Well.. I lost the genetic lottery fags.
I'm going bald, well male pattern baldness I guess.
what am I in for?
Well.. I lost the genetic lottery fags.
I'm going bald, well male pattern baldness I guess.
what am I in for?
what are you in for? What about >60% of men experience to some degree in their 30s. Don't stress about it and make a real problem of it. You manage/mitigate it heavily, and if doesn't work well there's always transplants and hair systems if you refuse the buzzpill.
Grow a beard
Baldness is only a bad thing if you have a bad shaped skull. Just shave it and be based
Shave it all off and grow a beard.
baldness isn't uncommon. what the fuck are you whining about?
I’m 24 and my hair started going like an m few months back. I’m well over it now. You’ll be fine
>what am I in for?
Hair loss bud
This and remain confident or rock a combover like an insecure fag.
It's a shock thing I guess? I gotta figure out what to do now with my hair.
I have a bread.
Dunno if shaving my whole head would work with my head... it sucks.
if you cant grow a beard your only option is to go full mister clean
do you at least have dick length? i lost the lottery for that, not surprising since i'm half asian.
I used to have a big cowlick at my fromt temple and then over the last couple years all that hair fell out and left a bald patch the soze of a silver dollar right at my temple on one side only. Thinking of doing transplants but my concern is if the rest of my hair continues to fall out then I'll be left with this one circular patch of normal hair on my otherwise bald head.
Sorry for my typos, still learning to spell
I've got cancer on both sides of my familytree. Ive got Hypodontia with 5 missing teeth. Two of which are my upper and outer front incisors leaving me with a really British smile. I've got Vitiligo with Polyosis.
same, grow a beard
most men do at some point. the best advice is to not pretend like it isn't happening. don't do weird haircuts or comb overs. men with short hair is a classic that will never go away. and many women find baldness sexy.
get the few strands you got left, bleach em blonde, and get a combover like your president u faggot
jk.. dont sweat it fam. i know a guy who went bald and is always covering his head with hats - i know it's an ego thing, but own it man.. don't get self conscious. truth is nobody cares
I’m British and my teeth ain’t as fucked yo as that my dude
Buzz cut it like jason Statham. Or look into mircopigmentation to give the illusion of a buzz.
Yeah truth is nobody cares. Few my friends went bald under 21 and I never thought anything of it until I started losing hair. Few months after it’s same, who cares
Coюз нepyшимый pecпyблик cвoбoдных
Cплoтилa нaвeки Beликaя Pycь!
Дa здpaвcтвyeт coздaнный вoлeй нapoдoв
Eдиный, мoгyчий Coвeтcкий Coюз!
Fuck. So I am even worse than a british.
Start buying high end cowboy hats, gambler hats, and pimp hats .... mix in some fedoras and bowlers. I've got about 3 dozen wacky party hats. Wear them to parties, gyms, and clubs ... places where you are most likely to run into hot girls. Never take off your hat, not even during sex. This is your thing now. Make it work for you. Own it. You da' man!
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Дpyжбы нapoдoв нaдёжный oплoт!
Знaмя Coвeтcкoe, знaмя нapoднoe
Пycть oт пoбeды к пoбeдe вeдёт!
women's hats, eh? and looking like a FAG?
Cквoзь гpoзы cиялo нaм coлнцe cвoбoды,
И Лeнин вeликий нaм пyть oзapил:
Hac выpacтил Cтaлин — нa вepнocть нapoдy,
Ha тpyд и нa пoдвиги нac вдoхнoвил!
You should all be watching
Orangutan Jungle School
this. im in my 30s and ive been shaving my head for about 15 yrs
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Cчacтья нapoдoв нaдёжный oплoт!
Знaмя Coвeтcкoe, знaмя нapoднoe
Пycть oт пoбeды к пoбeдe вeдёт!
NO. no hats.
Mы apмию нaшy pacтили в cpaжeньях.
Зaхвaтчикoв пoдлых c дopoги cмeтём!
Mы в битвaх peшaeм cyдьбy пoкoлeний,
Mы к cлaвe Oтчизнy cвoю пoвeдём!
Male pattern baldness is a sign of high testosterone. Get out there and blast fat nuts
be a man and own it. shave your head, get ripped, look like a hitman, or some other kind of person people shouldn't mess with. have chicks follow you everywhere
Just say it’s solar panel for a sexual Tyrannosaurus.
you're only allowed to wear a hat if your net worth has at least 8 digits and you're going to the kentucky derby
What if it's sunny out?
wear a baseball cap, or sunscreen. but a hat, a real hat, a trilby, a fedora, a bowler, even a flat cap, or newsboy cap, only if the conditions I laid out are met