I became enlightened at the age of twenty-six. Ask me anything

I became enlightened at the age of twenty-six. Ask me anything.

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Why ask me anything or why did I become enlightened?

Why did it take you so long

I needed to be in a position where becoming enlightened was the only option other than dying or going to prison.

That's not an excuse. You're just a brainlet.

I'm not making an excuse, I'm telling you what happened. Everyone is a brainlet until they become enlightened.

yeah, why anything, why both. I guess I've already answered \why ask anything' for myself already but maybe there's a better answer?

how do you define being enlightened?

Just answer the question

Being enlightened does not make you intelligent, it's a spiritual and mental state. You're obviously a brainlet because it took you so fucking long to get there, like seriously fucking next level retarded.

Direct experience of the absolute nature of reality.

I became enlightened because I was caused to. Also

Where is my other green sock?

isn't enlightenment a prison of aimlessness?

>Being enlightened does not make you intelligent, it's a spiritual and mental state.
This is correct.

>You're obviously a brainlet because it took you so fucking long to get there, like seriously fucking next level retarded.
Most people aren't enlightened though so how does that make me any different than anyone else, pre-enlightenement? Are you claiming enlightenment yourself?

Why is there no salvation outside the catholic church?

>because I was caused to

there's an ocean of peace in that sentence

do you believe in free will?

but maybe not also,

Most people don't try to become enlightened, retard.

No, because there is always striving for perfection. Enlightenment, defined as direct experience of the absolute nature of Reality is the first step. Once that occurs, there are a lot of changes and dropping of attachments that occur and this is striving or becoming wiser.

No. It's a useful fiction.

what’s your favorite food

how do you identify progress towards perfection beyond abandoning attachments based on a false idea of reality?

>Most people don't try to become enlightened
True. I didn't start in earnest until I was about twenty-five and after that it happened quite quickly. It was do or die time. Often what it takes to motivate a person.

These trips demand an answer.

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There's not really much beyond that. A person whose mind has very few attachments can think and reason more clearly than a mind burdened by false concepts and darkness. Attachments and delusions cause suffering. So the enlightened person progressing towards perfection would experience suffering less and less and experience greater peace and mental clarity.

why should we accept this claim as true?

>progressing towards perfection
This is false. An enlightened soul isn't progressing towards anything.

How far into your NoFap streak are you?

OP is dodging questions like a really enlightened mofo.
Fake new man.

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what's the purpose of existence?

If "the Catholic Church" is defined as "the only way to salvation" then the statement is absolutely true because all true statements are tautologies.

honestly op fuck you. you claim to be awakened yet you treat me like i’m below everybody else by ignoring my question. I just wanna know what your favorite fucking food is.

it's a dumb question

I like Middle Eastern food, especially Persian.

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clearly he isn't enlightened at all

that’s nice. thank you op :)

You shouldn't. If my words interest you, you can verify for yourself if they reflect Reality by becoming enlightened yourself.

Unsatisfying, but at least an answer, yeah was a loaded question, but it's the truth.
user you are not at the end of the road yet, keep looking for the truth.

So you're making claims that you admit are unverifiable, and should not be taken as fact. Why? What enlightened purpose does all this serve?

>An enlightened soul isn't progressing towards anything.
In the sense that the soul is immutable and immortal and time or space have no claims on it, then yes, an enlightened soul isn't progressing towards anything. But it seems that a soul is attached to a finite being, which *can* change and progress. Do you not agree?

What is nothingness?
Who are you... really?

Catholicism is exactly the kind of delusion one must shed to become enlightened

>a finite being
>which can change and progress
No I do not agree. The soul is attached to a finite shell which changes over time, but progression implies direction, and "being" implies that the form is separate from the soul. The soul is infinite, the form is infinite. There is no "being". There just is.

What does this mean ?

>It means direct experience of the absolute nature of Reality
That means nothing.

Go further.

>I became enlightened at the age of twenty-six. Ask me anything.
Give me links. Do you have some site or blog? I have no good questions yet.

>what's the purpose of existence?
Existence is just a "thing" that we (consciousnesses) can project or embue with whatever purpose or meaning we choose. Purpose isn't objective or supra-individual. Existence is what you make it.

>So you're making claims that you admit are unverifiable,
They aren't unverifiable to an enlightened mind.
>What enlightened purpose does all this serve?
An enlightened person's purpose is to spread enlightenment.

Speaking like someone who is truly and utterly deceived.

Christianity requires free will to make any sense and free will doesn't exist

>They aren't unverifiable to an enlightened mind.
>Trust me
>An enlightened person's purpose is to spread enlightenment.
No its not. But a Prideful person might believe this to be true, and as a result spread something that they believe is "enlightenment" for the sake of their own ego.

If your purpose here was to spread enlightenment, then you'd be spitting out some real talk about real issues, and nobody would have to ask if you were enlightened or not. Your enlightenment would be apparent through the wisdom that is expressed. Your purpose here is to convince us that you are enlightened and to portray yourself as the messiah come down from the mountain to relay cosmic truths.

but who was phone?

I can prove free will exists.

If you say you're enlightened, then you're not. Maybe you had a powerful spiritual experience but thinking that you are enlightened is the first and most obvious sign that you're not there yet, no enlightened person has ever said or thought that.

>implying OP was up to anything other than trolling

I would love to read your proof

define free will pls

>implying anyone is unaware

Oh boy, I did know just how right I was. Man I can only hope that you see the light.
Just one tip, pride is the root sin.

Sure its right here
>Fuck you
I can elaborate further if you wish.

what is the nature of nirvana ?
what is the operation of karma ?

>implying that i wasn't just pretending to be retarded

what have you done?

I was born enlightened, thanks to what I assume to be a past life of mine.

At the ripened age of 23, I have only honed that enlightened mindset, gifted to me from birth.

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the ability to defy the cause and effect nature of our reality

I agree that cause and effect exists. No need to argue further.

>not OP
But i'm gonna take a crack at them anyway.
Karma is simply the reality of our causal world. We live in what is essentially a closed system, lets call it a "pond". "Bad Karma" caused by things like violence, beget more violence, causing a sort of wave through our little pond. That wave travels out from you, and may eventually reflect back upon you, though it will have been transformed through many iterations since.
This is the state in which we all truly exist, once the illusions of existence are dispelled. There are no barriers, no distinctions, just a single cosmic whole. Reaching that state is to transcend the suffering inherent in singular existence.

Why would an enlightened being use Sup Forums?

You don't understand what free will is. Free is directly connected with the illusion of the self. You believe that's free will becasue you're deluded of such.
I think that if anyone is on Sup Forums telling others they are enlightened, they probably aren't enlightened.


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Woah there partner. Be careful about insulting people if you wish to have a discussion.

>Give me links. Do you have some site or blog?
I recommend Kevin Solway's theabsolute.net/

will valve ever release the heavy update?

to assist in elevating your consciousness, dipshit

>You don't understand what free will is
yes I do, its the ability to make up a random number. I am a random number generator that can decide at will the level of randomness to be applied to that number. Note, "at will". I can choose however many digits to include. I can choose which digits to avoid. I can choose a decimal, a fraction, or a mathematic expression. There is no force on earth that can predict the number I will choose, nor force that can Force me to choose a specific number.

Thus, free will. Uncontrollable by God, Unpredictable by nature.

You might reason something to be true and have intellectual knowledge of it but Enlightenment is going all the way and offering yourself up to Reason and Reason alone. Few make this step.

free will is an illusion. We are all governed by unconscious drives, from which all our decisions and choices are made.
to imagine we have conscious control over our impulses is a delusion.

you realize your brain is just a complex chain of cause and effect reactions

Are we talking about free will or are we talking about believing in god and having a soul?


You're on here, and as you said, you're 26.


Yes, but that fractal nature of cause and effect reaches a singularity type state where no single cause can be determined. What is the cause of my current thoughts? What is the cause of the one random number I have chosen? There are infinite causes, all of which have been compiled, and sorted and stored in the chemical memory banks of my mind. The end result is, a completely random number, chosen by One thing only, my individual will to pick that number.

it's a culmination of many causes, not infinite causes. The chemicals in your brain don't have room for infinite of anything. Those causes could all be mapped and it would be shown that you are nothing more than their natural result

has this experiment been carried out? or is this a hypothesis?

>it's a culmination of many causes, not infinite causes.
Of course its infinite causes, because those causes were caused by something else in turn. You can map all those causes, but those are going to come up short when trying to determine the "cause" of my internal randomization. A computer can determine a completely random number, the more powerful the computer, the more random the number. The difference between myself and the computer is that someone needs to push the button for the computer to run its calculations. I don't. I can choose to produce a random number at any time I wish. What's more, I can chose to REFUSE a command at any time I wish.

>the form is infinite.
The form is finite, though. Things have beginnings and ends. Boundaries. There are things, plural.
>There just is.
Ultimately, yes. There is only one "thing."

If you were enlightened, you would be content and not announce it to the world. I call bullshit.

>No its not.
How do you know what an enlightened person's purpose is or isn't? Are you enlightened?
>If your purpose here was to spread enlightenment, then you'd be spitting out some real talk about real issues, and nobody would have to ask if you were enlightened or not. Your enlightenment would be apparent through the wisdom that is expressed.
How do you know what an enlightened person would or wouldn't do? Are you enlightened yourself?

>The form is finite
>Things have beginnings and ends. Boundaries. There are things, plural.
This is false. There are merely changes in state. A change in state is not an end or a boundary. Those are the egotistical assertions. The cup doesn't "end" when it is smashed. It simply no longer serves as a "cup" to you. "Form" is finite because you can only view it through your ego. The barriers between things are all in our head.

how do you know an enlightened person's mindset?

>If you say you're enlightened, then you're not. Maybe you had a powerful spiritual experience but thinking that you are enlightened is the first and most obvious sign that you're not there yet, no enlightened person has ever said or thought that.
How do you know what an enlightened person would or wouldn't do? Are you enlightened yourself?

So who here believes in our lord and savior Jesus?

In what sense?

To assert that nobody but the enlightened can distinguish the enlightened is false. If there was no set behavior that determined enlightenment then we wouldn't have a word for it. Else it would be something subjective and useless like "holy."

The fact is, we can determine who is enlightened and who is not by the way they act. People who self aggrandize are not enlightened. Enlightened people are on a different level from your ordinary plebs. If someone has to tell us they are enlightened, then they clearly aren't. Because plebs are always going on about themselves, and if you're on another level then you'll be acting like it, and unlike every other chump out there.

Because it has to be readily apparent to be different from the unenlightened mindset that we are so thoroughly familiar with.

you "choosing" to compute a random number is the same as the computer pushing the button. Your refusal to do something has a cause. Everything has a cause. Causes themselves having causes is not evidence that causes are infinite, just that there are a lot of causes

kek this
