asian thread
Asian thread
More of her? She’s cute
Sure user
mm inverted nippos
This thread needs more inverted nipples.
So sexy, she your gf? Wife?
Thanks, i think so too. My ex gf. Want to see anything special from her?
Nice tits, but why does she wear that huge bra? To try to make herself look bigger?
Show her asshole pics
Is it true that Chinese people think Licy Liu looks ugly? Why?
You've been posting this girl for a while user, how often do you jerk it to her?
Yes she tried to. I trained her to go out without a bra because she dont need one
Only asshole picture i currently have
Let's see some of her outside without a bra on, I want to see how well she's been trained.
>asks user how often her jerks off
>clearly gay.
>We all have our dicks out while posting here and call each other faggots.
Thoughts on this slut?
More of this one. She looks just like this rapper I'm obsessed with.
Asian coworker
Gorgeous, but holy fuck imagine the maintenance costs.
Once they become fully plastic maintenance is quite simple
Looking at her choice in bags, looks like that shit's going to be expensive for a while. Also her hair needs to get dyed soon, I can only imagine how much that costs at the salon she chooses.
Just give me a simple homely girl like pic related and I'm happy.
Who would want to waist their time with a pig nose though?
You see an ugly nose, I see a girl that's not going to bankrupt me.
Would you fuck her, Sup Forums?
god more please, or name/set link
filipina beach babe
holy fuck is that desperosolace
love her. name/link for set?
So ugly
afraid thats all i got, friend. just saved these from a thread months ago
damn. alright, thanks. She is real hot.
Hot af anymore??
i love these kind of expression post more
China (and East Asia in general) has an extremely rigid definition of beauty. There's basically one type of face which is considered beautiful, and anything else is ugly. That's why all the Kpop stars end up looking nearly identical after plastic surgery rather than each having their own different version of beauty.
It's especially weird in China where there's literally millions of more men than women, and increasing numbers of women who aren't even interested in marriage. You'd think the guys would lighten up on the rigid unrealistic beauty standards and be willing to date normal, real, still attractive women. But instead they continue to dismiss perfectly good girls as "ugly" because their nose doesn't have the right tilt or their eyes are a millimeter to far apart or whatever.
Because she is fkin ugly
If anyone wants to trade oc of Asians and others, drop ur discord!
Seriously, anyone have more or know who this is?
She's cute as fuck