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I knew it was only a matter of time until this came out.
Climate change is still happening. Extreme levels of natural disasters keep happening. Whether or not the fires were started by people isn't important. Look how quickly those fuckers spread and engulfed the whole country during the summer months. Extreme heat, no rainfall, mass destruction of ecosystems. You think because 183 people were arrested you've proven a point? This definitively proves that climate change is man made. They fucking destroyed more of Australia than we did to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Spin spin spin you manipulated puppet.
make and educated argument or eat shit
because the green laws stopping making firebreaks have worked really well.
In QLD a guy set a firebreak, and miracle of miracles, his was the only farm not destroyed by fire and actually caused the fire to stop at his property - and he's going to be fined for it.
however, in compliance with green laws, all those farmers that didn't set a firebreak have had their entire farms destroyed, and the fire rages on unabated.
secondly, Aus has had pretty much the same amount of heat and rain this year as it has in the last 10. it's people setting light to the fucking place that has caused this - NOT climate change you fucking abo nigger.
do some research before you spout off your politcally charged bullshit.
Be aussie, want to light a smoke, half the country burns, i get arrested and blamed, okey dokey
You killed a platypus bro
Any nudes of the ‘naked philanthropist’ out yet? The lass who is saving Australia in the best way
I could make one but reading your comment showed me that you're incapable of critical thinking and my attempt to do so would be pointless.
its a misleading number, only like 20 were actually charged for arson, the rest were fined for not following the fire ban and throwing cigarettes out the window
Celebrities who have a voice only because they can act like a real person should stop proclaiming their opinions on complicated issues like climate change.
This is why they were keeping it hush hush.
>Claim were caused
Via extended periods of droughts...
How else would climate change cause extensive bushfires? Repeated lightning strikes like some self-aware malevolent god?
What even is this idiocy.
He Should be crying !!!!
Celebrities have no idea what's going on.
Which is why places like iran need to go.
Hi, am i at the right place? I was told this thread is THE place for conspiracy theories, i have a few that you guys might want to hear.
He should be lit on fire
Except when it’s Meatloaf. Smh.
not far off
I heard that the Aussie gov apologized to this guy. They knew he started the fire, but said "we are so sorry we have to do this to you" and sentence him to 1 year in prison with chance of parole.
not surprised. I don't deny climate change but an entire continent don't burn down like that. yet at least
>Fire happens - man made arson
>Dryness - natural
>Heat - natural
>Burning - natural
>Definitive proof global warming is man-made
>Ergo forest fires cause global warming
You heard the hippie, stop burning the forests down. Should probly arrest whoever was burning them..
Climate change is happening. But it's not thre fault of humans. Its what's nature does. Nothing we can do as if now.
what makes you so sure its not man made or at least man influenced?
>Man attempting to sled down a hill
>Run up and push him down the hill making him fly out into the woods and smash his skull open on a rock
>”Well, That’s what sled riders do”
I heard a similar thing happened in California. Something about the state made it illegal to clear brush from wooded areas, which exascerbated the situation. Then the liberals started honking about “trump said we need to rake the forest.” Of course they blame climate change too.
Your analogy is soo off. With or without humans, the earth would still be going through change.
Glad to see a Sup Forums neck/b/eard settle that argument once and for all. What a relief.
no shit climate change would happen regardless of humans, the argument is that human activities are increasing it
And the man would still be sledding retard, but without you accelerating him and fucking it all up. He would probably have a varying but balanced, reasonably paced and good time. Just like the climate before us.
Imagine being so stupid that you think that natural variability isn’t at the backbone of climate science. Really perched at the top of Dunning-Kruger peak.
What a surprise.
it wasn't the greens that campaigned against backburning you jumped-up fuckstain, that was misinformation spread by Murdoch media and there is literally no evidence to support this. residents chaining themselves to trees does not represent the party itself, so don't even try to use that argument.
Australia not only broke the highest average temperature record once, but twice, two days in a row, with the average highest temperature across the entire country being almost 42oC. but yes, of course, climate change is bullshit, right?
instead of reading some bullshit on facebook and believing it, how about you do some research and stop being such a damn hypocrite. you're making yourself look like a fucking moron. how about you listen to the people who are actually on the ground, fighting the fires, because they will all tell you that the climate has been getting steadily worse, we are experiencing hotter starts to the summer and the fire season goes for longer, and we're even experiencing bushfires during winter which hampers efforts to backburn and destroy excess fuel loads in forest areas. Liberal State Gov gutting of resources and personnel has exacerbated things, too.
and just a caveat, only 24 people have actually been charged of those arrested. not all of the fires were purposely lit, you fucking sheep.
Time for the celebs to claim that arson fires wouldn't spread without climate change.
So, then "climate change" is manmade?
Or just in this instance?
Ad hominem, and not an argument.
Not about climate change starting the fires but about climate change worsening the fires
Be snopes
Be a "fact checker"
Any fact that makes liberal policy look bad is deemed as "false"
U did read the article right? The claim that nearly 200 people were arrested was false, that's because the real number was actually 183... sounds like snopes doesn't know what the word "nearly" means
>Any fact that makes liberal policy look bad is deemed as "false"
Perhaps the alt-righter echo chamber should stop making facts up.
Well if the arsonist is motivated by climate change then its climate change and your fault, whitey
Fake news and misinformation
>critical thinking
>tips fedora
neck yourself
its not about the change, its about the speed this change is happening.
you should know what climate activists are protesting about before you confront them.
but I assume that would require more than 2 brain cells.
Confirmed fake news
Only 24 arsonists caught.
You do know that fires don't usually start themselves right? The part where climate change effects things is when there are large drought periods mixed with hot weather, allowing the fire to spread faster than what it normally would (if at all). In addition to the lack of rain, this causes the fires to rage out of control.
So yeah, people would get arrested for being responsible for the fires. There was and is likely a restriction on burning anything in effect.
yes, the climate change is causing people to set forests on fire
So prove them wrong then. Go ahead.
>Whether or not the fires were started by people isn't important.
the ends justify the means, eh comrade?
Lmaooooo once again the alt right are easily tricked.
OP is a gullible retard.
They don't want to. Most of these people are trolls that know they are spreading bullshit but do it anyway to rile people up and have "debates" to distract from their boring lives.
If you've been on Sup Forums for a while you should have picked up by now that most political or controversial topics on here are made for that purpose. And the ones that aren't are likely made by people wanting to sow disinformation simply to disrupt any progress.
With topics like this and then the other majority of the board being repetitive shit day in and day out consisting of forced memes it's no wonder all you are left with is porn.
How can people be as retarded as this cunt?
>But it's not thre fault of humans
except that we know 100% it's the fault of the humans. You forgot to mention that.
OP is a faggot
Claimin troll is however also a defense mechanism that conspiracy theorists employ when their arguments hit a dead end. I’d say that’s more common than actual trolls. Actual trolls requires some level of intelligence and that’s giving people on this board too much credit.
i would say that it's not hard to understand that when you have record droughts and record heats, trees are burning easier.
Sup Forums is a troll breeding ground
Are you retarded?or just american?
Posted here already.
Searc is your friend.
so abc global stating that 183 face legal action is also false? true only 24 have been charged so far
I don't know how hard it is to understand that it's climate change no mater what or who started the fires. Of course people are going to get arrested for starting fire during a drought. There's a ban in place. Purposely done or not, those people broke the law.
How do you reckon the fire spread so fast and continues to rage out of control? Cause of long periods of drought and no rain. Caused by? You guessed it, climate change.
True, but also a conspiracy theory breeding ground.
Correct, misinformation is being spread by Murdoch media to shift the focus from climate change.
24 charged with arson.
Retarded. Australia does not arrest people to fine them for a cigarette infraction. They just fucking fine them, no arrest is carried out.
I would wager it's one part trolls and the other part ignorant people that latch onto anything that confirms their belief system without doing any critical thinking (purposely or being totally incapable)
There is no reason to side with multibillion dollar
oil corporations.
not quite.... climate change just make the consequences worse, its not the reason why the fires start. But judging by how you write, you aren't someone cares for careful wording
That's a bruh moment.
They are absolutely the reason the reason the fire starts, several plants such as Eucalyptus are highly compustable and prone to self-combustion.
Couple that with above average temperatures and drought.
australia needs to arrest fire for being racist
doesnt change the fact that there's 183 people facing legal action (24 are deliberate arson, the rest are non-compliance or negligence)
so its still not caused by the climate, but human error
so you are trying to state that they self combusting under 42 degree heat.... no? then its not caused by climate change
"But some, including Alex Jones’ conspiracy site InfoWars that spreads climate change denialism, falsely reported that “nearly 200 people” were arrested in Australia for “deliberately” starting bushfires.
That would be a distortion of the facts. Police in New South Wales released a statement disclosing that since Nov. 8, 2019, 183 people, including 40 juveniles, have been charged with 205 bushfire-related offenses. Of the 183, 24 people have been charged with deliberately setting fires."
Ok, a bunch of hair splitting. Not going to throw out the baby with the bath water, but Snopes should have left this tar baby alone.
>Temperature does not affect the probably of self-combustion
You daft son?
Yeah, even the far left extremists on The Project are callingout the other far left mainstream media here in Australia for failing to cover the fact that a good portion of our wildfires were perpetrated by arsonists.
No ones saying the climate is setting fires but its a significant factor in the magnitude of the bushfires.
even if it is true that people started those fires climate change is what has lead conditions to being such that the fires have been this bad and gone on this long
>this thread in a nutshell
The Project is right wing you stupid moron. Google News Corp for fuck sakes you're embarassing yourself.
>temperature in australia hits all time high 2 days in a row for 42 degrees celsius
>42 degrees causes self combustion
you daft son?
This link must be fake news, it doesn't confirm my bias.
in Victoria we have had a very cold summer actually so this is very strange, only 1 day over 40c, and one handful of over 30c days.
Nice shift in blame. I honestly couldn't have written a more brain dead response if I tried. Hats off, retard.
Okay here it goes... the fires where caused by climate activists.
Any rebuttal?
Its not shifting the blame, its been the focus for over a decade.
Australian Broadcasting political leanings; Study presented by Sydney Institute of Journalism and ABC Austrlia, 2019
ABC and SBS are solid left wing. And this is because you use the term “media” rather then news. ABC and SBS news may be considered more centre-left.
TV News of Channel 7, 9 and 10 are all very similar tabloid approach with sensationalist articles, although 10 has the Project which has a more far Left tint and approach.
Nice try, 'Murican cunt. If you're going to larp as an Aussie, do me a favour and at least know a bit about our culture here.
What is China and India? The first and third highest emitters of greenhouse gases.
Because you are an expert on continents that are 2/3 desert? I think they do fucking burn like that. They are even known for burning like that.
Wrong, its right wing. The left don't even wanna touch the project.
They burn real nice. Especially with organized help from eco terrorists.
There is literally 0 sources in the article... its just a guardian reporter writing an op ed and saying only 24
What do you mean "how I write"?
And I never said it's the reason the fires started. I specifically said it was people that started the fires. Climate conditions are the reason it spread and so fast.
I don't know what point you are trying to make. You're telling me I'm partially wrong but at the same time confirming my statement. Then you comment on my writing style for whatever reason. If your point was to confuse, you did a good job.