Orange says now he wants a deal with Iran, no more fighting, please

Orange says now he wants a deal with Iran, no more fighting, please.

Won't Orange just tear up the deal, or is that the next president's job?

Can the American electorate be trusted to honor another deal?

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Can't trust anything Trump says. If Trump said the sky was blue I'd have to go out and double check just to be sure.

This is a good point. Better to glass Iran and be done with it

Isn’t the next president going to be Trump?

Whoa, the left are still whining like cunts? All the shrieking and hysteria of world war 3 from the fee remaining left wing Dems- only for the left's typical lies to once again fall apart.

No wonder Trumps on track to an easy re-election.

Looking at the current polls, yeah. And after far left Democrats spent the past week apologizing to Iran on social media, it's no wonder Trump and Repubs lead in current polling.

I might not agree for the same reasons but I still think he’ll be the next president just based on numbers. Also based on the fact that the Democrats are a three ring circus. Trumps been campaigning for six months to a year already. The Democrats are still fighting to see who’s going to be a leader, none of them can agree on anything. How exactly are they supposed to lead a country like that

>Orange says now he wants a deal with Iran, no more fighting, please.
So he wants to put an end to violence and now that's a bad thing?

not really how the word "next" works, but then, Trumpfag, so...

He had a deal when he came into office. Then he didn't want a deal, then he tried fighting, and now he wants to go back to having a deal. How much $ do you think this deal is going to cost when he has to ask them if they'll go back to having a deal, and why the fuck would they trust us again?

Isnt this what you wanted you pussy snowflake???

Agreed. This is the only way. Or we can do this again in a decade for the rest of history.

Probably no more than all the money used by the Democrats in their failed investigations.

You folks don't seem to realize that Trump is trying to make peace with a country he just attacked. Iran is going to lure in those negotiating peace and brutally murder them. Trump only polls well on Fox news. Stop listening to polls because they're all doctored to no end to favor a predetermined candidate. He's got a very tough election coming up. No one wanted Hillary. Trump won the electoral, not the popular vote. He has to figure out how to get popular vote and Liberals are flipping states. He has a hard fight against him.

Trumpfags always do this retarded act. If you observe that Orange is changing his mind, trumpfag will always screech, "NO YOU"RE the one changing YOUR mind!"

seedid it again lick clockwork

>and why the fuck would they trust us again?
Seems like we shouldn't be trusting them seeing as they attacked us first.

>So he wants to put an end to violence and now that's a bad thing?
I genuinely can't tell if you're trolling or if you're actually this stupid.

I thought his speech was good. I dont know what democrats would have said different. All you fuckers are so full of hate you will never be satisfied

I'm sorry, what?

Wait the Benghazi Select Committee was democrats now? I can't keep up with all this flip flopping

Electoral vote is the one that counts. Hillary lost because all she won was the popular vote.

seeI'm so sick of this same faggot argument

so you don't agree with trump asking for a deal because no trust, you're just parroting OP, faggot

So that's a yes? You're pro-war now?


>you don't agree with trump asking for a deal
Never said this.

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They attacked our embassy in Iraq with Iranian backed militias that Iran copped to. Maybe you should go catch up on last weeks news before you come in here defending a country full of terrorists.

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The Obama Niggerdeal was fucked. Everything that nigger touched turned to shit.

Give us a deal that doesn't make Obama and his friends/comrades rich. Then I'll take you cocksucking faggots seriously. Same goes for the climate treaty.

so, deal yes? trust no? try making a little fucking sense next time trumpfag

No dumbfuck, the collusion,Kavannaugh and impeachment investigations. Have you already forgotten? Get your TDS treated kid.

Imagine attacking a foreign embassy just fo have your second most powerful individual in your entire nation killed, only to see 56 people die at his funeral from a stampede, then bombing overseas bases of the literal most powerful nation on earth, only to realize it killed no one, then shooting down a plane over your airspace with 176 passengers who were your own people, then getting hit by an earthquake the same day.
>The 3rd world shit-skin Islamic Republic of Iran

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Deal = good
Breaking the previous deal by nearly starting WW3 instead of sending a letter = bad
Trump's effect on perceptions of american reliability = bad

>If Trump said the sky was blue I'd have to go out and double check just to be sure.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.


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He doesn't need the popular vote, retarded nigger

Call me crazy but I think you might be biased against Obama based on his skin tone

I win. You lose.

Okay, incel.

Who. Cares.
Guess how long the US has been fucking around in the middle east. Guess what's gonna change.

seppuku is you're only way out, brother. do the right thing so you can redeem your honor for the next life, you're only dead weight here


Iranians didnt send a letter, they fucked with ships and overran American bases and killed American soldiers.
Can you be more of an apologist?

It's true. The Democrats don't fall into goosestep as easily as repubs.

i didn't know. make up your mind. you used to love failed investigations of Hillary

I'm indifferent, faggot. But go on and keep bitching about how he wants to keep the peace. You're going to bitch about anything he does either way.

imagine all the money Iran gets when Trump comes begging for another deal

Does anybody even give a shit anymore? The middle east is a shithole and some fucker whose name you cant pronounce gets killed. They say death to america and the cycle repeats

This is stupid on all sides.

Trump is trolling. He talks peace but is deploying a fuck ton of military power to the region. He's just waiting for Iran to fuck up and he'll hit them. His speech was a lame attempt at appeasing retards.
That said, he should hammer Iran. We've been allowing their bullshit in the region for far too long. Europe is acting like a cuck. Iran wants to be a player in the region? Step up to the plate, bitch. But then again, why do we care what Iran does if not for oil? Spend all that defense $$$ on electrification and let Iran and Israel deal with each other on their own. Fuck... them...

Dems are acting like little bitches "Orange man said this but does that!" "Iran wasn't bad... Nuclear treaty was totally legit!". On and on. Its all bullshit.
Repubs act like whatever Trump does is fine. They fail to realize Trump would sell Melania to Russian sex cam slave ring if it won him re-election.

Trump does anything good and Dems are still on the warpath. Trump does anything bad and Reps absolutely refuse to acknowledge it.
Sad state of affairs.

and you're gonna suck his dick no matter what comes out

These people don't actually care about any of this. Leftist niggers are always disingenuous with their "deep concerns," especially when it comes to war and foreign policy.

Hahahahahaha this is so funny. TrUmP dErAnGeMeNt SyNdRoMe.

>Poor Donald Drumpf. If only he had been elected to some position of real power so he wouldn't have to just take all this unwarranted abuse

Isnt that the truth. Some of the biggest war mongers in Congress are the most outspoken neoliberals we have.
I'm so tired of the fake ass Democrats and fake ass Republicans.

two ad hominem arguments.

The Iran deal was bullshit. The US got nothing out of that deal except for a "legacy" for Obama. Iran didn't have to stop working on ballistic missiles, they only had to delay work on nukes, and there was a terribly weak inspection process.

The Trump deal will involve getting Iran out of Iraq, which has already complained about their sovereignty and Iran's missiles today.

Its people like you that have guaranteed his reelection. Good going, numb nuts.

Popular vote only matters in parliamentary systems and 3rd world shitholes direct democracies. U.S. is a constitutional representative Republic with and uses an electoral college to elect the President.

God damn, leftists are stupid.

Theyre all bastards. Thats why trump got elected.

It's pretty amazing how far they'll go to defend a guy anywhere in the world, even when they absolutely target civilian populations and deliberately kill non-combatants, just so they can point the finger at the USA for being a bad guy. "USA repubs blah blah blah killed bad guy for no reason!" they scream.

And then they remain silent about needless genocide if stopping it requires military intervention. After slaughter is brought to light they will want about how we stood by and did nothing. If we had done something, see previous paragraph.

It's always been this way.

That's not what indifferent means, retard.

>"Haha look I pretended to be you and decided to type on a goofy and silly way to signify how stupid you are haha"
That's some 5th grade humour right there

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The only ones the Iraqi government has decided needs to go is the US. Try to follow along with current events, Skeeter.

The average murrican mind. Doesnt know shit but should hit iran anyway but then peddles back to let iran and israel fight it out followed by we have enough of their bullshit of iran. Nuke iran no wait spend all defense on something else fuck them.

All you got is a sick mind and strong words. Fucking kys shit life

I'm not feeling sorry for Trump. Politicians come and go in the U.S... their terms and policies are finite. Trumpism is no different.

The longer you're around the more you'll realize that what they brand themselves as means nothing. Democrat, Republican, independent... It's all branding and it just a different way to sell you bullshit. No matter what they tell you there is really little difference between any of them.
But I am concerned about the reaction to him and people like you. Because you just don't get it.

Why is Dumpy not getting help applying his make up? He looks more blotchy than the first time my 12 yo daughter tried to put on mascara.

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>shit that never happened and shit that never happened.

You managed to find two faulty arguments in this whole thread and forgot to notice that no one is even making any attempt to get anywhere near OP' point, which why for fucks sake would anyone in the world still trust Trump or America in another deal? And was it just me or wasn't Trump really fucking orange this morning. I know he says its lights, but its not turning anyone else weird colors. WTF?

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Uhh, you realize Colbert spent last night calling out the left wing celebs apologizing to Iran, saying they're only helping Trump get re-elected?

>gets news from colbert

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You know it only takes 5 seconds to Google this right? Several left wing celebs and Congress democrats did apologize to Iran.

Oh. O.k... so what do you suggest? I just suggested 2 different ways for Iran to get what they want. They want to be Martyrs, they play the victim card like no one else, and they want us out.
Like my Scottish grandfather used to say "Shit or get off the pot". I'm simply saying hit then hard, knock them out (shit) or get the fuck out (off). Take your choice. But stop playing footsie under the table with these fucks.

So, what do you suggest? Besides "stupid murrican bad guy!!!"

Accept it did happen.

What does have to say?

Shit that most Definitely happened. Even Bernie, AOC & PELOSI apologized to Iran.

If you're going to lie, at least make it believable.

>thinks one fat guy equals "the left"
Are you stupid or just russian?

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>being this retarded

Yeah, the Democrats are trying to walk back their apologies right now on Twitter an getting mercilessly mocked AOC got ratiod to hell on her Twitter account - first time I ever saw that happen.

Bingo. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart have a long ads thread on Twitter lusting over 30 Congress dems, 40 Hollywood lefties that apologized.

Not surprising Trump an Republicans lead Dems in polling right now with dems pulling this shit.

>Claims Bernie AOC & Pelosi apologized to Iran
>posts link
>it says nothing about Bernie AOC & Pelosi apologizing to Iran

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Keep lying yuri, the dumb ones may believe you.

Kek! Yupl, been watching Ricky Gervais, Bill Maher and Jon Stewart roasting the lefties on Twittet that apoligized.

Everyone isnt like you, user.

Samefagging this hard
Pretty much. The left have no one to blame but themselves for Trumps reelection.

I heard your mom "apoligized" for hatching you.

>links to same post twice
>calls samefag
Stop eating the lead paint chips dumbfuck.

How about to de-escalate for once? Is Iran a threat to the US? Will Iran invade you? Hell Pakistan has nukes and they are muslims wheres the outrage? Its all about imperialism and us hegemony while the top 1% trying to make bank and give a damn shit about you the american people.

Bad news dumpsters. Dolan just surrendered to Iran after they rocketed our airbases. War's over yo.

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The level of autism in your post is unfathomable.
De-escalation. Isn't that literally what he just did? Wouldn't getting the fuck out of the region altogether de-escalate tensions with the U.S.?
>> U.S. needs to de-escalate! But they need to be present to keep Israel safe! But that escalats tensions! So they need to go, but need to stay!...
>>Muricaa hates Muslims, but not Muslims who don't fuck with them or others in the region, but they obviously hate Muslims and want to exoand their empire... Except to their allies... Who may or may not also be Muslim. So.. take that Murrican!

And you think my life is fucked? Lol

>Will Iran invade you?
Tthey would go after Isreal first. As much as we spend on their missile defense systems, I'd say let them.

Loosest lipped president ever on television

USA sucks.

Keep sucking Hillary’s saggy tits and worthless cunt her husband didn’t even want, she lost suck it up buttercup.. The next president of America will be Donald Trump. Let the best candidate win.. AGAIN..

>Trump smokes 2nd most powerful member of Iran's ruling government
>Iran responds with a dozen bottle rockets that completely missed their target, no deaths or damage
>Iran just stood down their military and are begging us to resume talks
>"durrr Trump is retreatin....durrr"

user, are all left wingers in the US as retarded as you?

Yeah, trump is a treasonous faggot who just got slapped by Iran and did nothing.
We need a better President.

Fuck off, shill. I voted republican, but trump is a treasonous piece of shit who let Iran think they won while he went back on all of his rhetoric and threats.
We need a better President, not this faggot.

Let me try to explain this way. When you move into that nice new house in that suburbia community you try to be nice to the neighbors so you will be accepted and loved as a part. Or do you buy the most vicious pitbull from the shelter and threat to maul your neighbors with it and doing nighttime ops with your pitbull and maul one by one just by assuming if you dont do it they will?

Why would he tear up his own deal?

Uhh, you realize the US just sent 2 navy battle fleets to the region and a marine battalion, iran is currently asking Trump to meet Iranian officials in Washington after Iran's middles failed to even reach their target? If you're going to lie, at least make it believable.

Bingo. The far left's mental meltdown right now after CNN lied to them that there'd be a war and draft has been fuckin hysterical.

Seethe more traitorous leftist shill. Kek!

*Iran's missiles failed