Which one would you fuck?

Which one would you fuck?

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Both, got kik/disc?

more of right please

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all day the one on the right.. fit as fuck
wwyd these two?

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More of left for comparison?

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I like right

Which sister would you choose?

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More bikini of both?

easily left

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more left?

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she got that tight body

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Got any ass??

fuck. please more

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Please ig of the right one

with the sister again

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I wanna lean right but left’s titties might be too much to overcome.

imagine titfucking this beauty

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I've only hooked up with right, but left has an insane body. I'd destroy her so fast

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Let’s see rights ass

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Which one would you fuck, if you knew the other two would be killed

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have you? nudes?

How good of a fuck was she

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She's great. I hit her up as often as she lets me

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Got any nudes?

yeah, but probably not gonna share. still trying to get with her best friend lol

Willing to share on kik or anything?

Kik me ljackson812

She makes my dick so hard....

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Fuck yeah

love her fat tits

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Got got or just posting here?

That is the good thing about sisters, you dont have to chose.

I would fuck that short one by the guard stand.

Just here. Stroking and posting

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The middle slut?

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I think he was making a joke about a small child

left or right?

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right please

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Post a little something more of the one you hooked up with then

which you choose?

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right probably

far left

Which one wwyd and why?

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gosh dang, moar plz

right has nice tits but left has a better face
id fuck em both