Be drunk a few months ago

>be drunk a few months ago
>make random facebook account
>confess love to my high school crush which is already married now
>write some cringy stuff about feelings
>forget about it
>check facebook again 2 months later
>she actually answered
>text with her a bit
>seems really nice and wants to know who I am
>say it doesn't matter because she's married
>still wants to know really bad who I am

Should I tell her? I was a total loser jerk back in high school and I still am to this day. It will only hurt me in the end if I tell, right?

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don't tell her
she hope you're a chad

Do you have anything else to lose at this point? Might aswell do it

can there be negative repercussions from you other than you looking like a sperg?
Are they an untrustworthy person with this information and will use it to make you look like a loser?

If they're a decent person and they don't like it they'll just think you're a bit of a spazz, if that's the worst repercussion it's really nothing.

ye she probably hopes that. But I already told her that I'm some kind of loser..
>Do you have anything else to lose at this point?
absolutely fucking not. I'm basically done with life at this point

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She either wants to know who you are because A: she's actually interested or B: she's absolutely frightened and her husband is involved, police, etc.

You're dumb. You did some dumbass shit. Even if you tell her who you are and she wants to pursue something with you, you're too much of a loser to even try and follow through. I'm assuming you have a shit job if any at all, are broke as fuck, possibly do not even have your own car and do not live on your own.

Honestly brah, if you have nothing to offer her and full doomer tier, you probably need to try and improve your life and work on yourself.

She's not going to leave him for you if you can't offer her anything, even your best case scenario is you fucking a married woman for a while behind the guys back which just ends up making your life probably worse in the long run.

Fuck off dad...before I tell mom you're on Sup Forums again

> B: she's absolutely frightened and her husband is involved, police, etc.
Nah I didn't come off as a creepy stalker. At least I think so.
>no job
>broke af
>still live at hone
>also really fucking ugly

Yes, all true. But I still want to tell her. Hear what she thinks. Maybe this will give me the final push to kill myself.
>She's not going to leave him for you if you can't offer her anything,
I knew that when I wrote her. Still.. jsut wanted to let her know. FUCK ME

How old are you? Also, what race/nationality?

If that's the truth then she already knows and you've had your catharsis, no need to take it further.

Okay, pic of her then pic of her now

Pic of you then pic if you now

No point baby raging at us, just do what you want you sperg.

Move on

>How old are you?
I already confessed that I'm a loser. But maybe she still hopes I'm Chad. Unsure about that.
I have no hope for the future.
I'm like 4/10 ugly. Not fat or deformed though.

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In any circumstance don't tell her right now or you will end up killing yourself. If you really want to tell her then start improving on yourself. Only once you ascend to Chad status which is easily achievable only then tell her, you can disappear for months or years no matter how long it takes you. That way you will be prepared to a) fuck her brains out if she wants to fuck on the side or b) be able to defend yourself it its her husband luring you or c) won't be easy target to harrasment and funny jokes from her friends since you will be Chaded up you won't give a shit at that point and will be fucking bitches left and right.

If you think everything written above is waste of time doing then might as well go to local gun store and buy something to kill yourself with once reality hits you

>which just ends up making your life probably worse in the long run.
Actually more like her life, he isn't the married one.

Trust me on this: you came off as a creepy stalker because you are a creepy stalker. You hide your identity and write a bunch of bullshit about your obsession that you're still holding onto since high school because you have gone literally nowhere in life since then.

I want you to understand that I know exactly what you're going through because I did the same thing except with a chick that I actually had a short-lived fling with. 7 years later I tried to get her back... But guess what... I'm a fucking loser so now she's with some 45 year old sex offender fresh out of prison. I'm literally less worthy than a fucking rapist. Let that sink in. This is you.

Why do people who are ugly and have terrible self esteem always pine over some absolute hotty and then get upset that it never works out.

Forget about this random gurl that you don't even know anymore and look for someone in your league. No even better don't look for anyone and concentrate on being happy alone.

Oh and saying you have no hope for the future is pure self pity, grow up.

Lol holy fuck, theres more to life than women. You ever had sex? Guess what? Drugs are way better if you can afford them. Drugs make you feel good, bitches bring you down. If drugs aren't your thing, just find a fucking hobby. Find something that makes you feel good that is also positive for you. It's not hard.

Lmfao. If you were 30, I'd be more inclined to tell you to kill yourself but seriously. You're not a doomer. Being a loser at 21 is nothing. You're only a few years out of highschool so she's probably actually interested in knowing who you are. Anyone who gets married that young is probably miserable and headed towards divorce anyway unless she is the extremely cliche type of person who wants a life made for tv.

Seems like you are giving her some much needed attention that her husband is failing to give her.

Either that or she’s fishing, looking to publicly humiliate you. Look for clues on the state of her current relationship in her social feeds. If the risk looks minimal, go for it. May be in a state where she would prefer an ugly loser that puts her on a pedestal rather than what she currently has.

For me, it's coding and programming. I love it and I can make money doing it. When I wanna blow some steam or get bent out of shape I have a juice box and do some dabs.

Can't agree more

Tell her, let her laugh at you with her husband and old school mates. Embrace being a flaming faggot and ascend to the highest level of incelism and cucklordness

>you have no hope for the future is pure self pity, grow up.
>chad up
Nigga I'm ugly and nothing will ever change that. Piss poor social skills and poor parents. I always knew I had no chance. And I never will.
Also right. I'm a creep. People always told me.

I'm gonna tell her. Literally nothing to lose. I know how it will end. Don't care anymore. Might aswell shot myself later today.

Anyways thanks for the advice friends. Maybe I'm gonna post the screen so you have something to laugh about.

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>unless she is the extremely cliche type of person who wants a life made for tv.

So many basic bitches out there that want that whole white picket fence thing. That even a thing anymore, with how the economy is? We're headed in ww3 and bitches want white picket fences. This is why I'm single, and I love it.

>still wants to know really bad who I am
This is just to inflate her own ego and tell her friends that this loser from high school is trying to hook up with her. She wants to know exactly who you are so her and her friends can get a good laugh, especially if you called yourself a 'loser' with her.

In other words, I don't see this going anywhere whether you tell her or not.

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Post the result. I won’t laugh.

>Piss poor social skills and poor parents. I always knew I had no chance. And I never will

You're blaming your parents and shit? It's not about where you're from its where you're at. Where you're at is totally up to you.

Tell her that she'll know only if she's interesting in getting together.
If she's married and won't cheat then she won't budge. If she does, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Just make sure you're not out of shape.

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>I won't laugh

I'll have a sensible chuckle.

This. When my alpha chad buddy broke up with his girl for no reason other than to fuck another bitch (he thought he would be able to get her back lol) after like 4 or 5 years of the perfect relationship, she went and found some ginger manlet because she knows this ugly little fucker will never even think about trying to hurt her because he literally can't get a woman hotter than her and would never try anyway.

She might be flattered and curious but I really doubt she has any interest. And when she finds out that it's a beta and not chad thundercock who is obsessed with her she will be creeped out.

Tell her you'd like to meet at a restaurant. Arrive a few minutes late and walk up to her table smiling. Then pull out a gun and tell her "this is what you could have had" before blowing your brains out. She will likely not even know who you were and spend the rest of her life wondering what could have been.

>Anyways thanks for the advice friends. Maybe I'm gonna post the screen so you have something to laugh about.
Jfc. At least post screenshot of the messages.

>Should I tell her?

Women are strange creatures, and it's too early. If you're truly desperate (and you are) you can continue talking with her in this virtual relationship never revealing who you are. The fact you're a "mystery" to her will only make her more interested. Continue to refuse. Be mysterious. She will eventually up the stakes herself because women go insane over men they cannot have. Make her fall in love with you. But you don't reveal yourself until you're at the hotel as she begs to cheat on her husband with this mystery man who makes her "feel wanted" again.

Except you're too much of a loser to actually fuck her, so just an hero right there in the room while she watches.

Nigga I'm ugly and nothing will ever change that. Piss poor social skills and poor parents.

None of those things are a reason to not be happy, they are excuses so you can wallow in self pity rather than look inwards and make a change. Give yourself some responsibility, try set some goals and work to them, even its small stuff.
I'm sure a lot of us can relate to what you are saying becuase we have been there. And only when you are out do you relaize it is pathetic. I also think no good can come of you texting her, delete the number and spend your time actually doing something, it could be anything.
Do you work?

>Except you're too much of a loser to actually fuck her, so just an hero right there in the room while she watches.
thanks for making me laugh
>Do you work?
No. Never had a job.
Improving yourself seems like a big lie you tell losers so they don't off themselves. I bet you aren't ugly and don't know how it feels.

Go for it man. People change since high school and so have you. If she's matured enough she should of realised some guys considered losers are pretty chill and cool to be around as long as your not creepy and shit. She's probably got to the point of her marriage and in denial that she's actually pretty unhappy. Just keep in mind she's probably enjoying this simply because she's flattered and it's mysterious and girls love that shit so once you actually tell her she will might seem less interested and that's not because she's not into you but it's become more realistic for her and that's not as fun any more but only one way to find out? If you don't think you can handle the worst possible reaction or outcome just keep going and playing her for your own enjoyment as I'm sure shes fun with it aswell but girls will go fucking mental not knowing shit but that just gives you more control if you like that sort of shit. At least you got a reaction and a chance to chat so what ever.

Just fuck her

You got nothing to lose user. Go for it. If you're not out of shape, fuck her. Post the screens of your messages

>No job

>Be me
>Turned 23 last month
>No job (been in a job recruitment for over 13 months).
>Living at home (happily tho, loving family so there is a plus).
>No partner, haven't had sex in 4 years (so that probably means I'm ugly. On the plus side I'm over 6 foot).

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how old are u

>No partner, haven't had sex in 4 years (so that probably means I'm ugly)
thats not how it works lol. if u never even talk to girls how the fuck are u gonna have sex

How could I make myself appear more mysterious and chad like without coming off as a creepy stalker
>On the plus side I'm over 6 foot).
Same. But I have an ugly frogface so it doesn't matter.

Why? I don't think it's important. Age doesn't make anyone diffrent when it comes to being a male. They get to a certain point of maturity and stop developing mentally. Some might act mature but when it comes to dealing with real life situations or women with out any guidance it can vary no matter what age you are. The fact that you ask I will assume youre at least unde 25.

>if u never even talk to girls how the fuck are u gonna have sex
Do talk to girls. Usually in more formal situations tho. Not nightclubs or bars.
Have some female friends, all (except one) I met through church.

>I have an ugly frogface so it doesn't matter.
Know that feel (plus two extra years of it).
Figured after all this time that it had to be something wrong with me.
Not that I don't have a job because I dress nice and don't let girls know that.
Not my dress or smell because I take care of myself
Not fat (very skinny tho, but I usually wear a blazer so that shouldn't be a problem).
So I'm either socially retarded, ugly or both.

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You can't just make that happen. Even if someone tells you how, eventually the real you will come out. Just be upfront, be your self and do your best at being confident to cover your self as coming off creepy and stalkerish. Just fading away away now or ghosting her is going to make you look creepy. You created this shit now man up and own it.

your first comment made me think ur 15 or something. twisting his story that way. not that i think its not plausible.

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There is no right way of doing it though. I'm just giving my personal advice. You sound as insecure as him guessing and judging people's ages and obviously comparing others to your self going by just a comment on Sup Forums. I'm sure you pointing this out makes you feel better about your self so you got that going for your self right? But this isn't about you though so try get over you self and not derail this thread.

Get a fucking job for starters, just being busy with this will help ten fold.

>Improving yourself seems like a big lie you tell losers so they don't off themselves.

It's not a big lie and its not about actively improving yourself. It's about having some self respect, you are living like a pathetic looser, this is your choise, Realise this. Realise that you are happy being like this, because if you were not you would change. Its that simple.

The only reason I bother to post this is because given the small chance you actually listen to what user tells you on here you could look back in years to come and laugh about it, people in these threads always give the same advice and it's good advise, you get told the issue not what comforts you.

wish I could meet a cute doomer gf

Not OP but when I get drunk I text the same five girls but in my conscious state of mind I never think about them.

Choatic evil

Do they reply?

Bro if she is married at 21 she is probably white trash,
get a job start racking in the cash wait until she breaks up with the chad
And then hit on her(don't marry her though keep her as a side chick)

Yea you really need a job but only because girls need you to be reliable. Don't just get rich, tattoos and get buff so girls like you because they will only like you for them reasons and any decent girl won't because deep down your probably still a shit cunt no matter what you got. I seen to many guys go down this path and hate turn into women haters.

no, i wanted to repy to u but ur comment sounded too much like 15yr old me. so i was curious if ur rly optimistic or a teenager.

>if she is married at 21 she is probably white trash

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> be me, gay girl
> be also drunk
> confess love to old high school crush
> she's married
> confesses she's miserable and suicidal
> back away slowly
> mfw

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This is a really clever way of telling everyone you're a virgin.

If you got nothing to lose then just do it.

Hey first fuck you... im 33 kissless virgin doomer still living at home with my mom. I also did what op did but it was way worse. Got a free phone out of it though. I went to buy a gun last month no one would sell me one was going to an hero. Now i am currently working out and relearning shit for full stack development and will delay killing myself till 35. Op what you did is small in comparison to the cringe i commited last october. Dont let it get you down.

> full stack development
You guys so scared of building your own core. On a scale to 0 to 10 how much of an npm rat's nest is your environment gonna look? I'm just fucking with you, but seriously. 0 to 10.

Op u do this and i will do the same


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