Sup Forums I'm tired of being alone.
I'm not that bad with women and I had multiple short relationships but I had to end them because the girls wanted to have sex.
I don't like having sex.
tl;dr where can I find an asexual qt?
Sup Forums I'm tired of being alone
What goes in your mind during sex? Just curious, I don't understand asexuality.
why do you not like having sex?
I feel uncomfortable and disgusted.
I was raped when I was a kid so that's most likely the reason.
Aren't there dating apps for asexual people?
I know that a relationship would require more in common than your sexualities, but at least you'd be looking for fish in the right sea
No idea. But something like that would definitely help.
There are no asexual women
All women want a beta provider while they go fuck Chad and/or Tyrone
You need to get off the internet and stop watching porn
yo i feel this
you don't like sex?!
fluoride, vaccines, and a shitty diet have destroyed you
i don't have a shitty diet but i feel disgusting after cumming
whoops didn't read that one before posting that's unfortunate user
Better cuck
She won't be attracted to/interested in you.
take some test supplements, guarantee you'll want to fuck her brains out
The church
I have the same thing
I didnt have a trauma but I hate it too
For me its weird bc i do get horny sometimes
Good idea
I’ll never understand this... unless they are a massive insecure bitch most guy lose total interest in sex after they cum. What’s the problem?
Probably heard this many times user, but there are communities in most major places. If your in a small place I can't reccomend expanding boarders
I'm sorry user.
So idk if it's a good suggestion but being able to be upfront about your issues before initiating a relationship- could including it prominently in an online dating profile be considered? I understand maybe it's not something you want to get into detail with in the absence of anonymity, but you don't necessarily have to.
For my own curiosity, in your own form of asexuality, are forms of physical intimacy that aren't strictly sexual off the table too? Cuddling or kissing?
unrelated but I have no idea who the girl in the OP is but I wish more women looked like her (minus nose ring).
Cuddling and kissing is fine.
Get some therapy ya weirdo. Man up and get over your shit.