Fuck trump, here's the 46th president of the United States of America.
Fuck trump, here's the 46th president of the United States of America
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I'd vote for this as the next president in a heartbeat. Less likely to be a fucking weak spined embarrassment.
I’m an Asian guy that likes math, vote for me. Keks
if you vote for me instead of yang i will give you $1001 every month
I voted for trump in 2016. That was a mistake born out of desperation to fix the world around me. Yang is providing solutions and is backing them up with research and evidence and I've never seen anyone do that before. I feel safe knowing that even if UBI isn't the answer, he'd see that and pivot in a new direction. He has my vote.
Inform yourself user you wanna be a pleb for life?
That last sentence is perfect. He's not a dumbass with a big ego. Dude can actually change his mind if things don't work out
Give everyone a flat amount of money just for being alive.
Question why everything has now increased in price for no reason.
Artificially create massive inflation and crash all markets world wide.
Seems like a good plan this universal basic income.
I don't trust asians as far as I can throw them, and I once threw a chinaman about 17 feet.
was that supposed to be funny
Imagine all the ching-chong memes that would ensue during his period.
"i got money i can say and do anything i want" - retarded communist whos gonna get whacked the fuck out
Sounds like someone hasn't looked into it at all. Common sense like that doesn't apply here.
Universial basic income doesn't create inflation because new money isn't being printed.
For nearly 80% of Americans they're working 2/3 jobs and are barely able to do more than simply pay bills in such a way that if they were to face a $500 expense they would be bankrupt.
What UBI does is create a dividend from the trillion dollar companies paying ZERO in taxes, closing down 30% of stores and malls, and automating away truck driving and clerical work which make up the majority of the jobs in the country.
This provides a safety net where capitalism doesn't start at zero and unlike welfare it is about $200-800 cheaper per head and the money hits the middle and upper class as a dividend and tax break from the companies who are at the top of this winner-take-all economy.
You mean donnie?
Sounds like trump with our military budget
my dawg.
Which is why you should vote for Yang.
like "ching chong, our life expectancy is long" cause our lives are less shit
did you skip special ed today user?
So you're telling me when companies know you can spend more, they wont deliberately increase their costs in order to bring in more profit?
I'm glad you are going to put an end to all corporate greed.
Did you know "cost of living" adjustments are a thing because various areas of the country have a higher mean income and therefore private sector charges more because they know they can?
UBI is 100% artificial inflation. All you do relabel what the "goal post" of "poor" is.
yeah if you got 80 mill. even if you did, the payment can be tracked from you and to the other person by authorities. you wanna political faggots with money cant do fuckin shit to anyone and nobody wants in on your democratic bullshit coming from Obama and Hillary anyway. fuckin idiots its funny how you act like the world owes you a favor.
More like “rife expectancee is rong” >_<
But yes
for your dumbass to really understand this.
If milk is $2.50 a gallon in a town whose mean income is $35,000
Milk is gonna cost $25.00 when that towns mean income becomes $350,000 thanks to everyone's "Universal income shit scheme"
If they raise prices their margins scale to that, and that would be taxed via the value added tax and would come back to people anyways.
UBI does not create money out of nothing.
it redistributes wealth.
billionaires will still be billionaires. they will basically give back to those that made him rich in the first place.
Calculate this, nerd; he has a 0% chance of EVER being POTUS
But that is a bamboo nigger
Yeah cus thats how they became rich, by all that giving back. PRICES WILL RISE. There is no question the market will create inflation because they know full well they can.
Yeah totally, thats why the cost of goods are 100% the same across the country and world, Cus why increase cost when alllll that money they get is taxed.
>That last sentence is perfect.
>"he has my vote."
Ok retard
imagine trying to make a joke, but fail so miserably that people wonder if you need special education so you can tie your shoes.
Great arguments guys, nice ad-hominem, really showing how competent you guys are to vote.
a chong president will be the downfall of America
get it right, vote white.
I'm voting for him so I can watch rednecks cry when he bans their precious guns.
He's not banning guns outright, just the ones that can mow crowds of people down instantaneously. He's also contemplating the idea of personalized gun locks as a requirement so that a gun is useless if it's stolen.
I forget that when talking to a new generation democrat you can't use common sense. You can only use "feelings" it's the only policy making tool they have.
A pistol can do a ton of damage. Most shootings are pistols. AR15s aren't full automatic and have a small caliber. Any lock can be unlocked.
Wants to give free money to niggers cuz hey why not. Supports infanticide up to the day of birth. Wants to cripple the healthcare system cuz morals.
Sure! "Next President"
Unless I continue selling milk for $2.50 so who ever sells his overpriced shit will lose all customers
Things that wont happen. It's cost of living, not cost of good, income increases, cost of living will increase in tow.
This is basic fucking economics. He is trying to buy the "gim me dat" vote.
UBI is a fucking horrible and stupid idea that will ultimately only hurt the middle class
Everyone else: country goes to shit
Yang : country goes to shit + 1000$
Choose wisely
So maybe we should take 1000$ from everyone...
Extra money to buy Made In China and all the fuel costs are going to go up
and if that happened, then cost of goods would go down to match the available supply of funds in the market.
You think companies pick their sale price based on how they want you to feel? its based on "how much can we squeeze out of this orange"
UBI does NOTHING but make it so someone with $1 who was labeled poor, is now someone with $1001 being labeled poor.
you do not have an inherent right to be happy. A majority of financial struggles are self made. Whether it be your life choices, your spending habits, or your inability to get your shit together.
Also to help your dumbass understand escalation in pricing.
Milk A costs $25 cus they can now with UBI.
Milk B says no e will still be $2.50
Milke B CEO says .... well we can be $16 and still under cut Milk A......
A month goes by
Well....... i mean we can be $20 and still under cut Milk A........
Fast forward a few weeks
Milk A is $25
Milk B is $24.95
Companies don't just deliberately leave profit margin on the table for your feelings.
You. Fucking. Retard.
Lol, no he won't because the DNC will pick whoever sucks their dick the most, just like last election year
>Free gibs
Get a job loser
and because i know your too god damn retarded to figure it out.
Milk A starts at $2.50
UBI is introduced.
MIilk A CEO.... well we can increase price to $2.65
oh wow sales didn't drop...... people still buy milk..... lets raise it to $3.25.
Fast forward several weeks
MILK A is $25
MILK B is $24.95
Because every fucking company will re-evaluate there profit/sale margins. Every person will still require the same consumables.
All that happens is prices go up and dumbass demos fail at economics AGAIN. "Gimme dat vote, and I'll gimme yous "free money"
This. And two real life examples of this in the past is when frozen juice was added to items purchasable through WIC (average price rose 60 cents following week) and the $20 government coupon for the digital to analog tv adaptor (price rose, you guessed it, $20). UBI is just another version of government subsidy and government subsidies are ultimately nothing but corporate welfare
Imagine thinking that taxation (which is theft) and inflation is actually good for the economy.
>Universial basic income doesn't create inflation because new money isn't being printed.
You're right, it's not being printed, it's being stolen. Taxation is theft, welfare doesn't work, and there is nothing more expensive than "free."
dude, he's one guy. one. and an outsider. if you think the body politic of the United States is going to change because we elected a guy with good ideas and good intentions you are fucked in the head. Theres this thing in the way called congress.
You don't have high hopes in humanity, huh? I totally agree with your depiction of things for large urban areas. But let's have a look at...let's say East Schmackleton, Colorado. Small town, maybe 2500 souls. Had a busy main street with all the funny little shops, closed down due to that one big mall they built twenty kilometers down the road. You know the story. Malls dead by now too. Now think of good old farmer Joe who has them cows in the barn but nowhere to sell their milk. Guess what. His neighbor, lovely old lady, tells him how those darn faggots now charge $25 for goddamn milk. Joe is happy to help out n sells her one gallon for 2.50, just like in good old times. Word gets around and soon Joe and many other tradesmen offer their services at main street, making it the buzzing center of the community once again. Now you might ask: why the hell Joe not selling for 25? Cause he is emotionally bound to the community he sells to. He could make a profit but would ultimately end up being seen as "that" guy. You said it yourself. In the end its the people who make the price, not the CEO. And I goddamn trust the American people on this one.
I kinda like this guy, but let's be honest, he has no chance at winning