Oldfag here. Tell me the most fucked up thing

Oldfag here. Tell me the most fucked up thing
You've seen on Sup Forums

>The kid who injected hydrolic acid into his vains and fucking died kek

Attached: unimaginabledissapoint.png (500x431, 106K)

Attached: cardstand.gif (445x264, 1.98M)

Dogs eating a woman alive.
... starting at the vagina.

Attached: Brendan bemused.jpg (1080x1440, 149K)

Old school

Someone injecting freshly laid shit into their pee-hole with a plastic syringe. Timestamps and all. Maybe an oldfag has it saved somewhere.
The most fucked thing that wasn’t a repost anyway.

The Russian guy shooting himself in the head. Not as graphic as some but it made me feel bad for the dude

Fuck, I remember this.

Attached: gbj009934.jpg (1600x875, 921K)

The guy who strangled his gf and told us it was a lot harder than on TV.


>hydrolic acid

Attached: wat-old-lady.jpg (481x479, 57K)

>when Sup Forums was almost good

Once, I saw someone get dubs

Boy got his fuck cucumber stuck in a toilet while parents were on vacation, posted pictures of broken toilet while people on b tried to help him fix it for hours.

I recognize that gay blowjob


When the kid shotgunned his head off in the bathroom and also when the asian bitch put her cat in the washing machine


> The Grifter
You cannot unsee that shit

My roomie is a SJW & has told me on more than one occasion "black women have it tougher than anyone else, they are raised specifically to take no bullshit, to stand up for themselves and not to shy away from a fight".

When I first saw this video, I emailed it to her & asked her "remember when you said black women are systemically raised to be tough, no-bullshit bitches who fight for anything & everything? Is this an example of how properly raising a black daughter starts?"

Attached: Terrible mother.webm (480x360, 1.45M)

What dis?

w/e, just post a fuckin' link, jackass.

There is no link in OP
And I'm not OP

OP delivered once

Operation Cardstand

how did she react user?
also, that fucking video of the guy pulling the screwdriver handle out of his weiner and squirting blood fucking everywhere
i had to look at my pecker just to be sure it was still there and undamaged

Attached: 1548688121058.png (344x366, 109K)

this sounds hilarious

Attached: amazement.jpg (1000x1053, 146K)

Hydrofluoric veins

Attached: E09A0563-F0AF-4532-A335-A15E7AE783FF.png (1000x700, 98K)

Michael Coon - Death hand thread.
Dismembered child tons of pics pretty fucked