Nattwish got banned from Twitch because of you Sup Forums

Nattwish got banned from Twitch because of you Sup Forums
Are you happy now?

Attached: 237df1bb-0db7-49cc-b71e-52ade79d946a-profile_image-300x300.jpg (300x300, 26K)

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It's a start


Story? Or even better, nudes?



post her feet

You got the clip?

she sucked dick and took a facial on stream

Wait so you niggers got the cunny banned instead of baiting her into doing lewd things? I think I'm about done with this board.

Litterally who?
are you watching underage girls stream you pedophile?

Video or fake lol

We'll miss you

yeah sure let me just post some cp on a public forum so I can prove a point to some random cocksucker

Do it Fag

You fucking assholes!

Why can't mind your own fucking business? You hate those women because deep down inside you are a desperate, pathetic loser who wants them.

But instead of becoming a man worthy of praise. You want to destroy what you think you cannot have.

None of you truly know those people. Just because someone is online does not mean that is who they are. Its one part of a huge picture.

Instead of going after wall street bankers and those who truly fuck you, you pick on the innocent.

Yup, very happy.
Who's dis bish, again?

Please tell me this is a copy pasta

Am I supposed to know or care who the fuck she is?

Apparently she's some underage bitch that the obese green haired left wing incels on Sup Forums cyber-stalked til she got booted from Twitch.

This, tbh. She's an autistic girl that Sup Forums basement dwelling virgin social autists jerked their tiny dicks to.

Samefag much

Cry like a bitch much

Nice self reflection...

This shit can't be true, then again it's 2020 and women now fuck dogs, advocate rights of pedophiles and claim there are 200+ genders so...

It's obv not true
