I'm not gay or anything

I'm not gay or anything
But if a dude presents his ass pic related to me, my dick finna smash it till it drips creampie

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nah you're totally gay

also traps are gay

you're a faggot OP

you dont think that shits hot?
i thought it was only gay if i was the one getting penetrated

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your totes a gay

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>I'm not gay
>yeah I'll fuck a man ass
You are a liar and a coomer.

But i dont suck dick or get penetrated by other men????
I don't see how thats gay, it's just a manly type of bromance that they used to have
abe lincoln let other dudes sleep in his bed with him, look it up he wasnt gay

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guys ur scaring me i'm really not gay
I may not have had a gf before but that doesn't make it gay if i get a boner from a dudes ass if its nice and fat

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I'm a huge faggot and I have the same response, I think you're gay Hon.

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being gay is okay, accept your faggotry and you'll be a lot happier

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You're gay, you're just not a sub/bottom gay. But you're fucking gay, faggot. Literally doesn't matter in any case

but i don't suck dick!

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>Listen up faggot, I've given out plenty of Cock Meat Sandwiches, that is NOT Gay. It is Only Gay if you don't say "No Homo" after swallowing said Cock Meat Sandwich.

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Ops a fag

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no not gay
I just get a boner from guys butts

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i mean

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yea thats hot


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then you're pan sexual.

If it’s shaved and clean, looks girly but still nice cock, I’m going to drill it.

Hairy masculine man ass is totally gay and not a turn on, so I’m clearly straight.

that ass good

>if a dude presents his ass
Not necessarily gay.
What if it's a girl?

you like mine sir?

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need see more, but looks curvy ;)