To anons with girlfriend experience, did having a 3way with another guy change anything after...

To anons with girlfriend experience, did having a 3way with another guy change anything after? I want to have a 3way with my gf of 4 years but I'm not sure if it will destroy our relationship

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Not gonna let thread die until I get a reply

Depends on who you're doing the 3-way with (besides you and your gf), if you've talked prior with specfics on what you both want (long term vs short term/one night stand, safewords, etc.), and it depends on your gf and how she feels towards you and the idea itself.
For example, if she's a super slutty hoe for big dick and ya'll find some big dick nigga, and she isn't loyal, then she'll probs ditch your ass.
But based on the fact you've been with her for 4 years, you probably don't have anything to worry about so long as you've treated her right.

Please stop I beg you I promised it

It will. And the fact that you're asking reaffirms that you don't have the temperament to be careless when it comes to relationships without severe consequence. If you love this person, I would advise against it.

also, check em.

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Thanks this helps a lot im just gonna talk to her about it, we've treated eachother really good for most of the relationship and she isn't a white I'm sure it'll go great

Hm shit now I'm back at square one, do you have experience or are you just assuming it will? But yeah if she leaves I'm probably gonna kill myself I have no other reason to live

Good luck, user. Happy to be of help. Hope all goes well when you talk with her. She seems like one hell of a chick

She isn't a whore***** autocorrect made it say white

And yeah, I've had a couple threesomes lol. My gf is pretty great; we've talked about having a third in great detail and shit and so far we haven't found someone who we wanted long term, which is what we're looking for. Just an extra person when we want some extra fun lol

Me, my gf and one of my best mates got a bit tipsy one night, and she ended up blowing me while he fucked her.

Just as long as everybody is into it, (not just doing it to make someone else happy) and you all trust each other, do it. Have fun.

It's just sex.

Yeah, this user gets what I'm saying lmao

That's true, I don't have anything to worry about aslong as we're both just having fun and not taking it super serious, this is the answer I needed, I'm gonna close thread now, thanks you really helped

Assuming she likes the idea, your relationship is already on borrowed time.


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85% of all relationships are terminated by the female partner. Sexual attraction to another male is often cited as a causal relationship to this statistic. Though I suppose if you’re not both able and willing to remain loyal to another, it’s not a relationship one should continue. So, go ahead and do it — if you’re willing to accept the risk that she will want to end your relationship altogether. Which again, perhaps it’s a good test of loyalty. I’m all for being kinky but if it were me, I’d be the third wheel to another couple. I wouldn’t personally put myself in that position unless I was positive “she” wouldn’t have a change of heart about the relationship in the first place. Four years is a sufficient amount of time to get to know your partner. You decide.


It's not just "sex". Retard virgin LARPing that's never seen a vagina outside of a computer screen. It's so hilarious seeing young people think of sex as completely harmless. Sex is dangerous, mentally and physically.

Found the incel

It took me YEARS to finally convince my girlfriend to have a threesome. We had been together 5 years when we finally did it. The idea had been so arousing for me for years. The threesome itself was amazing, watching her touch another guy and more importantly seeing her getting touched was intense and sexy. However the year after the threesome our relationship slowly changed and ultimately ended. Big mistake. Ruined a 6 year relationship.

What happened after the 3way that ruined it?

I think she regretted it and resented me for it.

Ah that makes sense, my girl is a freak she is probably gonna be really into it, I'm just so glad ik she's loyal this makes it a lot easier

I think you should go for it user. It sounds like our gfs are similar in the loyality spector. I was only with my gf for about a year before we talked about a third lol. You've been with your girl for 4; you're probably good if you feel she's loyal and all that

With all due respect, dont be retarded user.
If YOU want it and she really doesnt, its over. You think non-slutty/whore women want to be with a cuck? Your literally jumping infront of a bullet train dude. lmfao do what you want but come back here and post results afterwards.

That’s the best you can do, just talk to her. Make sure you’re both secure with each other. Like anons said have the safe word. And make sure the third you’re talking to knows boundaries and limits. It doesn’t seem sexy to lay out stuff like that but it can be nice in itself and a way to become comfortable with the third you’re bringing in.
We’ve had many threesomes with both females and males, and it’s never brought trouble as long as we’ve talked. Itll be our 13th anniversary this year
Good luck user

I can guarantee you she will leave you for the 3rd within a year.
Women dont like weak men.
Men that let other men fuck their woman are weak.
Women that let other men fuck them are looking for a new man.
If you want to be a cuck then go for it. Your weak blood shouldnt be carried forward.

Also wanna add I believe our first threesome was with a female friend about 4 years into the relationship