Pick a topic and I'll write a short poem aboot it

Pick a topic and I'll write a short poem aboot it

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>Pick a topic and I'll write a short poem aboot it
op the faggot... Do eeeeeeeeeeeettttt :D

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Listen here, you little maggot
I've know OP eye the baguette
He would be the first to snag it
The only beaver he liked was Dagget
But dont dare call him a gay man.

Short poems

Its faster than the other kind
Some like long, some like short
A bit more meat, bit less rind
More a pint than a quart


Here I sit broken hearted.
Came to shit and only farted.
Yesterday I took a chance.
Tried to fart and shit my pants.

Ur mom

nail fungus


Apu apustaja

Stubbing your toe on the corner of a table

the urge to rape children on sight.

Bonus points for writing a haiku too

In b4 niggers


Mom walking her kids
Heart starts pounding, mouth waters
I suffer from this

Anal prolapse

Write one about Spain's beauty, please.

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Your sexuality hahaha u gay

max payne

Write about this

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Here your topic for today OPisafag

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