The cause if situation is white supremacy and climate change.
The cause if situation is white supremacy and climate change
they're completely unrelated you fucking imbecile
this is the level of the "logic and reason" party
you retarded piece of shit
Do you know what satire is, cunt?
Its a poor attempt, but still you are a cunt. Fuck niggers and this latest climate change "emergency" is nothing but an attempted power grab.
Bet she wont be voting democrat again
they should have banned plastic straws in that area.
This guy gets it.
What does OPs text mean? It makes no sense
I love how this thread has nothing to do with Trump and some retard chimp is posting memes about him
I am sorry about the confuse
Ok, so clarify it
Islam is right about women's
it's the democrats that ensure lower tax rates for rich people.
>this happens in every interrac couple ofcourse
> OP is a cancer faggot
Not every couple. Just like not every Pitbull mouls somebody to pieces at least once in their life
Blonde chick looks like Kate Mara.
you can acknowledge that niggers are trash while at the same time not being a nazi and a retard who doesn't believe in climate change
What noble people, they know in their hearts money isn't everything and vote on more practical issues.
Every Motherfucker with face tats should be executed as soon as possible. Not a good one in the lot of 'em