Access to a neighbours house tomorrow for a few hours, what do B?

Access to a neighbours house tomorrow for a few hours, what do B?

Pic related

Attached: 4AFCE53E-29B0-459D-8169-1459BB603F1F.jpg (750x557, 268K)

Post panties

Do absolutely nothing.
Then tell us about it.

Okay will do, Thanks for input

completely switch all the stuff in the cupboards in the kitchen

I got you

This is earlier on today

Attached: 56E6E408-5DC6-4F2B-9989-75F968C6781A.jpg (540x960, 77K)

I like it

thought that was Chinchan for a second

Jack off on panties

Enlighten me?

This is a given

Attached: Chinchan1.jpg (376x500, 21K)

Lmao what a creature

Take all the cups out of the cupboards, fill them to the brim with water and put them super close to the edges of tables, counters etc

Oh you evil motherfucker, imma do it

Use dildo and show

Attached: C55D382B-54FD-4499-8B14-1AE580864468.jpg (540x960, 75K)

Nice. Using?

Was earlier today, can do more tomorrow

Pls kik to me. Bujubaja thx

You a pajeet?

Show tots


I don’t have tits nigga

Any pads or tampons in the trash?

Post pics

Shitskin? Bobs & Vagne? Street shitter?

You seem Indian..

Will look tomorrow, I’m not there now

I'm new here. No idea what u mean. I'm not Indian.
Just white male

Show your tots in her tot holster

put CP on her computer

timestamp and tits or GTFO