>get paid BTC to view ADS
>install click-bot
>earn $50 a day for basically doing nothing
Just install it on some old laptop/phone you don't use
>get paid BTC to view ADS
>install click-bot
>earn $50 a day for basically doing nothing
Just install it on some old laptop/phone you don't use
Other urls found in this thread:
Money is gay
keep slaving your life away at a job you hate faggit
Nice scam
>download telegram
>click the link
>start earning btc
It's pretty self explanatory. You gotta install click-bot later on and let it run over night. Let it work for you.
tell me how this is a scam?
you get paid for viewing ads. Nothing new about that, faggot.
HM yes Sup Forums? Yeah I heard about that. That'll do nicely for my scam. It'll be so easy too. All I have to do is misuse that there "meme text" like I've seen people do all over Reddit, post some of them pepes and call people faggots. Yes yes. Hello fellow 4channers. I am one of you.
>Plz download not link
nice try satan, won't work on me the 12th time in a row
You have to 'refer 10 friends' to ever recieve your payment (which is probably fake and never coming anyways). That's why this faggot is shilling this scam on here.
Remember kids, nothing's free
Shit thread to get quads in
omg i didn't even notice, shit
I get a small percentage for posting referral links but it's not a scam. Made about 100 last week.
seenot everything is a scam nigga
>let me just trust this complete stranger on the interwebz
>totally not a virus behind that link
>"guys, i mean c'mon, just click the link, it won't bite"
>inb4 not selfposting
pic related, it's not you because you would kiss her hard, fag
>scared of viruses
It's not even a program. Stop talking BS.
I clicked that link and all I got was this lousy virus
it will leak all your tranny porn on facebook
better kys now
Reminder to install Click-Bot. So you don't have to do it manually.
Try it and report back!
Quads my nigga witnessed
good omen!
Based if you use my referral
you'll get AIDS if you use his
adfag? spotted
report? sent
OP? faggot
fucking based
Just thought I share it and make some money on ref links while I'm at it. Feel free to report me nigga.
quads tell truth
It works. Debate me on it.
looks like a typical snowball system
Of course, but who cares if also profit from it?
this is the problem
Here's what happens if you make it to the withdraw after doing the 10 friends faggotry.
It says "Purchase VIP to withdraw".
Then you're supposed to purchase their VIP thing for like 0.02 BTC and then WE TOTALLY PROMISE WE WILL TOTALLY SEND YOU YOUR BITCOINS AFTER THAT
It's not that hard. Already got mine. Tell some friends or post it on random facebook groups.
provide source if you claim smthing like that
can i do it with fakesims?
Ah man. Op is trying to sell some sort of pyramid scheme.
This was a fun thread to observe.
yes I think so
Not more a feared of data mining.
nobody wants you faggy data, faggot
Turns out they do, but just for advertising and ai reasons. Hold on gotta solve this captcha.
ye but who really cares. Not me. If they pay me they can have ALL THAT DATA
no trannies please
neat will you dox me and turn me into a ladyboy?
go make some cash instead of being a massive fag
>Remember kids, nothing's free
Except yo momma
>instead of being a massive fag
I was informed traps weren't gay.
good one homie
They are only like 20% gay. Ya feel me
>They are only like 20% gay. Ya feel me
I would imagine more like 2%.
thanks, it worked, faggot
>I would imagine more like 2%.
really depends on the trap. How big her willy is, if the balls touch and so on
glad I could help a fellow faggot out