How hard is it to live as a moron?

How hard is it to live as a moron?

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Steins;Gate ftw

Its 50%

6:2 you retard



geometry is gay

Very hard to live as moron. Unions are useless nowadays and you cant make relatively as much money doing back breaking work as you were once able to.


retards. 6:2 or 3:1


You can fit 6 triangles in 1 hexagon

Half is red. If those triangles have the same area and are equilateral.

what ratio of Sup Forums is dumb as fuck?


100%. One becomes dumb upon posting.

tree fiddy

This, bc for each red triangle there are 3 blue triangles of the same area (one for each of the adjacent hexagons). I.e. 1 of 4 triangles is red.

6 million

we need a scientist

idiot theres less red than blue

kill yourself.

1:3 shithead

14 red triangles per 8 blue octagons

1/4 nigger

found the math nazi

if you cant see how 33% is red, you have the reasoning skills of a 10 year old.

2 and 1/3:8
or in other words
7/3 : 8

Ur dumb.

At least I know the correct answer.

7/31 or 14/62

Reread the question carefully. It doesn't even make any sense.

I count 2 Stars of David.
So 200 ppm of Carbon monoxide, or more is required to solve this problem (100ppm per star).

Attached: 1556329865089.jpg (410x410, 40K)

Let all of us know to prove that ur not an idiot.

i mean you know what the question is meant to ask

once im done jerking off ill post the solution.

3,428 blue to one red by area

And, by that, the red area to total area is 0,21875

They want limit of (red area)/(whole area) as the pattern fills a plane. I think it's 1/4

Okay, find the smallest combination of blue and red that can be repeated without overlapping to create the pattern. That combination turns out to be 1 blue hexagon (made of 6 blue triangles) and 2 red triangles. Therefore, there are 6 blue triangles for every 2 red triangles.

Attached: genius.png (326x473, 295K)

Did you find it yet?

You could make this pattern with two triangles for every hexagon. Six triangles make one hexagon. The ratio is 1:3.

Im jerking off still srry

It is. Some infantile jerks who grew their first pubes, however, try to (literally) kid you by posing a grammatically flawed question.

This to much puberty for me in here. I'm out.

Finally another winner. Welcome to the genius club.

Attached: genius2.png (595x449, 453K)

I do not mean the solution, you fuck shit. I meant your dick. However, your inferior brain couldn't process alright.


Sorry, I was busy jacking off. Did you see the solution? Or did you run off?


Saw it. It's wrong. Maybe your brain was hurt by trying to jerk your tiny weener.

The pattern you repeat (one blue hexagon plus two red triangles to, say, the right) consists of eight triangles (six blue for the hexagon, and two red ones obviously). So 2 of 8 triangles are red, i.e. the ratio red/all for the repeated pattern is 2/8, as is for the entire plane. 2/8=1/4. Dick weed.