I will live in Tokyo for 2 months and I wonder if it's true that Japanese girls are crazy for foreigners, is it true ? I kinda want to have a little bit fun there
Also another asian thread I guess
I will live in Tokyo for 2 months and I wonder if it's true that Japanese girls are crazy for foreigners, is it true ? I kinda want to have a little bit fun there
Also another asian thread I guess
depends where you go but the fact you are posting on /gif/ probably means you wont be interesting to them
It's not that true. I began the process of learning Japanese & spoke to many natives in the process before going there, and they also gave me the impression it's not true. A lot of them may be interested in the novelty but if you're in small villages, you're a novelty and not in a good way.
If you're in a main city, you're a dime a dozen, and the communication barrier becomes important. That said, lots of girls will say they only want "to practice English" with you on dating apps, they don't really, plenty are still down to fuck. In okcupid surveys, asians still prefer asian men for real relationships heavily. The WMAF meme is just a westernised fetish, they're not that bothered there.
Do you want black cock in your boy vag? Is that what this is really about? Just kill yourself asap
Yeah there are girls who like foreigners and will have sex with you just because you are one. Don't be fat and you're OK. And DON'T BE BLACK. That's all.
take some flights over to the phillipines on the weekend. They love white men
as a white guy yes.
they fucking hate other races and nations
only if you are CHAD
you retards learn about japs only from porn movies and anime
Only if you are somewhat fit and tall. So, in that sense, Japanese girls are like girls everywhere.
dont be black or indian and you're good
It depends on a lot things. You would probably find it easier to find an American or European of Japanese descent than to attempt to date or have a relationship with a native Japanese woman. Outside the language barrier there are cultural barriers that would be hard to get past. The body hair barrier was an odd one for me, a lot of Japanese women and Asian women for that matter prefer men with little to no body hair. It's not really a fetish thing it's more about perceptions of cleanliness. In small villages you will be regarded as an outsider and possibly a white devil. Thousands of years of xenophobia is engrained in their culture and it's a barrier that is hard to break through.
No. In fact some Japanese will cross their arms and say "no gaijin" means they don't want anything to do with you and to fuck off.
Forget any preconceived notions that you have about Japan and especially their women.
actually there are Japanese girls that get with black guys. but they are quite literally bottom of the barrel asians hanging out in Shibuya and most of them have STDs.
if youre black just look for the ones that wear a gallon of makeup and have blonde hair. (gyraru)
Not true. Theyre one of the most xenophobic countries in the world
Lived in Japan for 11 years and no, it's not true. Especially in Tokyo since it's loaded with gaijins so you will be nothing special to them.
This is kinda true for certain girls. They are called 外専. They are the roasties of Japan.
if you live in the city, there will be thousands of other much better looking gaijins around.
If you're ugly where you live now, moving to Japan won't fix anything.
If you're tall and cut, they'll like you just like everywhere else on the planet.
Picking up girls will be slightly easier because you stand out by default, but in the major cities you definitely don't stand out so much that it's a gamechanger. You still end up spending a lot of time playing "the game". If you're looking for sex it would be better to go to a poorer country.
There are areas of Tokyo that are flooded with Japanese women that want to get with whites, and there are areas of Tokyo that put up signs requesting that foreigners of any type not enter. It's a giant city and you'll score if you're willing to work for it, just like anywhere else in the world.
sauce pls
Why did you think you'd get a useful answer from /gif/?
Unless you are a literal Chad, loaded with money or aiming for 5am HUB skanks. they don't care more than anywhere else in the world
Dude it's completely true. I've been on this soapbox before.
>Let me preface all this by saying I am 6'3" and have worked for years to be /fit/ and /fa/, your milage may vary. If I were still fat it would probably be different
Getting pussy in Tokyo is effortless, literally easy mode compared to America. Go out in the evenings, go with someone who knows the area and can show you some social hotspots, talk to some girls.
I could nearly fuck a different girl every night, not remotely an exaggeration, and the girls there are just so much better. Mostly all attractive, rarely ever fat, clean and sweet. I really can't emphasize this enough. Japanese girls are wife material, and fun hookups too.
Be polite though.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>The WMAF meme is just a westernised fetish, they're not that bothered there.
Disagree, especially if you're fit and stand out. Being white in Japan got me a ton of attention from Japanese girls. There are foreigners there yes, but not many who will compete with you if you put in the effort.
Sauce on those gigantic perky milkers?
> I will live in Tokio for 2 months
Hi pewdiepie
Had a mexican friend who went to japan about a year back. Average looking guy, virgin, lighter skin. He railed like 2-3 japanese chicks
youre having a laugh but I'm 100% positive pewds is a lurker, before going reddit mode he used to drop hints here and there with wording and terms he used, deffo did not sound like a normie
not 100% true. it's like how not all white guys like asians, but less so. There are some girls that will jump on your cock just for showing up, but many more that want nothing to do with you.
most will try to use you to practice speaking english.