Prove you have had sex

Prove you have had sex.

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I havent... 33 yr old here.

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I only ever fuck hookers so cant prove it as I dot want to give out bank details online

lol pathetic

I totally did sex at a lady. I put my thing in her front bottom

Inside a vagina feels like sandpaper when you have good sex with it.


Well "proving" that to a strager on the internet seems not only stupid but impossible. Even if I had a video of me pounding and hitting my slave girl until she crys, you couldn't know if it was me on the video.
What I noticed tho is, that people who actually had sex act in a different way than virgins in social situations

The fuck is a sex

Snapchat for more: Conor_johnson20

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Sup Forums is full of virgins

I only ever fucked hookers too

Huh interesting I never fucked a hooker not even a one night stand, only girls I knew personally.

There's no sex in the champagne room.

She’s hot as fuck the things I would do to her are crazy... nice cock but even better fucking ass Jesus Christ

Eh looks a little saggy to me.

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You obviously haven’t added him on snap... sex tape, twerk video, nipple pics... that girl is a 10 (pic he sent)

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I remember the day i butfucked your momma well she was laying on her bell and i fucked her asshole raw and came deep but some asshole cum did leak out into your moms pussy and 9 month later your little nig nog ass fell out. And thats the truth you were ass cum son

Prove it.

It's actually my new years resolution to get off the strippers and hookers and find my self a partner of some description.

nearly anything in the slam piggy thread would do

You'll never be good looking enough, manlet.

lol manlet haven't heard that in years


Sex is overated and most women don't provide that much into a relationship, there you have it, the proof of experience

Virgin cope.

Knuckles and knees hurt like a bitch after a go. On knees on rug is a big no-no, unless you want rug burn on your knees. A couch is often too narrow for achieving good leverage and thrust.

Virgins only talk about the good things about fucking. Veterans know all the bad and annoying.

Definetly get the couch one, here's another one: It's more difficult that it seems to perform oral to a standing woman, and if she doesn't shave down there, it can get quite uncomfortable (while, for some reason, they don't complain that much about it, in fact, some preffer it natural)

Again, the proof of experience




Lol, yeah. With my wife.

Serious inquiries only: looking for two men to fuck my wife at the same time for her 24th birthday, she’s been look for a while and can’t seem to find the right people so I thought I’d give it a shot, looking for Two men, bi is a plus, big cocks (7.5+ at least), BLACK MEN ARE HEAVILY PERFERRED. She’s a slim 120 pound blonde girl from New York who grew up in very white suburban rich areas and feels as if she’s missed out on being fucked by the more rough type individuals, so thugs or gangbangers are also a plus, if you have a small “squad” of more than two please let me know that could work out, please Snapchat me at @conor_johnson20 to enter in, we are extremely mobile from LA to New York this is my baby’s birthday and this is what she wants... (pic related) her birthday is Thursday so let me know ASAP

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I agree, most women only ever offer sex, past that they don't offer much. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, all things I can do without pussy.

Some of us like that.

I've been married for 19 years.

That's some simp shit.

Id do disgusting things to that girls anus... Jesus Christ is rip it inside out with my cock until she screamed my name

What? She just wants a gift?

You aren't welcome in my thread cuck faggot nigger dick sucker.

You're a faggot nigger lover ane you should kill yourself you disgrace.

all i have to say is Y I K E S

I mean, to each their own, but it's still simp shit my dude. Your chick has a nice ass, but either you're trying to suck some black dudes dicks, or you're letting your girl control you.

But you do you.

Is it that weird to want to watch your wife get split in half by two monster black cocks? She’s enjoying it I’m enjoying they’re definitely enjoying it, who’s losing


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You're losing you Jewish faggot. The Holocaust was funny.

when every one wins, no one loses
just don't feed the troll, tbh
wish you the best

Yeah, from my perspective it kind of is weird. Now if you detached the wife part and it was some stranger, then the concept is completely different and it's just a novelty of porn. But you've got this whole "wife" statement put in there.

I'd personally not be too happy with my life if it went on to having my wife railed by other people. But that's a me issue, not a you issue. You like it I suppose, cool, but not for me.

While fingering her I bite her legs & inner thigh, glide my teeth up and down her legs & inner thigh, making her a babbling idiot. We enjoy “ice play” during the summer, eating her out with crushed ice in my mouth and vice-versa. She likes “the twister”: firmly(not painfully) bite down on her clit after sucking on it, turn from left to right(pic related). Jello Trick: swish her clit across my teeth the same way you swish jello between your teeth. My gf’s cervix feels like a pussy w/in a pussy. One of her fav moves I do is vibrate my body while she rides me. I pay attention, between hard and fast poundings, to the pulse pattern of her pussy so I can cause multiple orgasms. When she cums/squirts I immediately rev up to pound thee fuck out of her, causing her eyes to roll back. During doggy she enjoys ass smacks, back clawing, hair pulling and choking. During the slow passionate movements I always say “I love you” then bite her neck. I love my chubby gf

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so... you are a snake... somehow
...nvm, how high are you right now

Cuck nigger lover.


Just ask your mom

I’ve never done illegal drugs. It’s called experimenting. I found what she likes and stick to it

good enough for a snake


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I had sex and the goosebumps on my dick wont go away

2-D girls do nothing for me

How did you get snack from how I make love to my gf?


Damn autocorrect

have you tried 1-D tho? if you're into thin girls, I'd say you'll be delighted

only snakes bite

It will be all fun and games until she realizes that this is the best way to have sex. And leaves for some nigger who can fuck her correctly or some shit like that.

I leave anything from hickies to full mouth bites. I feel bad, but she considers my dental mirror bruises as “badges of honor”. She calls me The Beast.

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Your mom wouldn't let me take a pic

Okay virgin

Okay nigger

Okay boomer

Is this enough proof?! OwO

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proof that you're a big homo who should post their butt instead

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When your done and you go take a piss it always comes out in a really smooth stream. It’s the only time I can see proof that the stream rotated on its way out.