Bant fags ganging up on me. I went to the police but they pretty much told me to fuck off. 1/10

Bant fags ganging up on me. I went to the police but they pretty much told me to fuck off. 1/10

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Kill yourself


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Dont fuck with me

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>uses Sup Forums
>gets upset about people on Sup Forums talking to him the same way everyone here does to each other
>cries to Sup Forums about it

My guess is you're 15 years old at the most. Fuck off underage b&

I suffer from major depression disorder. I have lost many friends to suicide, and I know it’s never the answer...
Except for in your case. You should kill yourself.

Kill yourself you human trash. How does it feel to be such an abomination of a human being that you will never be loved? I feel sorry for you more than anything, your parents must have really fucked up badly. Despite feeling sorry for you, and knowing that you are not responsible for how fucked in the head you are (after all, you are simply just a product of your environment and genetics), I really do think it would be best for everyone if you were to commit suicide. You are clearly too far gone to be helped in any meaningful capacity.

what the fuck is this thread
>im being bullied please you guys pl;ease help im gonna kill myself

Suicide isn't funny idiots
I'm 20 you illiterate child
Nice paragraph neet

>i'm 20 you illiterate child
you're not 20, i don't believe that for a second. you're probably 12 to 15 at most. at MOST.

Yeah, if you're 20 years old and still acting like this, you really should kill yourself

OP here. That’s not nice. How would you feel if I actually killed myself huh?? You didn’t think of that did you? Think of all the wasted penises not bathing in my mouth. And all the throbbing big black cocks not violently thrusting my rectum. Thats right, think before you speak.

Kill yourself before you hit 21

kys faggot

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OP is a gigantic gash. KYS OP

You may have been allive for 20 years but it doesnt mean you've actually attained the maturity or life experience of even a 15 year old

fuckin do it already pussy

suicide is indeed not funny. no idea why everyone's ganging up on you. It's gay if u ask me


You wouldn't be the first to kill himself by Sup Forums, we don't care about our omw life ,why we should care about yours?

neck yourself virgin

you retarded niggerfaggots dont even read the full post

This place has jumped the shark, could tag posts with THIS IS BAIT and people would still sperg out. Neck yourselves.

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Hey retard, this isn’t reddit or discord where using “im so very sad and depressed” excuse works. A real man does something about it rather than complaining that Sup Forums needs to accommodate every retard with depression. The reason this site has managed to be good (unlike reddit or discord) is because faggotry like this is not tolerated. Please grow up.

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Hang yourself OP

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i'm not reading all those words but they're right and you should kill your self

After reading all
"Consequences will never be the same"

you need to calm the hell down when someone tells you to kys, its like youve never been insulted before and you cry if you do get insulted

Lol he made a thread saying he was going to kill himself

Kill yourself you autistic waste of space.