Post your dinosaur hoax memes here

Post your dinosaur hoax memes here...

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I just think this one is funny. Don’t get triggered by the Jesus stuff l.

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Now that's what I call bullshit...

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How so

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Oil actually comes from dead algeas

I could believe that
Go on?

Fossils were also found before the 1800, but most people beloved, they were some sort of wit by the nature
Or they were part of the origin for mythological creatures (like dragons, and cyclops)
And the reason, why there has been no "complete" dinosaur fossil ever been discovered is obvious, after all, most of the bones were destroyed over centuries

Just google it yourself

Also that’s all I got =\

Show me these pre-1800AD fossils


I don't know, google cyclop skulls, at least greeks found them (altough, they might be just bones, and not fossils)

Ammonites might be another good example tough...

Your saying this is a dinosaur?

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Why are Christcucks so sceptical about literally everything but their old book of fairytales anyway?

OP Is not a christcuck
Maybe they’re just based (cringe as it sounds)

A mythological creature
Big, one eyed
And experts at human meat dishes

No, at this skull is fake anyway
Cause the cyclop-skulls I meant, were short elephants, who once lived on greek islands, but died out

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>imagine thinking that bible is just useless fairytale

What does that have to do with dinosaurs?

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Nah man, the Greeks found dwarf elephant skills on Crete, which if you've ever seen an elephant skull, they gotta a big ol' hike right in the middle where the nostrils connect, which admittedly looks like an eye hole. The actual eye orbits are almost negligible, being supported by flesh on the living animals.

Or genetic mutations. I think those would make more sense.

I saw his disclaimer but I meant in general. Like these niggers don't believe in shit like the moon or gravity but they believe in Noah's Ark and the Garden of Eden without question.

The religion itself is important but it is mostly dumb fables. You can keep the important bits without shoving your fingers in your ears and ignoring reality.

nukes are fake, just scare tactics aimed to population control

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See thisYeah, maybe

Didn't realize this was a YLYL; I fucking lost it hard!

Alice is a God

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I see you’re point,
They take everything in the Bible 100% literal.
We’ll go stone your whore wife in the streets then... they for sure pick and choose they’re favorite parts

I could buy stockpiles being fake but the bombing in Japan and a lot of the tests are pretty damned well documented.

It’s faked footage.

You guys ever hear of a guy named David Peters? Guys a great artists, runs website about reptile evolution. Unfortunately he's 100% a crank. He claims to see things from pics of fossils that the actual paleontologists can't see.

I find it fascinating that literally every area if human expertise has its own cranks.

Pic is his Pteranodon recreation. He claims it stood upright and didn't fly.

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How would they even pull that off back then?
What actually happened in Hiroshima in your timeline?

Longisquama. It did not look like this goblin thing. Lol. Just Google it for a proper reconstruction.

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You dumbass elephants and dinosaurs are two different things

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Fossils, you dumbfuck.

Related, sorta, I think people should see how fucking HUGE mammoths were. You're great great grand pappy had the cajones to hunt these fuckers.

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Just because people back then didn't have modern science and education doesn't mean that they were drooling retards. Cyclopes were always depicted as one-eyed humans. That doesn't look like a human skull to me.

they could figure it out.
And it was just firebombed like the other major cities. Look at pics of the Tokyo bomings. The destruction looks similar