Would Sup Forums smash me?

Would Sup Forums smash me?

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Tits and timestamp fag

fuck off tranny

Yup. Totally destroy that little pussy!

timestamp or ur a larping faggit

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I'd definitely lick that for a while

My cock wouldn't fit in there


dilation pics or gtfo

With a sledgehammer, degenerate.

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LOL i can tell even by your eyes that you dont pass. at least your "pussy" does bro, have fun never finding love in your life. kys

an other view?

>currently have a gf
>have fun never finding love
i am confused user

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no tranny

so strange she looks very small and tight to big and tight ( not ugly at all )

frontal pic


Yep. Everyone here is virgin (probaly) (me too)

currently outside again so here is an old one the swelling around the labia minora and majora was around 3 months post op (current pics 5ish years post op)

Attached: 31241241.jpg (800x600, 77K)

pretty, she is attractive

don't have to anymore

any timelaps ? whatever, I smash 200/100

Sadly no
Have some gnarly pictures directly during surgery tho

it's interesting to see a beautiful evolution like that
possible prv ?


To me, a guy that mutilates his body, is still a guy. But as long as the leftovers look femal, I got no problem treating & fucking him like the girl he wants to be.

wait, so OP is really a guy??? coulda fooled me... i woulda said SHE has a perfect pussy.

Yeah stopped caring about that ages ago
My fav joke is that my gf and I have the most heterosexual relationship possible

private message, if you want to share photos that would be more "sensitive"

Wait, is that a post operation trap?

Don't mind sharing them on here tbh
Just ask away

And since lubrication works fine too you wouldn't even know what you fucked

oh, have you got first pics and last pic to share ? and before operation ? a face with this beautrifull pussy would be welcome

>first pics
pic rel
>last pic
OP is the most recent picture

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ok well, I prefer now ... u should take full body pics ;)

>a face
prepare to be disappointed
>inb4 cringe flag
ex gf got it for me and I like the colouring

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your head doesn't disappoint me, the cigarette yes lol

>body pic
pic related
can't take a new one atm (hours before i get back home so phone posting till then)

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it's beautiful to see, very sexy

you should be killed

Looks good to me. I would try to get you in my bed, OP.

yeah maybe
currently dating an EMT tho so she'll probably bring me back
thank you

we have almost all seen from your body, there is still something to see ;) but this is very satisfying

is there a place if i want to see another pics in the future?

Not bad for a punus. I'd smash.

Post ass?

Post tits

you don't look like you have ankles

and if this is the first thing people see when they meet you, then yes

if not then probably not since you're clearly lacking ankles

>is there a place if i want to see another pics in the future?
not really, sorry but I come to 4chin whenever bored
no pic of ass available

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You look like an ugly girl who doesn't like themselves very much.

Not bad for a punus. I'd fuck it.
So is the skin of your shaft now the walls are channel

I am sad because you are super sexy and I would like not to miss any pic of you :)

>ugly girl
considering i was once a dude thanks
>doesn't like themselves very much
nah I'm quite okay with myself
not quite
it's a mix of foreskin,urethralining and parts of the tip to give both a realistic feel and lubrication

but she's awsome !

I’d smash as many times as you want

since a while ago I ask you for pics but where are you from? :) sry to insist but if you wish to discuss friendly I am available on kik dickydick.fr

>considering i was once a dude thanks


>nah I'm quite okay with myself

The two pictures you've posted with your face don't look like that at all. People who are OK with themselves smile.

went through too much shit over the years to smile a lot
but I am quite happy all things considered at the moment
german speaking area of europe

german speaking aera of europe ?

So does piv sex actually feel good?

Or can you only get off from buttstuff?

vag is sensitive and so is my clit
never tried PiV tho, more of a tongue and finger type of girl

So you can orgasm from vag/clit yeah?

You hear stories about ftm that its basicly dead down there.

let's see..

has a pussy, check.


yes both clit and vag work fine

Is your voice deep enough to give away your trannyness? Just curious, I would smash btw. How your libido post-op?

passes with no issues

more tits pics ? :)

Sorry OP. As a straight male I'd still rather smash Natalie Mars right uo the arse than put my dick anywhere near you.

I obviously don't know either of you, but the fact you willingly chopped your knob off screams all kind of crazy to me. It sets alarm bells off in my subconscious that I have no control over. The alarms tell me "stay away". I still belive it's a disorder and should rightfully be treated as such.

Good luck in life though.

have you got more piercing or any tatoo ?

only my tongue
hey no worries
it is, and the best treatment known at the momen is transition
not rn sry


Would love to see the ass but based off the tits and face I would for sure let you suck my cock or titty fuck me. Depending on ass I would probably fuck your bum too.

There’s nothing attractive about you.

Hard pass.

Would cum in mouth and on tits


Take a picture of your ass/then post it

“Labia” I think you mean inside out folded nut sack shaped to mimic a non functioning labia.

I really hope to see a totally naked pic just for the pleasure of the eyes :)

>works like any other vagina
>"b-b-but muh fakery"
Call it whatever you like tbh
Doesn't change how it functions

Where are your ovaries bruh?


>vagina and vulva
>ovaries and uterus
Are you dense or unable to distinguish?

I wonder if it has ever been treated with modern day antipsychtics then; like other mental disorders quite often are.

And not very successful

Y'all are all a bunch of jackasses. OP is not a transmission, but a full cunt trolling your retarded asses.

OP, post pre and post op picks or it didn't happen

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how much did u pay? also depth? it looks very nice
t. tranny

Dick was small. Easy to turn into a vagina

So taking bets on him being part of the 45 percent. I accept Wendy's gift cards.

My density is astounding. Just proving my point.
>looks like a vagoo
>functions like a XY chromo vagoo

You can only pick one.

looks like a fat armpit fold. but congrats on cutting your dick off. it's a wound that will close, that's all. m-m-muh functions the same reeeee. nope, it's a scabby wound the body wants to heal.

Yeah man because a cut up dick definitely does have the same functions as a functioning vagina. Except for almost every biological function you can imagine.

Sometimes even schizophrenics are treatment resistant to medication such as clozapine though.

16k USD with flight and hotel
>chromosomes affect how something works past development
You are dumb

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but it bleeds like a real vaginaaaaaa

I actually never thought about that. Holy fuck, how do you stop it from trying to heal.

Okay dead eyes, believe what you want. I’ll sleep easy knowing I haven’t mutilated my reproductive organs in a veiled attempt to come to terms with my self hatred.

Feel free to name them
Pro tip
>self cleaning
>doesn't require dilation
>vaginal flora bio identical
>tastes like your average pussy
All I give you is
>doesn't bleed every month
>no ovaries so external intake of estrogen required
Neither are bad tbqh

I don't think you're right. But then again, I fail the captcha all the time lol