Hey guys Pornstar Dante Decker here...

Hey guys Pornstar Dante Decker here, I noticed im in a lot of the porn ads on here so I thought id let yall ask me some questions and maybe see some unposted content of famous pornstars like Autumn Falls etc. HMU :)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tightest girl you've been in on film?

First off, timestamp please

>no timestamp

Probably Autumn Falls, it was actually really uncomfortable at times and we needed lube often

nobody cares! just post content

Are you friends with the girls like co workers? or is it strictly business and you dont talk to them at all afterwards

I don't know you, can you put Ron Jeremy on the phone?

post dick with timestamp on pc

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Best personality of a girl you've fucked on film? Any youd want to actually go on a date with / wife up?

I always imagined they were either super high maintenance, or super down to earth with no in between

igth legit ahahahah
what was the most exhausting scene you ever performed in ?

Does doing porn ruin regular sex for you? Do you still have normie sex?

OP delivers

Have you ever gotten poop dick after doing an anal scene? And which bitch was the grossest you’ve smashed?

Gina Valentina no cap coolest person alive

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all girls anal douche and grossest def krystal crush who had shit on her ass when we shot a 3 way scene

How do u not blow your load in seconds? Any techniques or tips?

are you bi ?

Why is your tongue so wet?

I'll allow the Chad to speak his business.

What does a "normal" week look like?
Is it a lot of shooting or more training or even learning script or is it all just spontaneous?

Youre right :) id never go on a date with them because we could just fuck for free and thats my idea of the intention of a date

Would you fuck my gf?

Did you eat the butt crusting?

Scripts are all adlib,

Are there any tight holes in the business? And, do some girls really like a chick in their ass? Asking for a friend.

Constant masturbation

Who was the grossest one you've dealt with?

thank fuck for that, I was really worried you were going to shut down the thread

I pretend to not be a pornstar and try my hardest to get normies to fuck me for my regular qualities and not my penis

How much does your job pay?

Are you jewish?

getting paid to fuck.... i mean .... you cant enjoy it really.... i mean its still a shoot.... btw can you cum on demand ? multiple time ? how long can you hold it ? do you sometime have to reshoot cuz the bugger wanted to cum....

most are my friends some have boyfriends, cucks

Post your cock and cock measurements in inches.

What's the coolest inside thing about being in porn? Something that makes it worth it and no one else gets besides the obvious of fucking porn stars.

Im also an MMA fighter on the side follow my instagram SHARKUILLE_ONEIL or my snap J_shroomy.




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If you cum quick we shoot the facial then give you 20 minutes to reup but sometimes the nut is really just clearasil

Gold Two. Thanks

please write "BD is Herman" on a piece of paper, my dude

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anny requirement to become a porn star ????
i got 7. 1/2 cock and cant cum for shit......

Any of the girls you've worked with that are unbearable cunts?

How much time would you need to spend on set each month to make a living from it? I figure for most male porn actors it is just a little extra money

Why don't you answer us

How did you get to the job?

so she was dry?

nice inside clearasil lol,, you use a fake cock with a pump or use camera angle and a tube ?

Is there a lot of shady people behind the scenes in the porno business? I'd imagine there's a lot of start ups by drug gangs to wash their money.

are you afraid of hurting some damaged girl who is using porn to hurt herself?

you can't cum for shit to this faggot?

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Chad/10 kys

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Check em.
Answer its important

any penis size is ok, these categories for micropenis

do you think pussys are ugly and gross?

Do you eat butt crusting!?????!

vagina stimulation is very mild since my foreskin is loose..... plus i cant do long stroke since i got a uterus scrubber

Being able to say you fucked famous pornstars when your boys talk about them

Ever been in love?

depends how chad you are, you can make $5000 a week if you are being booked 3+ times.

did you ever do an anal creampie on a girl then make that girl dump it straight out her ass into another girl's mouth, then make them swap it back and forth?

Adriana Chechnik

Did you double leg vince?

faggot go kill yourself


who is the girl with the biggest best tits you ever got to fuck?

Quick cash, sex and shady business. So how much drugs get used behind the scenes? And what is most popular now?


anny personal kinks ?

I know plenty of women that can handle you
Get your foreskin tucked?

hahaha you're the man dude

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Single leg brother

Autumn Falls

how much money do you lose because everyone watches porn for free online? which is the best and worst porn companies for work for and why?

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Is she just high maintenance? Annoying? Or just a fucking bitch?

I get paid to create the content, the traffic helps with ad revenue, subs, and website traffic

Did you murder Cherry Poppens?



Do women massage your calves with oil?

hold on a sec - whoever gives such a crazy head like adriana does is allowed to have an attitude

mean and gross, idc about working with her, she can fit two dicks in her butt

Have you ever like hooked up before hand, like “practiced” or is that like a no go? What about afterward but just casually?

Yes as you can see by the necklace

are you a virgin?

yeah i use a rubber band around my balls and ancor the skin to my shaft like a cocking.


You seem like a bro. Wanna go bro it out and go fishing/ hunting sometime?

what made you go into porn?
where is your dad?
was you beaten and molested when you were a kid?

Why did my parents divorce?

Why are there so many jews in the porn industry? Performers, studio owners, CEO's, etc?

Do a lot of the production guys try to fuck the girls?

Do people recognize you in public?

Why did i get molested as a young boy?