I haven't been practicing black magic for 12 years. I have been very successful at spells and summoning. With that being said, Lets play a game Sup Forums:
EVERY post that ends in 77 in this thread will obtain great wealth within the next 30 days.
EVERY post that ends in 66 in this thread will die a violent and painful death within the next 24 hours.
Please only play if you are serious and willing to take the risk.
I got a friend that knows wicca, and I paid him ten bucks to put a sheild of protection on me against black magic fucks. His magic is stronger than yours. Eat a dick fuckface. Can't penetrate my shit.
Easton King
sounds like pagan mumbo jumbo i summon jesus
Connor Kelly
>mumbo jumbo
Well, I also paid him fifty bucks to make a girl like me. We've been going out for like two years now.
praying to jesus never did shit for me
Brody Hill
kill me
Wyatt Parker
>sounds like pagan mumbo jumbo >i summon jesus
I summon jesus once a month Him and his mexican friends stop by and do yard work at my house
Bentley Hughes
I mean magic isn't real so
Gabriel Rogers
Death is a preferable alternative to communism
Levi Barnes
Nathan Miller
im not even gonna pretend i dont want the money
Dominic Sullivan
this dude made me kek hard
Ian Hall
Elijah Russell
Let's get it
Adam Stewart
Take my chances
Aiden Price
Colton Morris
Daniel Clark
>I haven't been practicing black magic You will give me your soul now.
Isaiah Brooks
Here we go
Jose Brooks
Alexander Morgan
Eli James
Jaxson Bailey
I leave Sup Forums for almost a decade, come back and these niggers turn this board into fucking chainmail that you would get from your grandmother
sage this shit
Brayden Morris
Leo Wilson
Adrian Perez
poen poen poen, de een zegt money de ander geld maar wij zeggen poen
Andrew Foster
Luke Miller
Oh boy, here we go
Jose Reed
Chase Rivera
tell me something good
Colton Phillips
Joseph Harris
Juan King
execute order 66
Colton Davis
Nolan Ross
Matthew Sanchez
HAHA good luck sleeping dude
Easton Lopez
kill me
Caleb Price
nice knowing you annon
Wyatt Ross
God damnit.
Liam Butler
inkling side b
Liam Wright
I remember tolling before Christmas. I won. Hope someone else also gets to know the feeling
Evan Campbell
get it
Benjamin Sanders
Dominic Allen
This some /x/ shit you just pullet out your ass but here we go
Chase Hill
something on b thats not porn nice
David Jenkins
come on, death!
Lucas Diaz
Adam Reed
Brandon Lee
come on
Elijah Gomez
Can you tell me how to get this good at wasting trips?
Charles Diaz
kill me
Zachary Walker
Come on sweet sweet death
Alexander Turner
Fake lol Eck's dee
Ethan Watson
>calls out OP for being stupid >doesn't like OP's post >says I'm gonna just do a 360 and walk away
Newsflash: there are 360 degrees in a circle, so if you do a "360", when you're finished, you will be facing the same exact direction you were as when you started.
If you want to be facing the OPPOSITE direction... You need to do a "180".
I don't think I'm gonna die. I'm almost 43 and I feel pretty good. I have a feeling I'll be this healthy when I'm 80 and by 110 if I stil haven't aged, then I'm going to write a book and sell it along with maybe giving courses on how to stay healthy for a living.