My life isn't worth living. I'm not suicidal its just that i dont know what im living for. There's no point to any of it. Any of u tards had the same problem and how did u deal wit it?
Pic unrelated
My life isn't worth living. I'm not suicidal its just that i dont know what im living for. There's no point to any of it. Any of u tards had the same problem and how did u deal wit it?
Pic unrelated
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You have to make your own destiny.
If you want a hint however, it's to eliminate the Jewish threat.
More phone pic. . And why microsoft is awesome.
Give your life to someone else then. Sacrifice it on their behalf. Waste not want not.
I won't kill myself, so I'll be sticking around for a while. given that this is the case, I can either be miserable (my life has no meaning in the grand scheme of things), or try and pass the time in a more convenient way. You'll have to decide for yourself what you enjoy and feel comfortable with.
pic slightly related as OP is always a fag
The point of life is to find what u should live for. Some people find it easier or earlier than others, but the point is to find it. I know i sound like a faggot but yeah
ya I moved around state to state until I found a place I'm happy.
Your purpose is to feel as little pain as possible while acknowledging that pain is inevitable and the defining quality of life.
I stopped giving a shit, stopped smoking weed and started to learn guitar (acoustic).
Maybe have yourself a nice lunch today huh big guy? Not fast food but like go sit down at a mom and pop restaurant that serves good lunch.
The point of living is enjoying weeb culture to its fullest through watching animes. Nothing else will be with you as long or is as comforting.
Well I gave my live a purpose.
I've finally did the thing I always wanted but never had the nerves or endurance to actually go though with it.
I ate healthier and instead of public transport I started to take the bike to work, to improve on my physical health and apperance.
Then I finally went to a bdsm meet up for the first time and made a fuckton of new friends and met the girl I married in the meantime.
Finally m life dosn't feel lonely and meaningless anymore.
The point of living is hating weeb culture to its fullest through berating pathetic weebs on the internet and in rare real life cases when one emerges from its basement.
Just go with the flow
bro just get a good job, buy a nice car, fuck chicks go outside travel the world. you'll be back to normal in no time.
The worth of temporary euphoria is never equivalent to finding genuine meaning in life. Be authentic albeit realistic with yourself. Explore healthy ways to channel your creativity, find your burning passions.
Good luck user.
drugs. take psychedelics.
My great grandfather tried that like 80 years ago. It wasn't very fulfilling.
Stop being lonely
Existence is pointless. This is a good thing. It means there’s nobody in the universe that you have to please other than yourself if you choose.
So find shit you like to do and do it. Who gives a fuck, we’re all going to die and be forgotten.
how do you know it's pointless? What if you just haven't figured out the point of it yet?
For everyone reading here, don't get sucked in:
The publicized suicide serves as a trigger, in the absence of protective factors, for the next suicide by a susceptible or suggestible person. This is referred to as suicide contagion.[2] They occasionally spread through a school system, through a community, or in terms of a celebrity suicide wave, nationally. This is called a suicide cluster.[2] A spike of emulation suicides after a widely publicized suicide is known as the Werther effect....
He obviously didn't have enough love for the Fatherland