Why do adult leftists prop up children to further their agenda?

Why do adult leftists prop up children to further their agenda?

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they are using sexual appeal to convince right wingers

I want to make lovey dovey cuddly sex with greta

i DUNNO, the right wing elected one as president though.

I don't know

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>I don't know

Great example.
Where on the spectrum are you?

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Right Wing. Just trying to sir the pot a bit..

Because feelings. Children are used as an Appeal to feelings.

This is ironic, considering the right props up president bone spurs to further theirs.

They do anything to further their agenda. Luckily for us though, it never works.

It’s great, you right wing pieces of shit can’t help but attack her and her messages and then we can call you out for being the monsters you are, attacking a child while not having to defend our arguments basically winning the argument without having to ever talk.

sure, never works

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Why do right wing idiots always assume that anyone who speaks up against the status quo is a puppet?

You can't argue with what she's saying, so you have to discredit the person saying it. That's literally the lowest level of argumentation besides incoherent screaming, and it's only half a step above it...

Is this girl still even relevant? I can't wait until the day I stop seeing her punchable face all over social media and shit. She's already had her 15 seconds of fame

Why do lazy trolls post easy bait?

I just really want to see Gretas armpits.

did she sail back to wherever or fly?

Only an absolute moron thinks the left actually cares about gays, browns or the environment. It's about money and power, nothing more.

Because even kids know the right is full of shit and out to destroy the world?

Sure, some corporate liberals are money hungry, but the far left are the ONLY ones that care about the environment.

If you think the right gives a shit a out anyone other than wealthy elites, you're delusional.

Because even our kids are smarter than climate change deniers.

Lol, right wingers are pedo...

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She captured a zeitgeist for those under 20, and popularised a method of nonviolent protest, all the while unafraid speaking truth to power.

It's not about "propping up kids to do the talking". She grabbed the mike all by herself.

All politics are about getting control over money and power. The difference between the sides are what the goals are for using said power.

What is the out spoken goal of the right?
What is the outspoken goal of the left?


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I want her giving me that pouty face while I eat her mound.

Shit's crazy. Why would they?

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trumps a faggot pedo, pic your side

Yeah,we know she grabbed "it" ,and everybody knows "what"

All politicians are fucking weirdos, you have to have some kind of alternative motive to voluntarily put yourself under that much stress.

What bastards.

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same reason fatso ladies push the 3 ft beanpole through crowded sro underground transit cars,,to make their way

Literally the reason why

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not a single nigglet

Because they like to make the argument that the solution is "So obvious a child would know", implicating that anyone who doesn't agree is less intelligent than a 6 year old.

In reality however, it only points out that their views are so simpleminded that a child would agree with them. No such thing as a multifaceted problem or solution, it's just this thing and if you disagree you're stupid/bigoted/some word ending in -ist.

Because it is said Trump told the teacher "No terrorists, and no rapists".

then how is he in the picture?

trump's a pedophile and a rapist, he should NEVER be around kids. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There can be only one.

the question is, why is she categorically smarter than every republican in the US? what so catastrophically wrong? did republicans defund all of their states' education?

they seethe with hatred and jealousy for her, simply because she's so much smarter than them.

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100 is a negligible number. Show me the percentage on the lowest 1000 and I'll believe your gay little poster.

Why do adult rightist attack children to further their agenda?

Fighting children is fun. It's like Halo on easy mode, you get the experience but none of the danger

Because they think if you disagree with a child, you’re an evil nazi.

You forgot the moron conservative child radio hosts

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because it triggers right wingers.
got magapedes to make fun of an autistic child defend muh oil and muh fossilfules.


And fuck counties. Go by zip code to find the bottom, and see how many are in Democratic inner cities.

I heard she likes it up the bum

Never seen that before

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why is every dickbrained moron on this site obsessed with this stupid fucking retard?
so much sage

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If Donald Trump said the exact same words Greta Thunberg said, they'd be rallying behind him.

at least this ones living

still stings doesn't it kid?

this retarded

still mad about that election kid?

>implying the right doesn't

this retarded

this retarded

sure kid
this retarded

>I can't even keep track of my own convoluted thoughts, but I'm going to tell you what other people think.

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this retarded

this much of a loser

this retarded

this retarded

God do I wanna ride Greta's fat, smelly cock!

found the racist

this retarded

stay mad kid

stay mad kid

stay mad kid

stay mad kid

stay mad kid

stay mad kid

Unless your trolling, that buzzword means nothing here you stupid nigger faggot

this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

found the retarded racist
is that better for baby?

The right didn't prop the Covington students up. They were attacked by a homeless 'native' and were defended because they did nothing wrong.
Neck yourself.

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The left is basically saying "do what we say or children die"
Been doing it for years.

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Why do you make buttmad strawman arguments because you hate science OP?

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It was another ordinary day.
I just got off work and walked in my apartment where I live alone.
I sat down on my recliner in front of the tv.
On the tv was that stupid bitch telling us how we are ruining her dreams or whatever.
"God what a dumb bitch" I said.
"How dare you!!!" I heard from my closet.
I was startled but still got up to check who was in there.
I opened the closet and saw Greta in there.
"Oh I'm gonna have fun with you!" I exclaimed.
I grabbed her, threw her on my bed and proceeded to rip her clothes off, exposing her young body, small breasts and small penis.
I then started sucking him off.
He moaned and then shot loads of cum into my mouth.
"You've stolen my cum!" he exclaimed. "Now steal the rest of my virginity!"
I flipped him over and started penetrating his ass.
"How dare you! How dare you!" He moaned over and over until I climaxed, filling his ass with loads of my cum.
I rolled over next to him and we fell asleep into each other's arms.

leftists are generally marked by an inferiority complex, putting children in front of your words is just another way of shielding your immaturity, its just anecdote but most people in my life that have swung that way also identified heavily with children and "staying young at heart" when they really meant by this to say that they didn't have the courage to critically assess their own interpretations and opinions of the problems that they faced and the real elements at play within, effectively taking away the possibility to learn from their own mistakes and misgivings on circumstances they encounter leading themselves away from the possibility for maturation

His comics are terrible. He always has to explain them with text.