Are pocket pussies or fleshlights worth it?

Are pocket pussies or fleshlights worth it?

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they are ok for an alternation. just don't spend more than 100$

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Please someone post the Honda Fleshlight webm

helll yea user. I got one off amazon for like 35 bucks...loaded up a solid VR scene and tried it. Holy shit it felt good i came so fucking hard...Cleaning them kinda sucks though

here ya go

Attached: fresh_light.jpg (695x638, 491K)

it's "not bad" ... the cleaning part i don't like .....

You can get them for $10 on eBay




can get from toydemon

I got a second hand one for like $5

Keked I hope this is real

Nah dude.. every sex toy is pretty shit compared to your hand with good lube like astroglide.

Just buy more lube instead of fleshlights.

Nope. Bought one just to try it out. Used it maybe 4 times and it sucks.

thinking of getting one and using condoms, good or bad idea?

These guys are right. The novelty wears off really quickly and tbh it doesnt feel that amazing.

If your dick is a little wider than avg you can expect it to stretch and make small tears in it. I've got a slightly above avg PP and honestly each one lasts me like 2 months before I just prefer my hand.

I prefer a pussy/ass doll made of a stronger, slightly tougher material. That kind is a lot more fun since you can fuck it with an actual fucking motion and not a hand jacking motion, so it actually makes nutting feel like nutting in a girl.

I dunno nutting in a girl and nutting from your hand are 2 different sensations if you know what I mean.

Spent 80 bucks on one because fuck it, it was awesome. Its easy to clean too. You can use warming lube and warm it up yourself. Only thing is it makes a noise so you cant do it with people over but it's better than jerking it. Not better than pussy but nothing is.

>using condoms on a piece of rubber
Just buy a foam brush and use that while it's submerged in soapy water.

You can get a couple of rub and tugs from real girls for the price of one of those.

Its humping/thrusting. completly different feeling from using your hand, so yeah much better with a doll.

full on real user. I know that sounds super neck beard and all....but god damn it was awesome!
I think that would suck....i would rather clean it. I hate the feel of condoms in a real pussy...cant think it would be any better with one on

Tenga eggs are cheap and produce an interesting experience, definitely worth it.

I got a good one for maybe 30€ and its worth it even though I rarely use it. They shouldnt be too expensive and 30€ or 30$ is something you can spend on a toy that you will use multiple times.

btw u dont need a condom lol




Attached: FmkoHZe-YGatFHEzjyDZ2g_zJQBpYyjgeGUx9mAmYHM.jpg (960x679, 120K)

I used my FL everyday when I got it like two years ago. I stopped using it for a while and I am back into it now. It's great, but takes some effort. It is best to use when laying in bed with some pov porn or VR. Fapping in front of the computer with it sucks. Cleaning isn't as bad as people say. Run some warm water over it and through it with some light soap. Air dry and it's fine. If you're single there is no reason not to have one, even if you use it once every few months, it's nice to have around.

"slightly used"

3 years ago actually