People who fucked family members, story with full details?

People who fucked family members, story with full details?

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Got wasted with Sister and her then boyfriend.
They started making out.
He tagged me in.
She didn't complain.
Joined in kissing and feeling her.
Clothes got undone.
Her boyfriend seemed to get off more on watching us.
Next day was awkward as fuck but she was more worried that I was ok.


Not a close family member and not technically sex, but anyway:

>be me
>11 years old
>at a family gathering, grandparents house, Bonfire Night (UK fag here)
>circa 12:30am
>everyone quite drunk, older (late twenties) cousin Rachel absolutely bladdered
>Rachel is sat on a sofa in granddad's study/smoking room
>very drunk, light blue strapless dress, blonde hair, pretty curvy with big boobs
>I go in there with a stubby beer I snook off with
>Rachel calls me over, I put the beer down, and come over a bit sheepish
>she talks about some drunk shit, I'm mostly sneaking looks at her tits
>she scruffs my hair, strokes it bit, then takes a firm hold
>hikes her skirt up, hips up and pulls her knickers off
>she pushes my face into her pussy and tells me to lick it
>I do
>I'm probably on my knees eating her out for half an hour, she makes some noise, legs shudder a few times
>I think I made her cum a couple of times, although I really didn't know what I was doing
>she had let go of my hair after a few minutes
>she pushes me away with her foot once she's had enough and pretty much goes straight to sleep
>pretty much my go to memory for wanking even now
>now 31, have huge love of cunnilingus (given the choice, I'd sooner eat pussy than fuck it 99 times out of a hundred)

I don't know if she even remembers. I've maybe been in the same room with her ten times since.

never fucked. But cummed in my younger sis yogurt and watched her drinking it several times. Pic related.

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is SHADMAN dead???

That's super hot. Love doing that!

Done that about 10 times and she hasn't find out yet :D

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Any chance you want to chat about it on Kik?

sure, wikiton

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Wasn't me but my dad fucked my sisters when we were kids. He face fucked them right in front of everyone. I saw it all the time and jerked off thinking about my sisters getting fucked so much.

I've jerked off into my preteen niece's dirty panties/socks/shoes and cum in her shampoo. So fucking hot

Been doing it for the past few months. She drinks her fav yogurt daily.

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who dun it?

Anything more happen after that, like her bf watching you two again?

My sis.

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Shamed off the internet, I think.


kill it with fire

Literotica pasta

Her head is HUEG

Not really a sex story: this happened when I was 13 turning 14 during my second year in middle school.

>Its summer
>cousin and family are visiting my hometown like every summer
>spend most of our days playing xbox
>cousin is one year older than me and hes always been the leader, being a country kid and an only child he was my only contact to the outside world, basically my only friend, so I was really excited to see him.
>weekend comes, mom and dad are out since it's saturday afternoon, it's their night out, we convince our grandma to let him sleepover.
>stay up until 1 am we cant really sleep so we just chat share jokes and do burping contests
>we eventually both get drowzy but keep talking
>cousin suddenly stops talking
>"shhh what's that noise" he whispers
>oh god couldn't they just do that some other time?
>moans and creaking getting louder "I don't know its probs the cat let's go to sleep it's 2 am"
>"duuude those are porn sounds lol are ur parents still fucking haha holy shit" he whispered and burst into laughter trying to drown it out using his pillow.
>I laugh awkwardly trying not to show how uncomfortable I feel
>"duuude hahaha duude let's go see haha"
>I really don't wanna go so I get off my bed and just let him wander off in the dark hoping he just gives up or stumbles his foot on something
>"duude come on lol you don't have to peek haha" he whispers grabbing me by my arm and dragging me behind him
>I reluctantly comply
>he just follows the sounds of my parents' fucking
>we reach their rooms door their sounds louder than ever
>cousin looks at me to check if that's the right door
>the combination of what he's about to do and my parents sex sounds is driving me crazy so I just turn around in frustration,
>he grabs me by my shirt and turns me around while mouthing expletives at me
>his attention turns to the wooden door again, he ducks down moving his head towards the keyhole
>he stays like that for a min r 2,. My heart beats faster than ever


he eventually lifts his head up
>his eyes gawking and glowing, he is covering his gaping mouth with his hand
>he just mouths "holy shit" to me with his lips and then starts laughing again
>then points towards the keyhole inviting me to peek as well
>I don't even move he comes behind me and basically pushes my body downwards
>at this point all I want is not to make a sound and get this over with quickly
>I give in and open my eye perking through the keyhole
>the visual stimuli overwhelm me I nearly gasp
>I only watch for a few secs and then jerk my head up, as if I had just kept my head underwater and was gasping for air
>dad is lying on the floor butt naked and mom is on top of him hoping on his hard on her tits flopping all over the place
>my head turns red and my ears start burning
>there had been many close calls but I had never seen either of my parents naked before (at an age when I could remember at least) there were always strict when it came to personal privacy, I had only been a few times in their room
>I can't even look my cousin in the eyes
>he pushes me to the side and leans forward again eager to see the rest of the show
>suddenly moans and thumping sounds stop
>cousin gets up and motions towards my room
>we both walk./run tiptoeing as quietly as possible all the way to the other side of the corridor
>few secs pass parents door doesn't open
>we close my rooms door
>we both stay silent until cousin bursts into laughter
>"holy shit dude holy shiiit haha"
>"your mom's tits are huge duuude holy shit"
>we both eventually relax I know he is still excited but the last thing I want is being reminded of what I had just seen so I try to shift the convo elsewhere
>ask him about girls and stuff
>we talk a bit about who's got the bigger boobs and stuff like that
>first time we talk openly about sex (we were both younger last summer)
>tells me what positions hed like to do it

Me and my cousin touched out asses together a couple times. Mostly as a joke. That was about it.

Also me and my cousin are both dudes lol

>I know where this is going so I pretend to be asleep trying to forget about my penis stirring in my pants and what I had just witnessed
>I eventually start dozing off for real
>wake up to fumbling sounds
>peek down on the floor where cousin is sleeping
>the combination of the dim light coming from outside the window and the screen of his mobile phone makes it possible for me to see what he is doing
>his shorts are lowered down to his thighs, his penis jutting upwards his hand wrapped around it.
>every stroke he makes while swiping through pics on his mobile sheds more light on his glistening cock
>he suddenly stops puts phone to his side screen still lit
>light fills the room I can now see more clearly
>his thing is twice as big as mineand unlike mine his glans are exposed their reddish colour contrasting with the paleness of his shaft
>starts stroking faster, stops
>starts shooting his load on his belly, rest dribbles down his cock
>he stays like that for a couple of secs to catch his breath
>wipes his hand on his shorts and pulls them up above his still swollen cock not even bothering to clean up the drops of spunk
>he turns on his side and goes to sleep
>try to go back to sleep ignoring the now obvious stirring in my underwear don't wanna plunge head first into depravity

>next day we wake up mother is surprised and frustrated to see cousin home
>I can't even look her straight in the eyes after what I had seen the night before
>she lectures me, telling me I should have called her and that she may be her sisters son but privacy is important

become even more frustrated and angry, she had basically admitted that they wouldn't be doing it if they knew cousin was staying the night yet they had no problem doing it whenever I was home.
Go to my room pour myself into bed lower my shorts and start taking my frustration out on my cock, thinking about everything from last night mom's jugs cousin etc I was too angry to care.

After they broke up we got high again. I ended up going down on her. She said we better stop after that. So nothing since.

So I could’ve fucked my niece in the summer break of 2018, but it just wasn’t meant to be. We had a relationship, did lots of camsexing because we live quite far apart, like couple countries apart. Met each other in summer break of 2017, instant click, love on first site. One night I looked out a window and she came up behind me putting her breasts with just our shirts in between on my back, that was when I knew I wanted her. After the break we start talking over snapchat and we confess during christmas break. Did lots of camsexing, lots of loving and shit, she even wanted to fuck me the next summer break, I was still a bit unsure, but really wanted it. Even had condoms ready, but sadly after a while her parents found out and forced her to leave me. Came back to me later to explain that, because initially didn’t tell me that, so we talked a bit more, said I had gotten over her, eventhough I still had all her nudes and fapped to them on the regular. Then her father found out again, told me to go fuck myself and now we’re here, having an actual GF that lives here, regretting I couldn’t end up fucking her and being her BF and even fucking her every day for the rest of our lifes after marrying.
>Talk to me bros

When I was 19 I went to a family reunion a few years back and hit it off with one of the bridesmaids.
We really hit it off, making out and groping each other when no one else was around
Find out later in the evening the girl was my cousin
She still doesn't talk to me

>been in love with my cousin since we were five
>not really cousins, her dad married my aunt
>they've been divorced for like 25 years now
>calls me up out of the blue
>start talking and realize all these years we've been crushing on each other
>she's been married, divorced, has 16 yo daughter
>talk about how if we had known things could have been different
>meet each other, awkward at first, then we get alone
>shit just happenins
>she gets naked, fucking gorgeous, thick in all the right places, amazing tits
>I'm instantly rock hard, she notices, smiles, and unzips my pants
>pulls out my cock, starts sucking it
>best blow job I've ever had, running my fingers through her long hair, loving every second
>she's looking up at me, smiling, leans back on bed
>tries to pull my cock toward her pussy, instead I duck down and lightly tap her pussy lips with my tongue
>she squeals, takes a huge sigh, and I start my work
>has her fingers in my hair pulling my head into her, have my hands wrapped around her hips
>she's squirming, deep breathy moans
>finally I feel her shuddering, squeezing my head between her thighs, pushing her pelvis into my face
>grabs hold of my hair and pulls me toward her face
>"put it in me, now, goddammit"
>she's hot, wet, slippery, and my cock slips in like it's finally home
>we fuck for a good 10 minutes or so, she's come a second time
>kissing on her neck, sucking her breasts, sloppy mouth to mouth kiss
>finally she whimpers "please cum, please cum"
>that voice, begging, pushes me over the edge
>blast the biggest load I've ever blown in my life
>both collapse on bed, play around a little before falling asleep in each others arms, soaked in sweat and sex
>next day seems to go well
>next night she gets drunk, we get into fight over our "relationship,"
>after hour of crying she wants to fuck again, say it's not a good idea, she cries harder, finally give in
>crazy sex is great but not as amazing
>stuck my dick in crazy
>still in love with my crazy cousin

A few years back, when I was cleaning up our attic for a technician to come fix our boiler, found some of my uncle's paintings, who was an architect and an amateur painter. Start shuffling through them and found one that was my mom's portrait, from when she was around 25
Thought it was weird that she kept it in the attic since it looked better than most of the other portraits hanging on our walls(who were also made by uncle) pull it out to reveal the rest and realize why.
moms dress was pulled down around the waist her right arm rested below her breasts pushing them upwards and making them spill over her hand.
I kinda got lost looking at the painting, judging by how detailed her breasts looked it wasn't just uncle excerising his creative licence, she probably posed naked for him.

Don't know if anything else happened between them but knowing how prudish my mom is and was, and how hard it was to get drugs in the country I'm from this was probably more than just a recreational whim

so close but not incest. this is with my attractive milf aunt

>come home from college
>aunt has moved in home
>just her and my dad
>her room is far from his on other side of the house
>I go straight to here because he sucks but she has always been cool
>we drink
>she is always drinking and is pretty wasted
>I am not sober
>she tells me about a lump in her breast
>didn't start off sexy but with concern
>I am allowed to feel them in shirt. she is stacked
>instantly hard
>she starts finding excuses
>talking about a cleaning lady and my dad
>talking about cleaning lady's big ass
>demonstrating how it swishes and my dad watches
>I spank her ass
>am l loving this and so is she
>as night progresses we move to bed
>is asking for massage
>doggystle position
>I am rubbing her down and she is moaning
>keeps asking me for harder
>I suggest pulling down pants but she doesn't acknowledge
>want to do it myself, she totally would have went with it
>don't because nervous
>eventually we sleep
>I am in bed with her
>she tells me to take off my clothes so we can sleep
>in underwear spooning my aunt
>ass pressed against me, cradling her breasts
>try to reposition boner to not be so obvious
>we fall asleep this way

I should have pulled down her pants. I think about it all the time and she is a go to fap. we have had some other encounters but none as intense. once got naked together to wash our clothes. also allows me to look down her low cut shirt while washing dishes. your reminder to seize the moment