Be honest: What is your job, salary, and age?
>Sous Chef at Wendy's
>$13.15 per hour
>30 years young
Be honest: What is your job, salary, and age?
>Sous Chef at Wendy's
>$13.15 per hour
>30 years young
Vendor for a family business. My salary is $441 a week. I’m 22 and married with no kids. We both have jobs.
Lost some money as you got older i see.
>Factory Personnel Superviosr
>45k salary USD (in an extremely cheap area to live right now, i could easily take this position to a larger plant and earn double what i make now, but id be paying for twice the living costs too)
Is that before or after taxes?
Construction restoration
Warehouse worker
18$ an hour
Painter and builder. 14.50euro hr 32yoa
500 eu per week after tax
cad drawer
Drive for amazon in nyc on saturday and sunday. I make 15 and hour which brings my monthly wage up to about 1200 a month. On section 8 in New Jersey. I live next to a beautiful park. And only pay 436 a month. I also sell crack. Living the dream
29 50k a year
>Site manager at an aquaculture facility
>$34.80 an hour
BI Developer
should have mentioned that its GBP
Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot
Firearms instructor
60k per year
After taxes. Before is like 533
cyber security
$141k not including equity
IT Management for a Financial Group, 190k USD /Year excl. bonuses
40 per hour
34 years old
Junior sysadmin
Awesome. Getting into cybersecurity myself. Found this specialised school that even job coaches for 2 years. Is it hard to get into consultancy? I'd like to be my own boss.
have sex.
self employed car mechanic
90k yearly
Project manager
B2B IT sales, non-retail.
25 USD / hour + Bonus if I'm good.
chief data scientist at a fairly sizable polling corporation. 146k last year
Non-Benefited resource nurse 60.60/hour
95k w/ paid sick and vacation
resource nurse? wtf is that and how long did it take to get into it? I need a career change.
>>Construction inspector
Quantity Surveyor for a large residential developer.
29 years old
I don't do consultancy, but if you were to do something like pen testing or compliance auditing it wouldn't be difficult. I did architecture for awhile and now do pre-sales for SaaS
I'm a nurse that fills in spots on floors. I float to 20 different units between 5 different hospitals. Be a nurse for a couple of years, pick up a couple certifications-ccrn/cmc/cms and kiss ass. I don't have benefits, but I'm on the mrs, so no big deal. You get shit on though with more difficult assignments.
Pen testing is one of the more likely things I'll be doing in a while. Also any tips on what is fun and worth it money wise to specialise in?
Can I ask what city?
> 6.5$ per hour
> backend developer
> 23
shithole country
Sounds like you'd never get bored though. Was thinking about going into ER Tech since I hate school and don't wanna be stuck working on my RNA for years. Plus I'm older and it's sad to see an old man go back to school for shit.
First year Internal Medicine resident. 52k/year
lifeguard, £9.90, 18
Forgot age. Im 28
I enjoy pen testing, but I think getting involved with Cloud is the move right now. Learn Python and start getting familiar with cloud-native security. There a big shift away from traditional SecOps. I find regulation and auditing boring as shit, pci, iso, etc.
Real estate sales
Unlicensed union millwright (7 years)
$29.75/hr, plus tons of cash under the table overtime, for time and a half.
Best choice I ever made was drop out of college for networking and took a welding and fabrication course at a local co op. Bought my house at 29.
would you mind telling me about your education background?
Head Mechanic at a Tesla recharge station. I attach electronic chargers to the vehicles and provide back rubs for the uptight liberal passengers and drivers stressed about white men and Trump.
33 years old.
IT Engineer. 70k. 37
yea ok bud
educational background?
what do your responsibilities consist of? Educational background?
fucking kek you get paid to do what you love but you have to deal with backwood fucktards.. interesting gig
fuck bro painters and builders are paid way better in the USA
oof welcome to misery
fuck bro go get a better gig fuck your family sell that shit wasting your life
lol fucking proud to drop out of college for a shitty job making you blind to afford a fucking shaq in a garbage location... im so sorry you are so ignorant and missing out on so much more..
Would you please elaborate on the details? Would you mind telling us how you got from point a to now? I'm very interested in this. I'm definitely going to search for this kind of work
I'm 27 no job just freelance computer shot on Craigslist. I make like 250 a month to 1500 on good months. Mostly just fix virus issues and replace/fix hard drives. Nothing complicated.
Its in western canada
LGBT linguistics trainer/professor at our cities University. I teach the various LGBT accents and body
mannerisms in a safe space and after they are calm conduct gender studies.
120k /year
52 yrs old.
nigger why do i see this trash ass post everyday like it's such fucking awful bait i cant believe the autists on this board even reply with serious answers
>Sous Chef
>years young
sage this shit faggots and stop flaunting about your fake career
non conformance quality technician
23K a year
21 today
Journeyman Boilermaker in the Alberta oil sands. 47.50 an hour
UPS Sorter
£10/11k a year
grow up
although 60 to 70 percent of people earn minimum wage. no fucker in these threads seams to earn it. strange.
just saying. kek
>I teach the various LGBT accents and body
Wait, what is that supposed to mean?
Union Truck Driver
124k last year cash all benefits paid 100% by company
32year old
Managing director, Oil and Gas company in Scotland. £320k.
So back to the gay trap porn for you eh?
Medical Student now, previous was a sysadmin for a software company.
-40k / year now, was +85k prior.
lol fucking proud to drop out of college for a shitty job making you blind to afford a fucking shaq in a garbage location... im so sorry you are so ignorant and missing out on so much more..
>I'm about to save your fucking life.
Step 1: It's NEVER TOO FUCKING LATE to go through 4 years of college!!!!!!! If you're a nerd like me and have an IQ higher than a fucking potato you'll be making 75k+ out of the gate.
>You're over 24 which means only your income matters and with that income after state and federal/pell grants if you get your associates at a community college first and then just an average fair-price state university you can graduate with less than 15k in debt. You also become a more well-rounded person and there is an obvious difference in conversation with someone that has a degree/went through extra English courses and academia. It's honestly not a debt-hole like fucktards with 5000k loans make it out to be.
I work part time while going to school, have a 4.0, living in an apt, eating well and I'm going to graduate next year with 14k in debt.
a comp sci degree makes you the best working asset of 2020
it consultant - $150,000 / yr + bonus
32 yrs old
started 5 years ago making 46k a year
Just got hired at McDonald’s haven’t had my first day yet I’m 26
17/hr entry level IT
surgical resident
Field Service Engineer
No fucking employee discount???
Fucking sucks to be you. What a shitty lifestyle. If you're content with it then you have no ambition and I pity your worthless existence. You could have the same salary with a much more exciting life.
Why the fuck are you wasting 40k a year on a fucking education. Christ you're fucking retarded. You DO realize that you can get the same fucking thing for 20k?
Any specific type of surgery?
I’m 69
I make 4.20 an hour
Boss man at a psychward
Going to school for comp sci next fall. Not sure if I should go that route or cyber security.
what does your average day consist of?
no job, barely ever worked all my life
no salary
>36/40/hr (weekdays/weekends)
After taxes and such I’m averaging $1000/week. Not a bad gig but I could do better.
lol what a shitty job. you have to drive places to restart equipment...
Just started a real estate company and also have a company that does small construction jobs
Make about the equivalent of 2000$ a month after taxes working half time. That's about a normal full time wage where I live.
The company of course makes more but that is all I take out in pay.
I'm 35.
Heavy equipment operator
In every way imaginable
>Works out at £7.90 for a 38 hour working week
>Late 20s
General manager at a lawn equipment retailer and service center. 40k per year plus 1% store wide sales commission.
Petty Officer in the US Navy
$39k a year.
26 years old
primarily meetings and high level architecture. though i'm getting fired soon because my boss doesn't like me so i'll likely lose 20-40k per year until I climb up the ranks again.
Materials Handler at Tesla
>sous chef
Fucking retard
>heavy equipment operator
>$100K a year
How fucking fat do you have to be in order to modify a fucking fast food burger? Fuck
go that route. I started as wanting to be a 1337 hax0r but after learning to code, holy shit I just want to write more code. However, keep in mind I'm slightly autistic with a gift for math and logic so coding is like sudoku to me. Anyway, socket programming and shit for cyber security is just fucking lame and fully fleshed out. You're basically going to follow instructions and if you want to pioneer anything you have to be a fucking savant (literally like the einstein of cyber security). So I went with cloud and AI/Machine Learning as there's still room for very smart (but not super genius) people to influence the development of that field and it's a lot more fun because you get to make materials that people learn from and figure shit out instead of just regurgitating. Trust me, cyber security used to be fun pre-early 2000s but now it's just standardized cisco trash with solid socketed gates and the only vulnerabilities are in software, which you just patch or exploit zero-days and it's no-brain shit.
LOL salty af
Kill yourself and everyone else on faculty
What do you do?
>content editor, I work remote
Master Chef at Wendy's. $13.30 per hour.
600K at 27. Data science lead.
Bait post that’s prob half your age.
>fucking retard