Which European girls have the best smelling feet and ass?

Which European girls have the best smelling feet and ass?

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The ones from Ohio.

I've always wanted to fuck a thick Ohio girl



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I love musky Euro girls


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Northern European girls probably smell the best overall

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yuropoors shower like once every 3 monthss

>tfw no tall Dutch gf with smelly feet

Who smells the cleanest, and not the dirtiest? Which nationalities take better care of their hygiene in Europe than others?

Imagine the smell

Attached: blondefeet.jpg (1005x1412, 275K)

exept for the part where we dont have bidets :^)

The ones that just showered.

Such stink

I want to give her a pedicure and get em all puffy n pink

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Germans shower once a week and get groceries every day
Americans shower every day and get groceries once a week
>Showering every day is not good for you btw; it throws your skin's pH, moisture, oil distribution, and microbiome out of whack

want to smell her feet?

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wtf is this bullshit, showering everyday is common in germany and its normal

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T. Neckbeard

Yeah, I was in Germany recently and didn't smell any bad smells.

German girls look so sniffable

Presumably, clean ones

>not smelly

bullshit loser

Ones eating a healthy diet, take probiotics.

Spain have the best ass

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german girls have big feet

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Ass is ass faggot

Are they smelly?

yes. Like sauerkraut.

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I wish that there were a device where you could smell through the screen, how far are we from that?


i wish i could smell anything right now, i have awful flu and ive missed a couple of opportunities to smell beautiful girls shoes purely because i cannot smell :(

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yes absolutely, show us

How was it?

Last opportunity I had was in university, I was in a library couch reading when a girl from the university handball team sat down next to me, took her shoes and socks off and slept by my side, her things were on the floor and her feet were very next to me, she was very sweaty, I almost grabbed her socks and ran to the bathroom to fap and smell. I could smell just a little bit from her feet.

Checked, what did they smell like?

i work at a bowling alley for a few years and a lot of my young girl coworkers would leave their bowling stuff in the back. many times i'd go back there "to fix something" just to get in their bags and smell their sweaty shoes

A little bit like vinegar

It made me harder than diamonds, by the way

Great. I would do the same if I had the opportunity.

And how about the smells? Can you describe them?

like any atheletic shoe i guess. kind of a stale smell. in the summer time especially a couple of them would leave socks in there because they'd wear flip flops in and out. those were a lot better and i might have stolen a few to jerk with

French boys.

nasty hoe needs to shave that dead skin off

I would take it off for her by biting.


Why did she just sat next to you and fucking slept? Was she just a stranger?

A lot of people go to the library couches just for sleeping, I do that myself, for example. It's very quiet and comfy.

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have you ever had the chance to smell customers shoes when you store them for hiring bowling shoes? thats been a recent idea for me

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NOT the same girl for clarification

no, where i worked you were able to take your personal shoes down to the lanes. and before anyone asks, no i never smelled the house shoes because i saw some of the people that wore them lol

aww man where i live they dont let you do that..... bonus i guess however there is cctv to make sure you dont steal any possessions, shoe shops seem like agood place to work tbh

a high end place where it wouldn't be strange to help with shoes on and off could be exciting for sure. but it could also be terrifying ie helping an obvious and nonpassing 50 year old tranny try on women's size 15 heels


loool truuuu

Who is the girl on ?

my GFs btw

not sure sorry, was from a previous thread

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who is she?

fashion goddess, worth about 600 million, she enchanted tom brady, he's her pet and wears a chastity cage.

Gisele Bundchen, a brazilian model.

im not even sure how untrue this is lol

noone a fan?!?!?!
