>I know that I said that I will bomb 52 targets if Iran does anything, but after Iran bombed our camps I pooped in my pants, so there will be s-s-sanctions, ok
Fucking stop laughing at us, this is the best we can do.
Colton Myers
That's exactly what these faggot shills want.
They want something to screech and kvetch about.
Grayson White
So Democrats lied about there being a draft and were wrong about an impending massive war? Guess that explains Trump / repubs leading Dems in current polls.
James Bailey
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.
Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost? That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped? That feeling of despair? That the world had just flipped, turned upside down? That evil had triumphed over good?
Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment, contrived articles are rotting on Pelosi's desk. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.
It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.
We have the biggest weapons, we will use them on you.
Hudson Walker
>How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower? >Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control. >Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life. >Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost? >That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped? >That feeling of despair? >That the world had just flipped, turned upside down? >That evil had triumphed over good? >No? >Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment, contrived articles are rotting on Pelosi's desk. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots. >FOUR >MORE >YEARS >It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.
> constantly loves cheering on trump as he bangs the drums of war > pussies out > r u mad there's not gonna be a war? LOL why cheer him on if you don't want conflict you stupid fuck?
iran kills nobody, america kills their general. yeah.. lol
Zachary Wright
Pretty pathetic damage control after you spammed Sup Forums 4 days straight saying everyone was going to be drafted, crying like a bitch that world war 3 was beginning.
Yeah, the far left blue check marks on Twitter are trying to make excuses and getting ratiod to hell.
Ayden Gomez
Bingo. Yup, Cans panel looked like they were crying when they discussed Trumps spike in approval while Democrats plummeted after several high profile Democrats apologized to Iran the past few days. The fat Mexican chick they always have on was crying & calling Americans idiots when Wolf Blitzer said Trump will likely win re-election. And CNN wonders why no one watches their channel anymore.
iran missed on purpose it was just to show iranian rednecks they had revenge
Aaron Powell
> duh duh duh duh PERIOD hahahahahahahaha
Camden Murphy
sounds like a pussy
Gavin Johnson
Pathetic americans believe this clowns their leader rofl
no one leads me - i am the wolf
Brody Harris
>Looks like war OMG! blumpffff is such a warmonger! >Looks like no war OMG blughmpfff is a pussy! Fucking rent free. That man must be an absolute genius. I haven't seen crazy people this mad since Nixon.
Gabriel Sullivan
>i am the wolf You are a pathetic little internet faggot. That's all, and everything you ever will be.
Tyler Hall
Or maybe he acted reasonable for once instead of fucking stupid burger
Luke Collins
You mean clutch nixon from Far Cry? What's so crazy about him?
Nicholas Wilson
When you promise to fuck them up for striking back and then back off when they actually do, you're a pussy who should just shut the fuck up.
How are you so detached from current events, yet able to shamelessly chime in with your clearly uninformed opinions? At least read the tweets of the demagogue you shill for.
Jackson Hall
Yeah, I was about to say the left's desperate damage control right now is pretty fuckin weak. Even CNN a bit ago says Trump played the Democrats like a fiddle. Not surprised he's all but guaranteed re-election.
Connor Gutierrez
Is this real is Trump really being this much of a faggit.
Alexander Nelson
>"IF YOU DO NOT DO AS I SAY USA WILL DESTROY ALL 50+ TARGETS" >*does not do as USA says* >"p-please Iran, allow me to unzip your pants" Lmao at you fucking loser. Iran's slave.
Nathan Hernandez
Sure they did. I’m sure a guy like you has been raptly sitting in front of a TV hanging on every word said on CNN.
Anyone with an education higher than 4th grade knows what trump says or tweets is full of shit. Remember when he went on for years about Obama being born in Kenya, then had to admit he was wrong on the campaign trail? He lies. It’s what he does.
Oh noes, those stellar memes from the right! ::wank wank::
Brandon Foster
What country you from man? Just kidding, no one cares. How does that feel? How does it know that no Americans give a shit about your little country, and you are here obsessed with mine. Making threads on an American website about America. Your country could get swallowed up by the Earth right now, and no one would care. Life in America would continue like it never happened. God that must sting. I can’t imagine how bad that must hurt in your soul. No wonder you are so seething. Stay mad :)
We killed a terrorist, go figure all the libs are gonna rush to his defense as if they knew anything about the man
Michael Smith
You can't wait for people to die? You, sir, or ma'am, are a terrible human being. Please have a shitty day. :)
Anthony Ramirez
>USA: One Shot >1 General (2nd most important person of Iran) >Iran: 10 missiles >0 casualities >pooped in pants >KEK
David Kelly
Except he's still deploying firepower to the region. OP falling for the worst misdirection campaign ever. "Hey, OP! You got something on your collar right there. Boink! Dohh!!!"
Says the fag that used the currently often parroted one word catch phrase “dilate”. You are a shining example of education and are clearly not easily butt hurt by the word educate. Not at all. lulz were had.
And that I just dont get. Why is it easier to get the fat, stupid assholes to get up of their couch and go to the voting booth...? Why cant the other americans unite and vote him the hell out of there? I have to believe that there are more sensible people in america than complete idiots...??
William Bennett
>how many of you would suck donald trumps cock You're the one with DJT's cock on your mind, faggot.
Are you fucking retarded? They bombed a millitary base and killed 80 people
Juan Robinson
Libcuck House spent the last three years on a political witch hunt instead of doing their job. MFW the next election is going down the drain again for the dems MFW when I see the tears flow and they cry foul AGAIN
I'm just sad to see a once great nation fall because of a complete moron. He has no sense of moral, he lies all the time, he cheats, he wants to be a "strongman", he talks about stuff that he clearly doesnt understand ... and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
It was probably arranged before hand. They received an official letter right before the attack. Amazingly no lives were lost!? Yeah right. They knew when and where. This motherfucker has made me and everyone I employ good hard working money. From retail to manufacturing we have grown like never before. So trump to me broke the mold and made everyone money. Fucking great guy hasn't done anything worse than any other president in history so take all your heads out from your arse and step off that stool you might learn something.
John Robinson
where in "witch hunt" you mean - "making sure that nobody is above the law" ? oh an "trying to look like a country that has not completly lost his fucking mind" ?
well .. yes.. sadly they have do that. I'm sure they would like do other things instead.
Funny as shit though I imagine only serves to regulate the fire a bit.
Jose Perry
Gross oversimplification >we aren't friends with Iran >we aren't talking about guns >Iran has responsibilities to its people >Shooting a gun and missing to save face changes even your little scenario.
Dominic Phillips
>every country on earth Yeah the eurofags getting raped by muslims and the absolute cucked state of canada But our media is trying to convince us that we're the clowns and if we dare point out a fact were considered fascist
Also lmao >Twitter
Jacob Morgan
well.. we have seen the light, you know? we know that there a sensible president is posible ;)
Carter Price
Dilate you pathetic little internet faggot.
Robert Robinson
Well, according to you, voters are complete idiots. So yeah, voted worst president by idiots. Sounds fair.
William Miller
>next election is going down the drain again for the dems > again in 2018 Democrats won the house by their largest margin of votes ever. do you like being a clueless shill? at least have some data or facts to back up your bravado.
You mean the sensible one that threatened striking 52 targets, including cultural ones (war crime) on Twitter? What reality do you live in?
Dylan Hernandez
bravo - fear has been shoved up your tiny little brain :D now you can follow your crazy sheppard and love everything he does or says! BAAAAAAAAH! BAAAAAAAH!!! TRUMP IS THE MOST NORMAL PERSON ON EARTH! BAAAAH! HE KNOWS MANY GOOD WORDS!! BAAAAH! HE ONLY HAS PERFECT PHONECALLS!