Anyone else just hates trans people

Anyone else just hates trans people

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Theres one who hangs out in this bar.Local fuck toy. Always wanted to trick them n expose them

I pity them, what a mental disorder to be afflicted by

But they're fully aware of their disorder and refuse to seek hell so do they really deserve your pity ?


As a gay man, yes, despise them. Also despise the trap movement. Even the most seemingly butch men wear panties under their clothes. I have no hope anymore.

No? There's no reason to hate them, they aren't harming anybody.

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Tranny detected


I don't "hate" trans people, but I'm beginning to hate how they are pushing their political agenda down everyone's throat when they don't exceed 1% of the population. So, maybe that feeling will grow into a resentment of them as a whole.

>Able to relate to being attracted to the same sex but not feeling like you are a part of the opposite sex.

What do you know, gay men can be retarded as well.


Death to trannies

Imagine, destroying her life...thatd be great wouldnt it? mc server 1.14.4

I hope when you say her you mean the biological sex of the tranny but yes would be a big W

GUess I do. It's be fun too

prob yeah on the other it would mean to interact on a longer term with one of them

I dislike saying you're "non binary" more because they always bitch about their fucking pronouns, and out of all that kinda shit it makes the least sense.

this is true. But worth it for the bigger win. Plus prob wouldn't be too hard

But its fucking degenrate.

For me all these weird pronoun fuckers with non binary fluent and all that shit are just a bad joke so I dont really recognize them as a problem (even though I probably should)

Yep. Even my trans gf hates them.

True sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the greater good

I have a fetish for men who have been dolled up like a girl, have grown tits with pills, and have been castrated.

Suffice to say, it really puts a smile on my face that trans women exist. It sounds like a sick fantasy that couldn't be possible outside of erotic fiction.

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Theres one at my school and she definitely lives up to all the sterotypes, far-left, blue hair, atleast ten different mental health problems and has trauma of some sort.

I detect tumblr level of faggotry

I still can't believe this place has a board for literal faggots now. What was moot thinking?

Why do you have a tranny gf?

>have grown tits with pills, and have been castrated.
That's where you're taking this shit too far. Fuck you for ruining so many cute boys you sick fuck.

As long as I don't have to see them, hear from them or read anything about them, and I can forget that they exist, I'm fine with them.

Never been on that board, what's it like?

It's fabulous!

Why not? He's cute, have things in common.

No excuse, wtf.

And I bet all of these 10 disorders are self diagnosed. I can literaly hear her"excuse me bu its actually 'they' "

That's not an excuse, just my reason for it.

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Having things in common with a pedophile doesnt justify a friendship with one

That's the first thing she ever said to me, kept insisting that there was blacks in medieval britain but not just like 2-3 she was saying they were like half the population, bit off topic though.

A tranny was burned alive in my city recently.

A blessed, based place.

How really?

I'm not justifying it and that's a bad comparison. One is a mentally ill man who's sexually driven to abuse kids, the other is a gay man who wants to be a girl.

Why tf would she even state that

Correction: both are mentally ill

I Dunno ask them?

Good be reassured again that the stereotype doesnt exist for no reason even tho it would be better if people like this wouldnt exist in the first place

Gay might as well be a synonym of mentally ill. That's why I abstained from using it alongside the word 'gay'.

Don't hate them, I feel kind of bad for them. Id definitely fuck the one that likes to whore themself on Sup Forums&Sup Forums though.

you know what i hate? ignorance

Hate am all you want they are daily life now, fucking deal with it. You all act like it is some new bothersome thing. This is always gonna be here everywhere. Deal with it. You don't have to like them just go about your business and they will eventually get rights or cry themselves to sleep. We don't have to live their fucking lives. Sorry about yourself abd how you can make a better day for the world around that doesn't involve hatred. The world is a,lot easier after you just let em be. I work at an adult store and get all types wanting all kinds of shit. At the end of the day all that matters is who gives who money so that people can function. Who cares what someone else does in thier life, let em protest and get it outta the system and fucking move forward like an adult and do your shit to better your life, those fuckers aren't making you unemployed or broke? They arent gang raping you. Let them fucking be and go deal with your life

quiet, white knight fag

and guess what I hate: trannies

>Hate am all you want they are daily life now, fucking deal with it. You all act like it is some new bothersome thing. This is always gonna be here everywhere. Deal with it. You don't have to like them just go about your business and they will eventually get rights or cry themselves to sleep. We don't have to live their fucking lives. Sorry about yourself abd how you can make a better day for the world around that doesn't involve hatred. The world is a,lot easier after you just let em be. I work at an adult store and get all types wanting all kinds of shit. At the end of the day all that matters is who gives who money so that people can function. Who cares what someone else does in thier life, let em protest and get it outta the system and fucking move forward like an adult and do your shit to better your life, those fuckers aren't making you unemployed or broke? They arent gang raping you. Let them fucking be and go deal with your life

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Im currently dating a non binary person. I bet you all hate me lol


you bet right. But dw some tranny defenders will come to assist you

who else agrees that transgender people are completely valid and worthy of love?

Everyone is scum why the fuck do you have to spend so much time arguing about which particular type of sum you all are
Fuck yourself and die fucking pol phone posting scumbags


I hate all people that I haven't met because I assume they'll make fun of what I'm insecure about

Technically the person I'm with was born a girl so according to you cunts on here they are a girl making it a straight relationship. At least be consistent with your world views lol

I'm so happy you will be hating me while I get to have an amazing weekend with my non binary partner. They are sexier than anyone you cunts will ever have


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Does he at least dress cute?

lmao they're so dumb. false beliefs sexually arouse me

I love being a degenerate. Makes life a lot more fun.

Ewwww what is that thing?

Fucking degenerate!

If everyone is scum why dont you help making the world a Vetter place and kys doomer fag


I agree, but some need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them, and that they exist in society with us, not the other way around. I'm not going to refer to a dude wearing dude clothes as a she. You're doing your best to look like a chick, sure, whatever, doesn't affect my life.

If you want to misgender my partner use she because they were born a woman and have a vagina. Also yes they dress really cute. Couldn't stop checking out their ass in their cute PJs.

But you dont wanna date a girl so AcCoRdiNg to YouR lOgiC youre still a fag

Tee hee! Stop looking at my vagina, silly boys!

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That's nice bro. I may have a trans bf but at least he's sane enough to be aware of the fact that he's a guy. Yours is absolutely fucked in the head though, does she dress like a boy or a girl then?

Are you some cunt who calls themselves non binary too, because that sounds like something they'd say?

>I love beeing a degenerate
LGBT fags in a nutshell


mother of God....................................

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I hope they all die, disgusting, better to be gay than being a tranny, it makes no fucking sense

Not a fan of trannies, but we'd all fuck him... Right?


You her HER omg bigot, so horrible, such triggering gonna need to post on fb about this oppression

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What sick fuck came up with this?

I wonder...

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I'm already dating a girl. I have two partners. A cis woman and a non binary person.

Neither. Also they are not fucked in the head. Perfectly sane person. They just don't feel comfortable identifying as a man or woman. Nothing wrong with that lol

So sorry you have to live a boring life of wishing women wanted you while I get to be with men woman and others! Sorry about your sad life.

>gender dysphoria
>perfectly sane
Alright bud, at least mine has the balls (literally) to admit that he's fucked in the head.

The problem is that they dont identify as the thing they were fucking born as!

>They just dont feel comfortable identifying as a man or woman
>perfectley Sand
Choose one fag

My partner is able to function completely normally? So what if they don't feel comfortable identifying as a man or woman that doesn't affect anything except making you squirm for some reason. Lol

And there is nothing wrong with that accept the fact you think it is icky and your insecurities are not my problem lol

>Men women and others
Youre so fucking delusional you made up an imaginary fag to go.out with congrats on that

they harm themselves.

Lol can't even write sane correctly and trying to tell me shit about my partner when you don't even know them. Haha