Girls that swallowed your cum

Girls that swallowed your cum

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Wow, she fine

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what do you want to know?

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Cumming into my sister yogurt from time to time.

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she prob knew

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Nah I know her. Who posted this

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she doesn't :)

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My gf has swallowed my cum over 500 times

What makes women crazy for cum?? Surely it’s horrible

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Only cock she's ever sucked. Thoughts?

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ur mom


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would you fuck her?

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So cute

just a slut I used to fuck

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Lets see her body

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Let’s see her body.

Shows legs and feet

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Ask her if she wants a second try. 10/10 would love forever

id pop on that face

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I never see her any more, I would love to see her sucking another cock.

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College hookup

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She spits it sadly

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what a waste.
she should be ashamed of herself

she's sexy

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Fuck more dude

Happy to share.

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She’s an angel

Any stories?

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Except for swallowing on her first and only blowjob, no.

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i know right. very enthusiastic. want more?

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This has got to be a good story. Let's hear it user.

Nice work OP, she's hot

Only? How come.

thats a dude

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I don't know kek, I didn't see her often then either.

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What? So how do you know she’s only swallowed your jizz

She prolly lied, bet she loves it and has people lining up

It's what she told me. You could be right, though.

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So did you fuck her? Cum inside?

I didn't fuck her, no.

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ALWAYS swallowed

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Friends gf

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she looks like she does

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woild love to gibe her my cum to swallow

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Fuck dude now I just feel sorry for you

What did you do? Her pussy or ass taste good man?

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Her pussy's good.

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