Are you receding?

Are you receding?
How old are you?

Attached: recedin.jpg (443x189, 23K)

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19, but I'm an arab so I'm growing a beard to make up for it


Gained my fathers hairline around 25, I'm 29 now and it hasn't moved since.


Get out boomer

27, hair pretty thin :/

4,3 and no.

>Are you receding?
Big time.
>How old are you?
46, so it's not too surprising.

Started at 15


started at 7

shaved it off at 26

Heard you gotta put some rice water or guiness spout yo regrow it

Hair strong and thick like redwood logs

Started losing my hair at 17. Now in 23 and am practically a chrome dome up top


28, it seems to have stopped from what I can tell, I was terrified I'd go completely baled by the time I'm 30

yes im top bald already so i shave all left

had a friend that went 80% bold by age 13, ended up in prison at 18, XYY mothgerfuckers aint nothing to fuck with

Minoxidil solution strengthened my line, the results went better than I expected.

21, not receding, but I've had a buzzcut since I was about 15. don't understand why more people don't do it. easy, saves money on haircuts, looks formal enough for work without having to do anything, and when I grow my beard out it looks pretty slick.

maybe receding guys should just shave it off.

some dude in india said in a YT they key was shaving regularly to let the sun shine on your follicles and shit. Maybe why you're still hairy

Never trusted the nofap effect

Was desesperated and it worked very well on my hairs after 6+ months.

Trust me or not i don't care if this could help someone as desesperated as i was.

You nofaped 6 months and your depression went away + new hair ?
how about porn ? you stopped completly ? same for precumming/wet dreams watching without faping ?

no, 31

back in the day when I used to get close crew cuts (not shaven, just pretty short) my barber would tell me that shaving your head every 18 months or so is great for guys with short haircuts. gets rid of unhealthy dead tips and lets follicles and roots refresh.

It took me around 1 year to see real effect because i have a GF so i have to please her sometimes.

I'm now sure that ejucaltion/fapping is one of the main reasons of my hairs state.

The only issue i have by delaying it is that now i ejaculate faster than before...

Can kinda confirm :
>Got long hair at one time because fuck it.
>Started falling down big time. Went buzzcut.
>Found lot of dead skin and grease (more than usual, i'm a greaser).
>Put special shampoo.
>No more falling hair for a few times

buti think that fucked up the bioma because now i'm starting balding

>delaying it i
delaying sex or ejaculation (edging) ?
It makes a lot of sense. It's basic power and ressources management. Your body dont give a shit about hair but cares about reproductive capacities so everything go there and the rest can fuck off

you stopped shedding or you regrew bald spots and hair line ?
i've got some baby hairs and want to turn them into something real

30 years old.
Started thinking out maybe 4 years ago
Wife won’t let me shave yet
Pic not related but close

Attached: F466082C-0850-412B-BE96-B24965B7EC04.jpg (1300x956, 110K)

Never edging, fapped 1/2 in 1 year but sex once a week

Hair still falling but i read that it's "normal" but i think i'm back from norwood 3 to 2

Good luck everyone.

just fucking shave it man

They are thicker too or you just got more hair ?

30 started at 19

24 and yes noticeably

i'm not balding and my heritage is germann.