destabilization of the energy economy and the markets effect the entire world. Private entities, corporations, stock holders and individual money grabbers are the only ones with any interest in global energy market destabilization, ergo everyone joins the fight..
don't forget to vanguard the fortnite faggots
They wont do shit all hot air to distract you from the important things
You say that but America doesn't have a history of voting out war time presidents and trump doesn't have a history of not doing things today would hurt his poll numbers
It's not fully away, they still require people to register for when it is needed again.
But to save face, I guarantee you Trump will bring out the draft again, and it will be a huge hypocritical move for him, considering he dodged it many times himself.
His poll numbers are already pretty strong consistent but half of America (and the world) views him as impulsive and erratic. I'm not at all convinced that he is a war president that would be a confidence builder, for either side of the aisle. I truly don't think he calculated this risk, or he did calculate it but expected the result to be regional division - not unification. It IS less than 1 year election day too. His plan, if he has one, has to stablize the region in very short time for him to appear successful. That's another risk he'd be taking if he doubles down. Just imo, of course.
Glad to help
Only what you can carry on you and no more than 50lbs
I hear you, for future reference avoid these years.. 2025-2038, 2056-2059, 2092-2099, 2211-2225, 2355-2365, 2633-2655, 3108-3123
trump cant calculate shit. his own professor called him the dumbest student he ever had. furthermore, trump has frontal lobe dementia. he didnt address the nation last night cause it was late and he was well into 'sundowning' at that point.
Got news for you then, Iran Air Flight 655. Jet was exactly where it was supposed to be doing what it was supposed to, despite that a bunch of morons on a fucking cruiser shot it down. US never bothered to officially acknowledge fault and just paid a bunch of money in an out of court settlement.
Yeah he'll back down just like Obama always did after his drone strikes, at least Trump didnt kill 100s of innocent civilians like Obama.
the whole "he was a terrorist" angle is a lie, America killed him because Iranian influence was growing in Iraq, and America didn't want that.
now they have a potential war brewing. idiotic.
user traveller... are those all years the Democrats control the Presidency?
>is the world really going to war /b?
The only war I'm fighting is in my pants.
> over Iranian soil
It was over international waters you fucking mong - the Persian Gulf.
I am so fucking sick of people telling 10% of a story and then AMERICA IS TEH EVILZ SATAN DEATH TO MURRICA
You're just declaring that you know the internal processes of Bin Laden's mind with absolutely no hard evidence which backs up your claim.
It's literally "I say this so it has to be true."
So convenient that your conspiracy theory is unprovable and your claimed evidence doesn't exist.
You fucking suck and it's obvious.
Not the whole world. Just the middle East
if you are talking about flight 655 it wasn't even in the gulf when shot down, it was over Iranian waters, which the ships were inside violating borders. "mong".
Not any time did I say that, and if you read other posts you will learn of the videos sent to Al-Jazeera a news network who shown them back then.
Nope, I just cleared up things. Nothing changed.
Ahh I see you decided to read ahead and find what was said, it happened, prove to me it didn't. I guess I will await the angry reply.
They can't do shit, america will stomp the fuck out of them, you realize how trash these faggots are especially with their weapons? useless fucking trash ass paki poop stain dirt ball paki tin foil faggots