I'm an artist addicted to heroin AMA

I'm an artist addicted to heroin AMA

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Do you want to quit?

would be so kind as to provide us with a sample of your artistic endeavors?

You don’t even bang it?? Pussy

Not really, I know it's not good for me but it keeps me functioning as a normal human beign

show your fag addict art

I did a few times but i prefer smoking it, not really into needles

Occasionally I smoke too

If you ain’t banging it, you’re wasting it. Hopefully you get it for cheap. Before I got clean I was spending almost $200 every day on H. Blew through all of my savings.

I'm 31 n full of metal in my hips. Been on opiates a decade now, morphine and dilaudid atm. Goes up my nose. I started doing dabs recently and have cut way back on the pills, I love to hate em n hare to love em

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It's really cheap in my country and i have a normal job so the waste isn't really bothering me, and that sucks man hope you got better

This helps alot

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Do you have nalixone for when you get some fentanyl n overdose?

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Which country is this? I live near Chicago and heard of people getting what they call "bus tickets" from niggers for only 5$-10 dollars a bag

smoke or inject?

how does heroin feel like?

Age? What kind of art? How long have you used for? Where do you live?

like a bag of sand

ive been told nodding out is bliss. is this true? i'm a racist poor pothead not really into anything else unless the mexicans got some good cocaina. never tried heroin.

Yeah man I’ve been clean for almost 7 years, use kratom daily but have no desire to go back to hardcore using

Alright wait I am taking a pic

So you're a faggot

You're killing those plants you fucking junkie

We dont have fentanyl here

Slovakia, and yeah it costs 5euros a dose

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This quality is the best available in all the World except in Colombia itself when the narco makes a special cook with flavor and additives. 76% purity and one boil in ether, no additives

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No they were just watered so they were drooping.

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still smoking it like a pussy I see. What a waste of money

50 bucks per gram

Where are you? Let's meet up

not much of an artist then, are you?

Post some artwork

Not in here also brb that previous was really small I want a big fat one

Explain you know I lack of English. One year college level place your bet if you wish but needs to happen first

We didn't know we had fent here either until the cartels started cutting shit with it.

Artist? Why are you artist?

You just a junkie

Hey dumbass, SHOW ART

post some artwork, I want to see your painting

I’ve been stuck on mephedrone for a a year, I’ve tried cocaine and now on my way to try metamphetamine. Always wanted to try heroine, but nothing compared to mephedrone is anywhere at all, best drug ever. I’m clean for 5 months now though, but want to go back badly

"keeps me functioning"
>can't even spell a full sentence correctly...

Spot the fed!

You have to be real retarded to pay that much on a plant.

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I draw like shit my love I can't draw at all

arent you OP?

Nice phone number you have there my dude

This thread sux man. OP’s 2busy nodding off to tend the thread

If he is he needs to fucking post i dont care if its 3year old garbage tier art. I want to see it

call it

Where are you located?

and pay a million euro because I live on the other side of the planet...

i need to take a fuckin shit

nah call them gay or something you retard

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fuck this shit

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>iM an 'ArtIsT' aDDiCted tO hEroéN

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check out capetownape on instagram

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It's better than anything i had, i used to take a lot of prescription pills, psychadelics, mdma but after i started using h i never went back to them

your addiction is a delusion you cling to
realise your true creative will and overcome it

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no fuck off faggot

meh, im not impressed

I lived in a heroin den once, most depressing 2 weeks of my life

I hope you quit


You're no artist!

now thats what i call fucking art

lol already following his work is nuts

mediocre, a bland effort to project some tepid form of angst. that suggests only the artists emotional retardation.

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try harder to get instagay followers, you make me sick.
nobody wants to see your shitty art daniel

well said

Post needle scars


im close to giving up tbh.maybe heroin would make my shit edgier?

>Mtn black can

You know whats good

My man

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do it faggot, I hope you OD

I dont think I was trying to project angst, I painted it while on a really good lsd trip