You and your cub troop find your leader unconscious. What would happen next?

You and your cub troop find your leader unconscious. What would happen next?

Attached: 10 Viola.jpg (3412x1862, 1.89M)

same girl but as a pirate,
what do you want to see her wearing?

Attached: 13 Viola.jpg (2002x2544, 1.91M)

preferably nothing

more in her little uniform?

what about more of her little friends?

Attached: 3.jpg (1959x1469, 1.38M)

I feel these girls are underage. Would you kindly inform myself of the ages of these young ladies, kind gentleman?


Jason M.

18 at least


in this situation you can be her friend and mentor and no more

You can be daddy to one.

at least you can be sure that Viola is 18

Attached: Girl Scout.jpg (2280x1840, 1.71M)

Run away

Yeah i think i would cop a feel, maybe look up that shirt. more of her on the ground?

this is whats called the shove a bottle in her mouth technique

Attached: 11 Viola.jpg (1926x1445, 676K)


and working with her charges

Attached: P1460120.jpg (2285x1714, 724K)

same girl from behind, you'd stand for this too?

Attached: P1460316.jpg (1736x2016, 1.44M)

despite the restriction it's difficult not to come to them..

Attached: hard.jpg (1347x1796, 829K)


if you were there who would hesitate to just yank that zipper down?

me. im no rapist

Devils with Russian jailbait girlscouts
Dont stop, please

Looks like Polish, not Russian.

this is how they train girl scouts in central Europe

Attached: P1440412.jpg (1861x1396, 780K)

mam nadzieję, że nie jesteś pełnoletnim opiekunem tych dzieci jebany pedofilu

his expression though..

Attached: damn.jpg (1824x1576, 1.1M)


I'n croatia the leader would be eaten coz a weak piece of shit

yeah its polish ZHP

az mi szkoda tych dzieci ja pierdole

Same genetics
Next you’ll say basketball americans and africans are different. Fuck off

in Poland leaders look like this

Attached: Viola Captain.jpg (2376x1816, 1.06M)

7/10 in croatia

she does it for me

Attached: Viola in the sun.jpg (720x1280, 106K)

more of this polish slut please.

damn very nice. more like this

how do you know she is?

Attached: Viola 1.jpg (1080x1080, 132K)

she has a cock-sucker's smile
anyway keep posting that cum guzzler.
any more in uniform??

Fuck i love her smile

Love it when girls pose like that, like their midsection is as hard as a rock

pink hair tie

Attached: Violaa.jpg (955x960, 67K)

do you know this little whore?

she works out

Attached: Viola.webm (640x1136, 899K)

co to za zdzira?...

Attached: (500x334, 83K)

babysits my kids

got more of her?

made any babysitter porn with her?

Attached: babysitter.jpg (1080x1350, 102K)

OP why haven't you fucked that asshole yet?

sloppy trigger dicipline

D: Danger
Is there any danger to yourself or the casualty? Do you need to manage the scene of an incident?
Remember you are the most important person!
R: Response
How conscious (or unconscious) is the casualty? It may be useful to use a simple scale such as ‘AVPU’ in order to quickly assess the level of consciousness.
A: Alert
V: Responding to voice
P: Responding to pain
U: Unresponsive
A: Airway
Does the casualty have an open (“patent”) airway? If not, what airway management techniques do you need to use? Are there any risks to the casualty’s airway?
B: Breathing
Is the casualty breathing normally?
C: Circulation
Is the casualty bleeding significantly (internal or external)? Are there signs and symptoms of shock?
Often first aiders are taught ‘DR ABC’ for unconscious casualties where they need to be placed into the recovery position or CPR needs to be performed. However you can apply DR ABC to conscious/semi-conscious casualties too. It provides a structure for your quick patient assessment to find life-threatening injuries and illnesses.

laugh and take her drugs away and trade them to my underlings

>Me in the corner
>Me in the spotlight
>Me losing my religion

Spoilers: That was just a dream.

dont stop

she can't cope with all the attention

Attached: babysitter2.jpg (958x958, 128K)

im pretty fucking hard
tell me you have a pic to bust a nut with

Another user here lookin to bust a nut. She's beautiful and a hot slut.

will take a look

it doesnt have to be her
also liked this little slut

Obviously 18

braids, beret and bending

Attached: uniform.jpg (1671x1780, 936K)

So no tits then? GTFO.

tbh they suck

Attached: suck it.jpg (3319x1869, 1.79M)

man that got me close
but i really need something more slutty
how often does she babysit?
you ever see her in this uniform?

It's been a while since we saw the godess.

you have any slutty pics to contribute?

My tent buddy and I would go back to our tent and make out again

Rape time

Gawds this thread is boring as fuck.


Attached: vampire.jpg (1592x3456, 929K)

girlz from her troop

Attached: girlz.jpg (1844x1383, 592K)

and two more leaders

Attached: two.jpg (5184x2920, 1.47M)