In 38 hours and 12 minutes the world will end in a painful fiery death, now that you know this...

In 38 hours and 12 minutes the world will end in a painful fiery death, now that you know this, how will you spend the next three days?

Attached: The End is Near.png (489x558, 132K)

Rape, lots and lots of rape!

>In 38 hours and 12 minutes...
>three days

rape and murder

38 hours is a little over a day and a half

Thats my point

Then why did you write three days?

Learn to read Op's before replies.

You clearly didnt read OP

Well if it's known worldwide, I don't see why commit to any social norms whatsoever. Just follow the instinct too the fullest.
Maybe travel around in a stolen plane, while raping and killing all around

And your obviously retarded, 3 days is 72 hours.

i'll keep playing fortnite until someone forces into my house and slits my throat for fun while I keep playing.
I've been dead inside for years now

Some say the world will end in fire, others in ice

Lol wow. I wasnt aware you could be this stupid. Maybe if you Start from the beginning, you wont be nearly as lost and confused. Of course 3 day is 72 hours

fucking my gf and
fucking my gf and
blazing away all the mj i have left
fucking my gf and
fucking my gf
you get the idea

Probably just jerking off for like a day and a half and then burning for the next day and a half.

OP thinks that 38 hours and 12 minutes = three days?

Maybe mass human extinction isn't such a bad idea.

Stop samefagging your autistic math

Even if i was. My point remains valid

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-08-08-39-16(1).png (1080x263, 30K)

Forgot to reply

wtf is your point?
You can't actually believe that your days are shorter than mine, right?

These replies are from OP who is way too beta to admit mistakes.

Good that im free from work til saturday so I can do drugs and shitpost

He's trying to save face for being so stupid - obviously not working...

i've only really just seen the other replies on this thread and only now realised it's all bait. carry on.

Attached: nope.jpg (520x337, 60K)

Im going to go kill my probation officer

You can't even do simple math. That's.... protofail.

It may be bait. But im convinced that what i said in
is totally true. But OP also likes to drag other people in this.

And this is why we say: lurk moar.

OP I gots a question- do you know how many beers are in a 6-pack?

Do you know how many cans of soda are in a 24-pack?

Serious questions.

In all fairness, my daughter only recently learned the number of hours in a day. Of course she's five.

Nice backpedal, OP. Wouldn't it just be easier to delete your thread?

bruh i'm not OP, i just stumbled upon this shit thread. i wish i had the power to delete threads because i'd start with the cucks and furries

OP here, this is a troll thread, that is why used an image of crossed out numbers along with obviously bad math, I just wanted to see how far I could troll this years crop of newfags with the lowest quality of bait that Sup Forums has to offer. Then out of nowhere, this fag comes along swallowing up everything,

No, it is just too damn funny.

>OP caught being a retard

OP admits his mistake through the desperate attempt of "it was planned all along"

Attached: 121.png (600x1081, 331K)

If you get caught trolling, You aren't trolling

You can't escape your retardation...

OP proof?

I'm taking the bait by responding, I hope this makes you feel better.

ww3 is cancelled.