Ask a black introvert anything.
Ask a black introvert anything
Other urls found in this thread:
How many watermelons do you eat on a daily basis?
Want to play videogames?
What’s your K/D ratio in call of duty
why do you always cover your face when you post selfies? Also, when did you realize you were gay?
Plz tell me that's a dude
0, I've only had one watermelon last year.
If you're talking about me sending you my gt it's not gonna happen, sorry.
0/0. I haven't played cod in years.
Because I want to remain anonymous on Here.
Why do videos of black people in poor neighborhoodst always resemble documentaries of monkey's in their natural environments? I mean im only talking about gangstas and those latishas but you know what i mean.
I wish, it's camgirl baby_betty.
Do you support white nationalism?
Poor education and culture leads to less civilised behaviour. You are more likely to associate aboriginal natives for example who live in the first and hunt animals to monkeys than a people with white collar jobs.
No. why would I?
something about the hair...
See i will agree with you there except that aboriginals actually live "wild" lives as in, they don't live in "civilization".
Also, while you are actually answering questions, why, from your point of view, is Africa so horrendously fucked up?
How are your grades in school?
Who is this?
I'm not in school, I'm 21.
Stormi Maya.
Have you ever ducked a white girl? Why?
post more bitches, nigger
I haven't yet because I'm still a virgin.
Don't tell me what to do.
What music do you listen to?
>Ask a black virgin anything
post another bitch, nigger
Mainly rap, vaporwave, and future funk. But there are songs I like from most genres also.
I should probably make that the name for these threads.
keep em coming, nigger
Which kind of rap?
Why be black when you can be a glorious beige colour?
I mainly listen to rappers like Earl, mf doom, captain Murphy, etc. But I can also enjoy songs from modern rappers too.
Why do you make these threads every day?
Because they help me with social anxiety, and I like posting porn.
She also has nudes.
idk how real they look here. looks shopped
I know you can see them here around 3:45
No traps today, mm?
There was a topless video she posted also, but I can't find it.
I might post some, no promises tho.
I'm like you but older....are you into pc gaming my dude? If so what hardware you rock'n?
Isn't there some other board you can bother constantly?
I am into PC gaming, but my specs aren't good at all. I use a low profile graphics card. I don't want to tell you my specs because they're so bad you might dox me.
Rando pics
I still don't have one that'll let me do threads like these.
Is this a new format or are you still my nigga who only wants to be friends on here and not irl?
Why do you feel being either black or an introvert gives you something interesting to talk about?
Still friends on here.
He does it to get better on the intrivert aspect. Just read stoopid ass nigger
Is it because Im white or because im also german?
It's because I don't want people to know who I am irl.
Does Baby Betty do any hardcore? I can't find more of her on google.
I think she only does solo vids.
Its ok, Im jus playin. Kinda tryna extend the time til im gon to sleep eventually
What is it like to be an introvert and do you think people in general are racist towards black people?
Where can I find more of her?
Not op but I think everyone is racist, thats just in human nature. Blakkks are racist too
For me it's not being able to talk to anyone outside my family, staying indoors 90% of the time, and clamming up when I'm forced into social interactions. And I somewhat agree with this guy.
You can find more of her stuff on her subreddit r/babybetty
Westside east florida where are you from?
Did you listen to zilla?
Oklahoma, and I don't know who zilla is.
>For me it's not being able to talk to anyone outside my family, staying indoors 90% of the time, and clamming up when I'm forced into social interactions
Could you have apd?
What's that?
Why are black people so degenerate?
Zillakami citymorgue
The fks wrong with her cunt?
Well how did you manage to go to school, were you beat up a lot?
His music isn't my type personally.
It's probably like that because it's at an angle.
I was homeschooled so I wasn't beat up much.
Sauce on OP webm?
What are you into?
Like sexually? Or hobbies?
How do you mug people if you are shy?
Nigger... virgin.
Pick one. We all know that apes and baboons start fucking soon after birth.
Your momma or dad beat you? For me it was my mother, but only when I was like 7-10
They both used to beat me when I was a child when I did something bad, but I'd didn't go into the point it was excessive.
You got some good blakkk or shemale porn actress actors?
hit me with the sauce
fuck off cock sucker, take your faggots with you and never return
Why so triggered? It's just a silly picture
There's ts Bronx, ts Paris, and Melanie Monroe. Another good one that's been making rounds recently that's not black is daisey Taylor.
Because of the picture or the question?
Thanks man
Are you obese or pretty slim or how what?
You prefer black or white pussy?
I'm not slim, but I wouldn't say that I'm obese either. I have a slight amount of chubbiness.
I don't have a preference, they all look good to me.
Oh, a smart man i see, how strong are you?
Do you visit a psychiatrist or at least know what makes you stay inside so much?
I haven't really tested my strength before, but it's probably average.
I honestly haven't, and I think I stay inside alot because it's much more relaxing only having to worry about yourself.
Why are you black
I was also wondering this.
I mostly play games as a hobbies, but I would like to draw someday. I have alot of oc ideas but I can't even draw a simple head.
Still here btw.
sorry nigger. No one cares.
Yet you commented.
Almoast white. Would fuck, marry and kill for regret after the whole thing.
>Don't tell me what to do
>I'm 21
>In reality i'm 12
I'm confused about what you're asking.